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Everything posted by Attika

  1. 42100 has 2 hubs, 7 motors and 4000+ parts for 450 42099 has 1 hub, 3 motors and 958 parts for 230 So for a bit more than half price you get less than one third of the stuff. Is it really the Liebherr we should be thinkering about? On the subject For me this excavator isn't one toy, but 4108 separatelly usable piece (of toy) that happend to come in a form of a mine machinery. But if some of these parts are ending up being built into my camera stand, they suddenly turn into a tool. So I dunno.
  2. I had doubts, you 've pooved me wrong. So business as usual. Nicely done.
  3. Cool project, I understand the frustration that drove you to get on with this. I'm one of those who didn't even bother to buy this set due to the problems you've listed and because it is too blue for me. Currently I'm working on a same size MOC and came across the same issue on spring strenght. I've been using one of my old developement from an unpublished MOC that was way lighter than this current one. Could not support the weight, so I redesigned it into a pushrod (like) setup. Took me about 5 hours to get it and that made me thinking if I could do it why TLG had to release the Chiron with the flawed design. Anyway, they know better. About the ride height adjustment First I appreciate it very much, however there is one thing I'd like to mention regarding this setup: If you are using one wormgear only then the angle of the two 24T gears will not be the same. There is a 7.5 (360/24/2) degree difference between the left and the right part due to the lack of symmetry of the wormger. It is minuscule, so I don't think it needs to be addressed as a problem. I was just gonna highlight the existance of this anomaly around the setup. I've been trying to use the same setup but with 8t gears around the wormgear and that resulted even bigger difference (22,5 degrees 360/8/2) what renered it useless for me at that time. It's great to see you started from scratch. Patching up a flawed design always gonna be a patched up flawed design, glad you didn't choose that.
  4. There is one of the three possible position when the axlehole in the hub and the wheel is almost aligned. If you put trough an axle (preferably a 3L with stop) and you apply a mild force to push it trough the wheel and into the hub, the tension is enough to keep the wheel on the hub. For non motorized model only of course.
  5. Well, the stuff wasn't always like that. Let me give you an idea how this model started it's life about six years ago: No doors No 4 wheel drive No 4 wheel steering No nothing Look at that chassis from below! Man, I had a lot to learn... The only thing common in the final model and this poor thing is the seats. Those were kept more less the same. I'm sure you can do better then this.
  6. It's cute, I love it! I like the way you connected the motors and the rear axle. Are you planning to make a video at all?
  7. @brunojj1 Thank you, the fact that you have built it is the best chistmass prezi I could wish for. Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
  8. Hi and welcome. I'm glad you are doing modifications, it's the best way to learn the way into making your own design. Pictures will be welcome indeed, easier to discuss the given subject, however the last thing you need right now is dozens of strangers telling you how to do your build.... Keep on building mate! What sets you've bought by the way?
  9. I've just seen this machine for first time and I'm amazed. Kudos to you. And it isn' just the build what makes me tip my hat, but the ideas behind the functions as well. Best of luck with it.
  10. No problem. I make sure @1963maniac get the well deserved cut from the acknowledgment. You're very welcome. I'm glad this MOC raised such a long lasting interest in the community.
  11. That rod system you've used there is remarkable. Gave me a lightbulb moment when I had to sweat out a 5+R 4wd gearbox with transfercase. I'll post it in the gearbox topic in the near future. Thanks for the idea @Rudivdk The render made by @1963maniac.
  12. Wow, thank you very much and I'm speaking for @1963maniac as well.
  13. There was a problem with special characters in the title, causing the problem. Don't forget to post a pic if it's built. Thanks for the nice words.
  14. Changed the filename, hopefully it will last longer now: https://bricksafe.com/files/Attika77/8880-evo-tribute-model/Attika_s_8880_EV_Tribute_by_1963maniac.pdf @Milan or @Jim could you please update the HOF link. Sorry for exercising you on a saturday. Thanks
  15. I'm working on it, On my own bricksafe if I 'm clicking on the pdf anf the same message comes up. I have no idea what can I do
  16. I get your point. Having the first instruction out I'm in lack of experience on this. Looking forward to see the pictures. Let just not forget those first steps you've made with the lxf. I'm sure it played a big role to get to this point. So this is on you too.
  17. And you've fixed the orientation of the tyres too. OCD, isn't it?
  18. Might be important. There was a bug around tyre sizes in the instructions. It is fixed and updated on Bricksafe It won't buy me a private jet, so what's the point to rip off fellow nerds? Or is it just me?
  19. You first build it, then praise it. You are a perfectionist, don't forget that. In fact I'm shaking in advance from what you will say. I'm glad @1963maniac took this challenge. It really is a proper BI as it should be.
  20. Yep, the partlist what was posted recently is the final. BI coming this evening.
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