Everything posted by Jar Jar Bricks
Lego City 2019 - Rumours, Speculation and Discussion
I for one like the new space sets, I don’t think it should matter at all if it’s based on concept or reality, or if it belongs in the sci-fi or town/city designation. I just appreciate a good set
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
The funny thing is I normally find them in story’s on the day of release for far less that what LEGO S@H have them listed for. Which to me is is just confusing as you would normally think that it would be cheap from the source. But yes I think I will be waiting to find some discounts before I go getting all of these
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
Brick Ministry has a speed build of the new x-wing up on YouTube. I have to say it looks fantastic, the new wing mechanism works greats as well as additional rubber bands so that it doesn’t get as much warping of the wings. I think most of all I love the attention to detain on the back of the ship.
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
2018 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Not sure if this old news or not, but high res pictures of set 60204 City Hospital are making the rounds at the moment. Looks pretty darn good
- LEGO Ninjago 2018
Updating Your Minifigs
Now that’s a good idea! It’s not everyday you see a sand trooper based moc, probably due to the lack of a dirty officer uniform
- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
Future Star Wars Sets
Hopefully I speak for a lot of people with this. we demand more Rebels sets!!! With the show coming to an end next week we need something, anything! A small set to commemorate the overall awesomeness of the show. I’ll even settle for a polybag of Ezra in S3 outfit.
- [PRESS RELEASE] 75192 - UCS Millennium Falcon 2017
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Is there any long running Star Wars fan fictions that use Lego as a sort of visual aid? E.g. to convey the tone or discription of a plot point, character or setting.
Future Star Wars Minifigs
I feel like separatist characters are under appreciated in Lego, I'd love to see a what tambor but I guess Lego probs won't ever make the mould for it
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Any one else feel like attack of the clones hasn't been very well represented in the last couple of years, I know that in 2013 we got pretty much all the geonosian based sets and that is most of the vehicles from Ep2, but why release them all in one year? Why not space them out a bit? Besides what about obi-wans delta 7? Or even remakes of the coruscant chase scene and anakins speeder when he goes after shmi
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
[MOC] Coruscant speeder (with instructions)
I love it, the short video was awesome as well, very creative and. Also a Lego set that's long overdue for an official update
- LEGO Star Wars 2016 Pictures and Rumors
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Has there ever been a shmi skywalker mini fig?
- [MOC] First Order Speeder Bikes
Battle Packs - Better models?
I really like the idea of weapon crates and cover, I think the reason they haven't released a BP like that is because it would implie that the pack can only be used for defensive play set ups. Where as almost all BP's remane neutral in a way that they can be used for both assault & defence. (eg. FO turret defending starkiller base. Or, being deployed onto the battlefield as a quick set up assault position)
Future Star Wars Sets
Another ARC-170 would be awesome, always loved the design of that ship
Future Star Wars Sets
I know it's not the the best set ever but it's only been done once and there easily identifiable vehicles, personally I love anakins "borrowed" speeder. Plus Zam's only ever been in that set and so I really think that deserves an overhaul.
Future Star Wars Sets
I'd just love for TLG to remake 7133, with how good the designs are now the two Speeders could look really cool, plus who doesn't want another version of Zam Wesell! But I guess it's not the most interesting set for some people.
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