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About TheLordOfBricks

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    Besides Lego, I am a Christian and I love anything and everything Outdoors in God's creation (Rock Climbing, Backpacking, Hiking, Camping, and just chilling in a hammock.)


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  1. Hey hey! First time posting over in the pirate's forum, as I'm usually over posting in historic themes. This was a quick 2 day build that I did recently for a gift exchange with some friends. C&C welcome. :) To Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior be the glory!
  2. Frog Portal Build I finished yesterday! Inspired by a conversation with Simon Liu. Further description/explanation on the Flickr page. :)
  3. A collab with Carter displayed at BricksCascade 2024. Utopian post-apoc? Futuristic steampunk? Neo-classical sci-fi? We're still not sure what it is thematically, so that's why I'm posting in this theme on the forum. This build is 360° viewable, and the picture of the back can be viewed on Carter's alt account. Also, we were able to use 60 different LEGO colors in the build. (Including all the Sand colors!)
  4. Thanks Jim for the kind words! Yeah, it was a pleasant surprise to get a win! :)
  5. Well... Doesn't look like I'll finish in time, loved seeing all the builds though! Great work everyone. :)
  6. A collab for the Silhouette Category of the 2023 Summer Joust with Sean Mayo, Carter W, Eli Willsea, Micah Beideman and myself. Loosely based off of some concept art released with the announcement of Alto's Oddysey: The Lost City. Instead of making a 6 stud depth build myself, I thought it would be fun to have 6 builders build 1 stud depth "layers" and then compile them into one seamless image, and this is the result! The layers were built by the builders as follows: Dk Brown: Sean (Because Grant had to bail last minute) Reddish Brown: Me Dark Tan: Carter Sand Blue: Eli Medium Blue: Micah Medium Azure: Sean And now that I've dissed Grant for bailing last minute, I can also thank Grant for "breaking into" Eli's house and taking pictures of Eli's layer while Eli was out of town so that we could make it by the deadline! To Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior be the glory!
  7. Means a lot coming from you! Thanks Nico! Thanks much! :)
  8. Thanks all for the compliments and feedback! @GeoBrick, it's a little hard to see, but the two on the pillars underneath the large frog statues are in the flat silver color. Cheers!
  9. Haven't posted on Eurobricks since I was a TFOL and realized it was supposed to be an AFOL only site, hehe. Nonetheless, here we are! All 15 currently produced frog colors are in the build as well, although really only one or two could be considered "hidden". Enjoy!
  10. @de Gothia @Henjin_Quilones Really tough to vote for this round, I assume the finals will be even tougher... P.S. I think his username is Servertijd, not Severtijd. Small typo ;)
  11. Well done De Gothia! Best of luck man! My vote goes to @The Last of Nergoue. :)
  12. @Servertijd And I'll respect De Gothia's decision to not vote. Best of luck man!
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