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TOYS R US Files for Bankruptcy
Being in the know (I work for them in management) The stores are not closing. After evaluation some non profitable stores may close eventually years down the road but the company will be very much alive. TRU is actually better now than before as we actually have money in the bank now. The stores actually make a profit. The problem is the company that bought TRU in 2005 ish used the stores as collateral and owed the bank $4 billion. They have only been paying interest this whole time so something had to be done. Also all customer programs are operating normally. And in regards to the rewards not allowing Lego, it is usually the vendor that decides those things not TRU. Eventually once the filing is complete we'll be able to see what the next course of action will be.
How do you display your Lego sets?
I used to have shelves/bookcases in my room for lego sets and would rotate sets, now I have taken over the computer room. I pulled out the corner of my "L" desk (so its split into two smaller desks) and put half in my room for the computer and the other half is being used as a building table while I finish building the last few sets i have left then it will be used for display. So now the computer room has 4 shelves/bookcases, 2 4ft by 2.5ft tables, and the half of the computer "L" desk, and no computer. That room is full of all space lego sets and some technic, creator and such too. My room has one shelf/bookcase that will hold my aquazone/atlantis sets, if I buy more lego I'm not sure where i'll put it. So far no new 2011 sets are "must haves" for me yet and only a few (like atlantis drill sub and new theme Alien Conquest) have me interested slightly. So I'm okay for now.
How open are you about your Lego passion?
well apparently its for guys to pickup girls and girls to dance and maybe pickup guys according to my younger bro (he is 23, i am 25) there really is not a place to sit unless you have a table reserved which means you bought at least one bottle, living in sin city Las Vegas means clubs are everywhere, never been clubbing, i would much rather take the motorcycle out for a ride or build some Lego or swoosh around a Lego spaceship i'm not really open about the hobby, though a few trusted friends know i collect Lego and see no problem with it
in the particular article of brick journal where it talks about classic space, and space police 3, it also talks about how this "seatron" or "underwater space" was sort of scrapped and elements of it used to create the original aquazone
i believe that became what is aquazone with the aquanauts and aquasharks
2010 Train Sets
just curious, the size of the new cargo train/ track this should work with say 4537-1: Octan Twin Tank Rail Tanker, 4549-1: Container Double Stack, and 10170-1: TTX Intermodal Double-Stack Car right? I'm sure the actual size of some of the cars with others may be unequal but it should all run on the track right? Its been ages since i sold all of my trains, now i might just get the new cargo train, gotta have something besides space.
- City 2010
Bluebrick Layout Software
cool, i always liked the blacktron 2 landing plate.
Bluebrick Layout Software
that's really neat, i just recently in the past few months got rid of most of my town stuff to complete my space collection, if only i had the space and base plates to utilize this (money to buy said base plates would help too) i'm terrible with computers but would welcome the addition of some space base plates like the blacktron2 ones and the classic landing pads.
Space Police 2009!
went to tru (in las vegas, nv) to get squidman's escape they also have the enforcer(one) and the pitstop (also just one) no k9 though hopefully my enforcer gets here (from lego) soon and i did not see the transport
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
don't know if it has been mentioned already but i went to tru in las vegas, nv to get squidman's escape and saw both the command rig and underground mining station (sorry no pics of boxes and such) the boxes are basically the same size didn't look for the other yet to be released power miner sets
Space Police 2009!
just got an email they are sending out the enforcer and said to keep the indy set lets hope that with just one item to pack its the right one the wait is killing me
Space Police 2009!
that would be true but i ordered hyperspeed, the creator set and the galactic enforcer , so instead of getting the three sets i ordered i got two and one that was lesser value than the third (enforcer) i ordered, so you pay for hyperspeed ($50) + creator set($40) + enforcer($100), you get hyperspeed($50) + creator set($40) + indy set($50) i'm out $50 that should explain why i'm not happy with the situation if lego says to keep the indy set and they will send out the enforcer then yes free set but i think they will want it back before they can send out the set i was supposed to get with the other two on a more positive note hyperspeed: the bladerunner-esque "cop car" is sweet and the twins car is neat too; Fiery legend: the main dragon is cool (will probably build the oriental dragon too)and the light brick is wicked bright sorry if it seems i'm ranting, gotta go watch the U.S. MotoGp from Laguna Seca -indyj19 oops Erdbeereis beat me to it
Space Police 2009!
if you are referring to my post about getting fighter plane attack instead of the galactic enforcer then i don't get how getting the wrong set and one that is half the price of the galactic enforcer is a good deal (you pay $100 usd for a space ship and get a $50 indy set instead, so you are out $50 and the spaceship) I will be calling lego shop@home and they will be getting quite a talking to, especially since it was available when i ordered it and now its on back order if you are being sarcastic then okay that makes sense if you are referring to something else entirely then disregard this post
Review: Gold Minifig Keychain
mine was just thrown in the shipping box, wrapped in tissue paper (barely)
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