Everything posted by jemakrol
Classic Space Era Spaceship Contest - Voting thread
L-S2S Shuttle - o0ger Solar Surveyor - The Librarian LL929 Galactic Interceptor - legoalbert
[MOC] UCS A-Wing
My first version, as proposed by Anio - but since I don't want to use paint, with replacement colors where the painted pieces would go. Most of them ok, but I was not happy with the LBG behind the cockpit. I ordered two more of the 12 x 3 slopes in correct color, looks much better imho. Now comes the problem with the 'bump' behind the cockpit but that is rather easy to solve too. Looking at reference material that bump looks a little different on various pics so artistic freedom should be ok. But... I lack the pieces to do it, so I have to do another order for those (whenever that might be, I'll not order them alone but with future orders for other projects). In the meantime I will have the A-wing on display without the bump. A question: In the stickers intended for the plate, the fact sheet says "Manufacturer Incom Corporation" but I can only find fan sites that states that manufacturer is Kuat Systems Engineering. What source is it that says Incom? It really doesn't matter to me, I'm just curious, that's all. I will also replace the white parts on the cannons with all LBG to get it a more consistent look (I was just to cheap to get the white ones that are expensive but it looks awful with alternating colors)
[MOC] 1400mm X-wing
This has to be the most awesome Lego project I've ever seen. The attention to detail is simply out of this world! I've dreamt about doing the X-wing in this size with landing gear and all. Now I can't wait to see you progress with this one! The whole SW-universe is filled with things that are made to look good in the movies, but does not have a design intended to be functional or even realistic (dimension wise, placement wise etc etc). Just trying to make this X-wing work with respect to that is a feat by itself!
[MOC] UCS A-Wing
Yeah Anio, the design is brilliant! So happy with my A-wing. Which is, or so it seems, in the same scale that the UCS Snowspeeder which I also have. That is rather cool! Not sure we have Brasso in Sweden but I am sure we have equivalent stuff. Just have to find out closest match. Tried Jif/vim/cif on a broken white torso. That worked fine actually but I wouldn't dare trying that on a transparent piece since. I'll get back with some pics of my build too!
[MOC] UCS A-Wing
Old thread but I just finished my A-wing today, as designed by Anio. I just loved the build, really fun! I refuse to paint any parts so I switched colors that seemed to work with the color scheme over all. Pretty happy with the result, part from the LBG wedges behind the cockpit (that is painted red in Anios model). LBG there does not work very well. Those wedges come in rather limited color variations. However, I do have a plan! I think I want to build my way around it by using two additional longer dark red wedges (the very same that is used in the model!). This will extend the curve with two studs towards the cockpit, making the attach point for the vertical center curved slope/fin just behind the cockpit a problem. But I think I have an idea. That way, the whole area behind the cockpit can be dar k red without paint. I'll give it a try anyway, to see if it works out visually. The pointy wedges used in front most on the sides that are painted white are not released in many colors and hard to replace. But those I got in LBG/DBG mix works good enough for me. The round macaroni parts I'll keep in DBG, works just fine. Actually, I used a LBG wheel too, instead of the red since it was too damn expensive. The other possible area where a solution using other parts can solve color issue is the back of the "wings" where those big megablocks slopes (two wide) are painted white. I used Dark Red and it works fine as it is. But if I do wanna go white, I think it is possible to get a rater ok curve using other parts. Not sure I will pursue this though, since the red really works good. Another replacement I did was to use another transparent color for engines since the blue was very expensive. Nevertheless, amazing model and superb instructions too. Really, really impressive. And the model is huge! I love it. Great work Anio and big thanks for sharing/selling the instructions. /Jens Oh. Brasso, dunno if we have it in sweden, but how does it affect the transparent part? I think I'm gonna take away the print but I hesitate.
Oh no, another T65 x-wing!
Agreed. So much that could have been done better on both UCS models, even though I fell that Red Five is slightly better. The small engines is one of the most annoying thing imho, but nose section too. However, when the first one came back in -00 it was sure a big leap forward and a dream come true for a SW-enthusiast like me. But much have happened since then. I think you've done a great job, especially considering the scale! By the way, have you seen the models of the X-wing(s) that Robert Lundmark has done?
Oh no, another T65 x-wing!
Sweet! I have the official T70's and think any official version of the T65 is not good enough to sit next to the T70's (that is rather well made!). This MOC is what the T65 should have been in this scale, nothing less. Well done indeed! It's pretty much the smaller scale's opposite to the Red Five version of UCS X-wing - things made right, so to speak.
[MOC] Millennium Falcon (40th Anniversary)
This is truly awesome! Having just finished 10179 and having the smaller version of the MF I cannot praise this MOC enough. It has everything the official sets lack, and it is beautifully made! It is a rather good MOC if it puts the legendary UCS 10179 to shame, I mean. :) Well done!
- [REVIEW] 75149: Resistance X-Wing Fighter
- X-Wings
[BL] 10179 Milennium Falcon - with a twist
So. Everything must come to an end, and now have this. Or at least for the time being. I've finished the build and all I can say is: it's friggin' awesome! There are a few things that clearly belongs to a set of 2007 and that probably would have been done differently today. But if rumours prove true, we'll just see what they do with that new version of the UCS MF. Otherwise, I might return to my own MF and do some mods on the things I found... not perfect. Those parts of the build includes: cockpit, rear with those boat mast thingys and the lack of interiour. Head over to my flickr album - if you're interested in the build process. I also wrote a review, but in Swedish, with the angle that this is a ten year old set and what comes (and not comes) with that. I won't post that here though, since it is in Swedish.
- [MOD] 10134 UCS Y-Wing refresh
[BL] 10179 Milennium Falcon - with a twist
Hehe. thx mate. Agreed, it's a fantastic build. I'm in awe. Worth every hour of preparation and penny.
[BL] 10179 Milennium Falcon - with a twist
Well. I got all pieces. I was about to sort them. Did that. Then something inevitable happened. I started build the set, despite that I had said build start would be *after* July and the upcoming move to a new house. It was, as it turned out, quite impossible not to start putting pieces together. :D :D My challenges so far in the build: kittens with ninja skills, megablocks (yep, you read correctly!), knife+lego (yep again) and logistics problems. Read more at image captions of my flickr album, if you want. My UCS 10179 Flickr Album: All I can say so far: this thing is a f-n beast! <3 On top of that, putting it together it's a trip of pure happiness! The set is an artwork by all standards!
[BL] 10179 Milennium Falcon - with a twist
So I'm basically there. After almost a year of sporadic bricklinking, I am two incoming orders and three missing pieces away from all pieces. Feels unreal somehow. Two years ago, I thought 10134 Y-Wing was beyond what I was capable of getting, now I have the 10179 MF. Now to next problem. No place to build it. No time either, until late July. Poor me :) ;) Oh. Those boat mast riggings... I will skip them. Original ones are just way off the chart in price. And custom made, while affordable, does not quite cut it. I think the rear of the 10179 can be done better than using the grid of those mast riggings. Feels so... last decade, there has to be better ways of doing it. Have seen MODs that do this quite beautifully, with and without lightning. I want to make my own solution, but that will come when the set is complete, no hurry. Next Bricklinkproject is already on its way (50% pieces collected). I will pause from SW and do a technic MOC. :D Then I will build @Anio's beatiful and megablocks-kicking A-wing.
[MOC] 1400mm X-wing
WOW! This is a must-follow! Impressive work so far!
[MOC] UCS A-Wing
Well, I couldn't resist buying the instructions so here I go.... :) I will, however, not start for real until after summer since I have much to finish before that, new house and a 10179 among other things. I'll pop back here and say hi when I start building this wonderful MOC.
[MOC] UCS A-Wing
I was thinking of doing a MOC of the A-wing after I'm done with the MF but when I found this I realize it's hard to do it better. Excellent design, I'm very impressed. Next stop - the plans, for sure. :) Thanks for sharing!
[REVIEW] 75144 - UCS Snowspeeder
Just ordered the speeder and thought exactly this. It is over priced (obviously didn't scare me off though). Less pieces and weight than Slave-1 and yet a higher price tag. That pisses me off a bit, but I'd take a well designed but over priced SHIP any day rather than that Hoth failure. I do not know what they were thinking with that one. Well. Done is done and it's payed so now it's just a matter of waiting for it to arrive and to build it, in due time. :D Great review Jim!
[BL] 10179 Milennium Falcon - with a twist
Glad to hear you made it though, but I can understand your frustration. For me, collecting the parts is (thanks to my nerdy sheets) is part of the fun. But it's more of a construct on my part, to make that wait bearable. I've collected parts for a year now, so patience is of essence I'm afraid. For me it's a pure economical solution, I cannot afford to spare all that money for one purchase. So, If I need to save money for it, I might as well buy parts for it when I do and collect them, making wait somewhat less frustrating. The display issue is not yet solved on my part, hehe.I have no room for it, nor all other cool sets I already have, but who cares? I want it! :D There IS a rather clever way of display it a couple of friends of mine have used - it is certainly an option for me: The first one is solved by using a guitar wall mount - only some minor adjustments to the model is needed. The second using a wall mount for TV, obviously. Might be a little more tricky but the cool factor is significant :)
[BL] 10179 Milennium Falcon - with a twist
In a period of much stress IRL and haven't had time to think much about my MF. Still, an order here, some pieces there and the piece count will be 3/4 of total any day now. :) My Google Sheets 'app' has been updated and can now get Bricklink average prices for all pieces, which is really handy for me as I try to keep cost at a minimum. I wanted to spot the lots that push prices up. The expensive parts are easy to spot, but the ones that are neither cheap or expensive but come in large amounts tend to push price up quite a bit. Finding alternatives for those is a challenge and cost saving opportunity. Why spend time on a silly google sheet? Well, since I cannot afford to buy all pieces at once but rather take time to collect them, I might as well do some fun things while waiting for the time I can build. And since all Lego is packed due to moving to a new house I cannot enjoy the Lego. Might as well use my programming skills to make the wait for my MF parts more fun. :)
[BL] 10179 Milennium Falcon - with a twist
This is basically how I work. Not shown: export feature to Bricklink.
- [WIP][MOC] red 5 X-wing
[PRESS RELEASE] 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon
That is pure evil! :)
[BL] 10179 Milennium Falcon - with a twist
A couple of pics. First one is my first "big" order and the last one using pen and paper. I realized that it was not a good way to count and hurried up the docs I had started to automate the process. Second pic is a couple of small orders but now I use my Google Sheets to get goin'. :) /J
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