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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thank you! It’s pretty difficult to move, so no plans to display it right now. I’ll probably have to find an extra large display case at some point. The piece count is around 25,000.
  2. Unfortunately, no single set of instructions exist. I had to make a bunch of general guideline files in Lego Brick Builder, and then things changed as I completed the build to keep everything structurally sound. Just realized I never posted the completed lifeboats. https://flic.kr/p/2nTAzrc https://flic.kr/p/2nTBuuC
  3. Almost done! I just finished the funnel and attached it to the ship. Now the only parts remaining are the lifeboats. Hopefully I can find the pieces I need. The lifeboats are not easy to build out of Lego pieces at 1:200 scale. https://flic.kr/p/2nMiasn https://flic.kr/p/2nMjj9A
  4. Another update. Here's the inside of the engine room at the top of the ship. It contains two LM2500+ GE Gas Turbines driving two more generators to power the ship. The exhaust stacks from the four diesel engines in the bottom of the ship are in front of those turbines.
  5. I'm finally working on the uppermost decks of the ship. The bridge is done. There's a few Lego trophy figures inside as crewmembers, but they're hard to see through the transparent block windows. I've also finished most of the balconies. You can see the main engine exhaust pipes sticking up through the top of the structure at midship.
  6. I took a short break from building Lego QM2 to build Lego Titanic. Lego made the Titanic in 1:200 scale too, so it's cool to be able to put them side by side to see what they would have looked like together in real life. The QM2 is a huge ship!
  7. I'm almost finished with the forward section of the decks. Here you can see the inside of the bridge. I need to get more transparent blocks to finish the windows before I can finish the top of the ship. I even included a gym on forward the promenade deck
  8. This set will go perfectly with my 1:200 scale QM2. I’m really excited they made interior details & designed it in 1:200 scale.
  9. Deck 7 is almost complete! I just need to finish the section near the bow. The build should progress faster now, because the decks above deck 7 have a much smaller footprint. You can see Lego Statue of Liberty (21042) in the background for scale. I'm using Lego minifigure statuettes/trophy figures to represent passengers/crew. They are approximately the correct scale. My kids also made some scale Lego dinosaurs because they love dinosaurs. You can see them near the bow.
  10. I hope to sail on Queen Mary II someday. It would be a great experience to travel on what will probably be the last ocean liner ever made.
  11. Small update to model. I've started building up Deck 7 of the ship (promenade deck). You can see the lifeboat cranes, stairs, elevator shafts, and main engine exhaust sticking up through deck 7 in this picture. This picture shows the main kitchen exhaust stacks on the left and the inflatable lifeboats and their cranes in the front center.
  12. Edwin Korstanje, what should we look closer at? I hope you're not trying to accuse me of using clone brands again. That is getting old and makes me a little angry.
  13. Another update. I finished decks 5-7 of the Queen Mary II model. I have 6 decks left to build. Here is a close-up of the auxiliary generators on deck 5 of the rear ship. Their exhausts exit at the rear of deck 6. and here is a close up of the Grand Lobby, looking in from the top of the 7th deck. You can see the grey exhaust stacks from the main engines beyond the opening.
  14. Still working on this project. I finished the bow up to Deck 7. I need to work on the stern next.
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