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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I’m one of those people. You made me Bob The Goon. I will be making the fig soon. I have half a sheet ready to print. Looking for a few more to fill it up before I print it. Hello Iv got a few requests if anyone is interested? all dc hero's Star Spangled Kid Brainwave Jr Captain Nazi superboy prime Cluemaster mister terrific (Sloane version) ravager (Grant Wilson) Robin earth 2 batman version per degatron Dwafstar northwind Silver Scarb Fury hawkwoman hawkman thank you in advance
  2. Cool if it’s true about a dc cmf the tv show arrow finishes up in January and there is a 5 part arrow verse crossover over Christmas and new year. At a guess it could be characters from arrow, flash, legends,supergirl, Black Lightning & batwoman
  3. Did anyone ever do the Jokermobile from Batman 3 id love to build that or the new one from super villains
  4. Haha I’m such a idiot man. I did check the site but never clicked the thumb nail.
  5. Anyone know if xh262 has a dual face?
  6. It wasn’t the same fig on the poster also sy289 Look what I found on AliExpress https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32850146502/32850146502.html
  7. Black Adam hasnt either. Don’t think the trickster has been copied yet either would love that post op wade & Arkham deadshot
  8. Good luck! Iv ordered this set 3 times over the years and was sent 3 different sets each time. On a side note I can’t find the minecraft batman
  9. Check out this cool store on AliExpress http://s.aliexpress.com/IJv2q2ue this site has beetle steele n giganta. Ordered yesterday
  10. Yeah that’s 1st one I got. The ‘lady’ hips. Wonder what else they reprinted. Might take a gamble on a egg head to see if he’s brighter.
  11. I got the xinh supergirl recently(Just going to put lunas hairpiece on) and noticed the print on the torso is like lightning lad. Was the old xinh like this? The legs looked better than I’d seen in photos on aliexpress aswel.
  12. Found a seller on eBay selling sy186 in separates for £3.50 if anyone wants a link. He sells them with keychains but if u message him he won’t attach them. If anyone wants a link give me a shout. Just ordered 7 of the set.
  13. Is it not the same as the fig from the upcoming set with killer frost?
  14. The reverse flash is from a upcoming tlg set might want to cut the photos
  15. We need duck dodgers the green lantoon
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