Everything posted by supernova
AT-ST drivers (non magnetic) for sale/trade
Yep I have 5 of these folks, looking for $8 or
Guys, don't worry about the gold C3P0
First one on bricklink but definitely not the 1st one found, or the first one on ebay. This guy has been buying out golden 3POs on ebay at <$250 a piece, and has bought several already. Crazy!!
Guys, don't worry about the gold C3P0
Initially I was optimistic about finding one of these cheap (meaning around the same price as Jango), but after some thought it might be much rarer than the number 10,000 suggests. A good estimate is that 50% of these would be locked up either in un-opened sets, or in some kid's chest of lego. I mean, if I were a 10-year-old kid and found one of these, I would rip it open and display/play with it, but not think of putting it on ebay. If my neighbour offers me $50 I might sell it, but let's face it, how likely do you find this "kid"? Moreover, Lego's target group is kids (Lego IS a kid's toy afterall, folks), so I believe the number is probably a good if not an underestimate. 15-20% will be kept by SW fans when they get the set and find it. I mean, I might sell a 2nd one, but I will certainly keep my 1st one. And the chances to find 2 are pretty rare :-) So that leaves ~30% or 3000 figs. The first 500 or so will sell at ridiculous prices. We have seen that happen already. The remaining 2000+ figs are demanded by lego and/or SW fans worldwide. I mean, if they (or we) can pay $60 for Jango, why can't we pay $120 for limited ed. 3PO? So I am pretty pessimistic about being able to find one at a decent (<$100) price myself. And I'm not sure if I'm willing to spend even that amount on one fig. Oh well.
The gold C3PO madness has begun
Heh they do. But very limited in what they have; slave Leia's the only good thing I found. There's also TONS of sandcrawlers/death star II in store at FAO schwarz, price is slightly marked up but if you want one and can't find it elsewhere it should be there :) But they should all be old stock :)
The gold C3PO madness has begun
I was in NY in april... TRU sells them for $54.99 + tax (urgh) But stock gets cleared REALLY quickly, so I suggest you ask call them up and ask when stock comes in so that you won't waste the trip :) PS: lots of yellow slave leias in build-a-minifig bin at FAOschwarz. 3 for $10! :-)
The gold C3PO madness has begun
I think if you buy from places that has a pretty quick turnover rate (e.g. TRU at NY city), you can be quite sure its new stock. And the ILC's a great model! (should get be able to get for cheaper on ebay tho X-D )
The gold C3PO madness has begun
Ok, here you go! ===> CLICKY Scroll down and you'll find Gooker1 saying "I emailed the guy and he said he bought the At St at Celebration IV", and I don't think he will lie about something as trivial as this :-) I'm presuming its a regular AT-ST 7657, but either way, that means its not just limited to the newer sets (which obviously hasn't hit US stores yet). PS: Didn't someone else post that he found a golden 3PO too when the C4 thread as active?
The gold C3PO madness has begun
Info sounds correct (at least as per Lego's description). I also know that the 1st C3PO found (the one in the open bag) is found in an AT-ST (not sure if its the UCS version or the regular version). Its in one of the posts somewhere (either here or FBTB), I can dig it up if you want :-D
The gold C3PO madness has begun
That's the same guy who bought it at $250 on ebay :-/ Hopefully more will be found soon, driving prices down *sweet*
Guys, don't worry about the gold C3P0
Firstly, the two points you raised are contradictory. How can it be that there's no way to tell what set contains more than others, and then at the same time the ILC has most C3POs?? >:-( Anyway, in case you haven't noticed, your credibility depends on the history of posts you make.
Guys, don't worry about the gold C3P0
In case people get confused, this is NOT plated gold. It is chrome gold in colour, like the chrome swords from castle or the chrome lightsaber hilts.
The gold C3PO madness has begun
The winning bidder is apparently owner of bricklink store e-Bricks. Check out the thread here: Linky
RE: Comments for 1 Yahoo Auction I won.
Just so you guys know, Yahoo! auctions and e-bay auctions in Singapore are run like a classifieds area. Most of the stuff are overpriced etc. Moreover, the seller is not charged any fee to list an auction, so they just list whatever they like, and what's supposed to matter is the wording. While I agree this is kind of a dodgy auction, there are worse ones out there, and since the seller doesn't pay yahoo! or ebay I don't think there's much customer service provided from these companies. The best you can do is to leave a negative feedback, but you should be expecting a retaliatory negative feedback at the very least. (and this is true for some auctions... sigh)
RE: Comments for 1 Yahoo Auction I won.
I agree. You see stuff like that on ebay as well. The picture doesn't always show what's described, if the description says otherwise then the description is always correct. PS: Just to let you know all the 4 ninjas shown are not the real deal. The torso and I believe the head as well as different from the legendary green ninja.
Lego Star Wars Spring/Summer 07
Hehe if what you said was true, it is completely NOT believable. Sorry dude, your story has to string better and not react only when facts are out. :-P
Lego Star Wars Spring/Summer 07
Yep. Check out the video 1st, think that's the best evidence :-)
What are you looking to get?
You've got PM(s) :-)
Lego Star Wars Spring/Summer 07
Guys, you might like this: K-3PO is IN the new hoth base :) This image is copied from the Toys R Us Catalog. Check out the video and catalog here. :-D *wub* PS: The photo looks photoshopped etc etc, but the source is from, so its reliable enough for me
LEGO at Celebration IV
Looks like its the last day of the celebrations already (well I guess its probably still morning in LA, but oh well).. Are we going to see the new sets 7665 and 7666 (and see if K3PO really exists)? Are we possibly going to get a glimpse of the AT-AT 10178? :-/
Heh I was actually trying to get together a city car over easter break but abandoned my plans last minute *wacko* I voted for the spyder. Its sooooo sweet *wub*
What are you looking to get?
- Looking for Lando from Cloud City
Yup... I am looking for this fig for quite a while, and will trade them for a (reasonable) combination of: - Kashyyyk troopers from 7261 Clone Turbo Tank - EP2 Clones - Gamorrean Guard/Lando from 6210 Sailbarge - Sand red battle droids/ Geonosians from 4478 Geonosian Fighter - Obi-wan from 7255 GG Chase etc Interested pls PM me. I am on the SSL on FBTB, and I have good ebay/bricklink/Classic-castle feedback *sweet*- Hello, How are you? Greetings from Singapore
- Hello, How are you? Greetings from Singapore
Hi Eugene, I am from Singapore (but am in UK currently) and I am part of the Singapore LUG, S0937FG. Would you be interested to join us :) The URL is PS: There's a Lego show 2-17 June at Centrepoint and the guys are setting stuff up on 1 June. PPS: I was watching the ninja auction you bidded for on ebay a couple of days ago hehehe :)- Miss Legoland Pageant (Part 5)
Queen Leonora for me :) That is, until I get hold of the new maidens :) - Looking for Lando from Cloud City
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