Everything posted by THE-FORCE
10 Things to spot in the Clone Wars
She is born in year 36 B(efore)B(attle of)Y(avin). See: Ahsoka Tano's Profile on Star Wars Wiki Greets, The-Force!
10 Things to spot in the Clone Wars
This is brillant: Also some info about the Republic Gunships decoration and pics and info of the Senate Commando's! Enjoy! Greets, The-Force!
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I like it! And I think it's real because it really has a kind of real LEGO(I mean no MOC) thing, I also think there might be more figs inside the. It also has the LEGO pic blurr, what most LEGO pics(I mean before LEGO have released the pics themselves) have. Look at it, think of it, LOVE IT! Greets, The-Force! PS: I can be wrong. And PPS: I'm talking about the Venator.
Sorry, founded couple of days ago. Greets, The Force!
New 2009 sets(all)
Those new LEGO City sets looks like one of my ideas, when we got a chance to think something for 2009 City. Greets, The Force!
2008 Picture thread
The Pirate Tank is indeed from the Clone Wars. It will be visible in the episode of 2 januari. Greets, The Force. PS: Look at the preview of that episode, you'll see it...
Which Jedi, Sith or other do you want the most?
I want Ki Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti and Aayla Secura. But I really want almost every Jedi I know! Is already released, and Eith Koth is spelled Eeth, but I don't mind. Greets, The Force!
Clone Wars Episode Wishlist
I would like to see more Jedi stories (and more Jedi!), but these are still running, I mean ep.Rookies went about Yoda, in Ep.The Lair of Greivous went about Nadar and Kit Fisto. I would also like to see more Clone Commanders and special clone troopers. Also more sorts of droids. Greets, The Force. PS: I argee, another bad guy and more bounty hunters.
2008 Picture thread
That Ebay guy is saying that there are 4 super battle droids in the set, he say is in Q&A.
My Free LEGO has arrived!
How can you get this?
007 minifigs
Now that's a beauty!! Might send a "nice and polite" message with my next order. Already was thinking placing another order...
007 minifigs
It has to do with this: Gamer said: I hope that lego will soon think to make James Bond sets.
007 minifigs
They won't make a 007 theme, sorry, I mailed LEGO about years ago. I think Agents is the replacement.
Mystery FREE Raffle!
Count me in!
Medieval II: Total War
It is at Gamershell: The Demo at Gamershell Just played it, very nice!! And oh yeah don't need the demo link anymore. Greets, The-Force!
Medieval II: Total War
Anyone got a demo link? Sounds awesome!!
The 2009 Pirate LEGO
I would also like to see a review! Already thanks! Greets, The-Force!
What New Themes or Sets would you like TLG to make?
I agree, that would be awesome, Avada Kadavra, Crucio! I would like to see Torchwood, BMW, Porsche, Thunderbirds and perhaps "perhaps" James Bond although there is already Agents. Greets, The-Force!
2008 Picture thread
What is the 2009 Battle Pack Gold Helmet Clone doing there? Behind Ashoka and the Droid Commander. That clone isn't released yet! Is that pic taken on LEGO World? @Commader Kitten: that's Sebulba. Greets, The-Force!
LEGO Soulcalibur
I love'em, I can't say anything else. I don't even now Soulcalibur. Make more! Greets, The-Force!
The newest commercial
Saw it on TV. Very funny! Greets, The-Force!
2009 Battle Pack Clones?
The other clone is a pilot from the Shadow Squadron, as you can see in the third episode of The Clone Wars TV series(2008). I can be wrong. Greets, The-Force!
Order 66: Assassination v2
Bloody brilliant, excellent explosion! Please continue with more of those explosions! Greets, The-Force!
[Comic] 222nd Legion Chronicles - Arrival on Helioscaunt
Very good, keep going ! BUT... why does Plo Koon have his lightsaber out IN the Republic Gunship and in an ally city when there are no enemies? Greets, The-Force! PS: I like the name, Helioscaunt!
2009 minifig wishlist!
I want so many minifigures, I just can't think of them. But Darkrebellion, there is already a Lobot figure.
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