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Professor Thaum

Pirate Moderator
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Everything posted by Professor Thaum

  1. Very nice one. Everything is very inspiring, the sewer like, the vertical access tunnel, the story. a for me
  2. Mid rim, Sector Lantillies, Phaseera, somewhere on a rocky shelf overlooking the jungle WOOOOOSHHHH WOOOOOOOOOOSH Koko : I still have the beacon on my screen, we're heading straight for it. And a patrol is already waiting for us there Raint : I really don't see why they sent us reinforcements. This wreck is so old that we don't have much chance of finding any more looters there, and I don't see what danger this planet could pose to us from the local fauna. Anyway, if there's danger, I prefer to handle it myself. Koko : Thus or it. C&C welcome as usual. To render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's : credit to @Bob De Quatre for the speeder bike, an old memory of Andromeda Gates if I'm correct. Not a full copy but strongly inspired.
  3. @Operacion Saturno : could you please stuff a little bit this huge picture and the title (at least).
  4. Welcome to the show @J2Red
  5. Big K , sector Terr'skiar Later, Lord Krakoo Kaas had a more private party with old friends. Abehir Zanier, a Harch specialist of cost-effective workforce for the Mining Guild and much-touted esclavagist. Captain Groahgrgn, a karkarodon pilot, smuggler and blockade runner, very useful when it comes to deliver profitable goods ( precious ore free of custom fees or cost-effective workforce without immigration authorities visa ) Now head of a flourishing space transport company. Iban Alhazred, a givin statistician for the Mining Guild, well known for his work about the life expectancy/profitability ratio. He was awarded the Damask price by the InterGalactic Banking Clan for that. Very little is known about the celegian, but he is an old friend of Lord Krakoo Kaas. Second entry cat B for me.
  6. Onboard the Big K, Terr'skiar Sector. K. Kaas : Oh dear, what's this. Droid : OH OH OH, I'm XM 01 your new festive protocol droid for the party. K. Kaas : A protocol droid !? With a huge piece ? And this dressing-up ! XM 1 : Your droid Kobalt model 00 insisted on a little bit security, for your safety. K. Kaas : For my safety !? Inside my own cruiser ? OK nevermind, there is no presents in the hood, I suppose ? XM 1 : Frags rockets, for security sake. K. Kaas : No kidding. XM 1 : Your first guest, director Hagen, executive of the Mining Guild for the sector. XM 1 : The legate Ezzrair from Rorgam XM 1 : Oggll from Ruusan XM 1 : And the commodore Hogan from the sector Fleet **** This is my entry for Cat B.
  7. HEY Danny ! Happy New Year ! What a nice surprise to have you back in the bricks ! How do you do ? I hope you are well You're more than welcome especially for the Mercs.
  8. FYI if needed for one of your build, Callaghan is the eternal Sith officer minifig ( sw1076)... 
  9. Soon after releasing Callaghan's shuttle, the Big K jumped into hyperspace, heading to Terr'skiar, the Imperial Moff Kaas having a Life Day celebration to organize. The Big K meeting Room Mridjett and his team are ready to get down to work The droids and Gurney starts the artwork. And after a while, everything is almost ready. Gurney has just to dress this wonderful Syren from Kashyyyk with guarland. Mridjett will be back later to be sure everything is set. **** A few moments later : There's an upside down crate lying on the floor, and not a trace of this lazy Gurney ! The droids brought the table and some appetizer and removed the crate. Mridjett is satisfied, Lord Krakoo Kaas can see his guests very soon. C&C welcome, there's my contribution to the Life Day contest. Entry cat. A
  10. Trellen system, onboard the Big K : So, what about the meeting at castle Vonreg, Your Imperial Moffness ? : Enough with the boasting, Callaghan ! And I have no time to waste with some huffers discussing the future of the Empire. You will represent myself on Acorvus. No doubt you are the best choice ever. You're mastering all the requirements for such a conference ! I certainly won't send the Emperor there, he's damned to screw everything up and to get us more troubles than before the meeting. : I prefered when I only was a simple Atlantis Mercy Mission guard. : Remember, water under the bridges. Later, a commuter 4000 shuttle left the Big K, heading to Castle Vonreg. : Shuttle FedEx to control, inform Acorvus that director Callaghan, Moff Krakoo Kaas' Special Envoy will attend the meeting. We are now taking the Hydian Way, over. C&C welcome, sorry for posting only a short build for the meeting, but I'm not at ease with health at the moment. Some bonus shot of the shuttle under the spoiler
  11. Aw, my young years, with a nice touch of update thanks for this wonderful figbarf you and me both
  12. This crew figbarf is as great as the ship, special mention for the balloon
  13. Wonderful ship matey ! The tops are gorgeous ! The shaping is very nice too...
  14. I was joking matey don't worry
  15. Wonderful work my friend ! That's a gorgeous one. The statues and the architectural details are really great, and that lava Thumbs up !
  16. Mmmmmh. What do you mean ? Should I take this as a personal attack ?
  17. Yuck ! what the hell is going on ? The Dark Side will "celebrate" this folk ineptitude with huge blow of chainsaw
  18. I will borrow this ingenious tip to build a cruiser deck. very helpful Can't wait to see the following of the story of that mysterious Mnggal-Mnggal
  19. Not even a Sith Lightsaber relic, stupid'o me ! I missed my chance again !
  20. Mid Rim, Sector Lantillies, Phaseera, somewhere in the jungle. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH ! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP ! : Hurry guys, we are late, the shuttle is still landed ! : Tree ! Left !!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOSH !!! : WOW that was too close ! C&C welcome as usual Bonus under spoiler
  21. I will decline all the Sith lords, 1 relic could count only once. Next will be the one of another Sith Lord
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