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Professor Thaum

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Everything posted by Professor Thaum

  1. A digital build coming to life in real bricks ! What a nice continuation of the thread ! Thumb up mate ! Gorgeous !
  2. Very impressive ! The first shot is gorgeous... and that helmet/cockpit ! omg ! The whole mecha himself is a piece of art
  3. @Grand Admiral Thrawn : try this if you are eager to join the Dark Side, please let me know
  4. Professor Thaum replied to KotZ's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Very nice dio of the prison-facility from the Andor Serie...
  5. You bloody heretic ! Rot in Hell !
  6. I will not comment about your ugly fleshy figs 😁 There are plenty of cool yellow-skinned figs to build on any lego store you enter
  7. In fact what happened to the trooper and to the swamp creature (and to the swamp vegetation, though not easy to notice), is that Raint felt that the staff was dedicated to powers linked to the living, so he tried to pull the living to him rather than try a Force duel with his master to catch the staff. With the staff he drawn the trooper, the swamp creature and the vegetation too... Koko as a droid was unaffected, and K. Kaas is still too powerful for Raint. The light saber was resheated. The eyeball was a surprised swamp creature... already there in the 1st pic a bonus pic of the creature :
  8. *Your entry has earned 14 XP (S:5, T:4.5, A:4.5) Mokk IX - Inner rim territories - Airon sector. Imperial labor camp, a gateway over the swamps. Raint : Master, just a question : you never seemed to like to be up in lights, right ? Supreme Moff Krakoo Kaas : Keep going... Raint : But you carry this staff like a sceptre since you were "appointed" a Moff... Should I conclude that this is much more ? Linked to the Force maybe ? S M K K : At last, Raint ! I was about to get desperate... What do you know about the Hundred-Year Darkness ? Raint : Which led to the creation of the Sith Order ? S M K K : This ! Raint : A group of rogue Jedi, heirs of the Legions of Lettow fighted against the Jedi Order. A wars which lasted a hundred years. The dark Jedi were finally defeated on Corbos. And the leaders were exiled in unknown space, were they found the Sith world. Among them were Ajunta Pall, Sorzus Syn, Karness Muur, Romulus Dreypa and Xoxaan... S M K K : True ! This staff was created by XoXaan. Raint : Wow ! Is her spirit trapped inside ? S M K K : No ! Her spirit is elsewhere, but what a knowledge to achieve through her work. However, this staff has some interesting powers for your studies... In fact, I brought this staff for you, Raint... provided you can take it from me ! SHHHZXXXZZT ! S M K K : Raint, your impatience, your impulsiveness and agressivity will make you a very skilled duellist for sure... But you won't even have a chance to approach if you choose this way ! This is all about Force Mastery ! Not a duel ! Feel the staff ! Raint : It's all about the living ? S M K K : Use it ! Trooper : Gasp ! S M K K : I love your idea to rely on the living... very impressive S M K K : Use this staff wisely. C&C welcome as usual.
  9. Are you sure that Wesbert is the evil one ? Are you sure that both of the twin do not share the same goal ?
  10. Hilarious slow motion and story... Can't wait to discover the real vilain !
  11. Pontelli's scientists are born-flyers. See the chapter 2 of this AMRCA here :
  12. What a lovely MOC ! Very nice. Noticed, the waterfall and some great flowers
  13. Very nice pod. Cool diorama. I love the delivery bot, it made me laugh
  14. I love all of those details on the frame and in the inside, well done !
  15. I usually forget the red tape too, don't worry
  16. The pics was to show an example for Satsok... I personnaly based my MOC on this F Zero Racer :
  17. yeah, this is a contest about Riot Racing Some of the pod used looks like small ships looks like this :
  18. The broken reddish brown part is really nicely used. I keep some for hat kind of purpose. The base for the house is a masterpiece (angle, layers)
  19. So you will need to sell your own wife... hum, bad example, as I would be glad to offer mine in this case... A class 3 ship is worth 200 DBs
  20. *Your entry has earned 16 XP (S:5, T:5, A:6) The Klystron Pulsar was elaborated by Raint Damahd and it is said that he have the project to create many new ties model. Credits to Tim Goddard for the original design and use of the Nexogon for the platform, however I have it simplified, it was too complicated, too frail,and too much special parts (a kind of show off). Credits to @Horlack Bricks for his container design with the nexogon, the sturdy concept helped a lot to strengthen the build and to maintain the add-on to the original Tim Goddard work .
  21. *Your entry has earned 14 XP (S:5, T:5, A:4) The Klystron Pulsar was first tested on the barren plains of Ruul before being validate for the Coachelle Prime Podrace. All about magnetic technology, this speeder is swift, very fast, with a strong defense thanks to the intense magnetic field generated by the 4 Klystron engines. It is propelled by magneto - dynamic technology polarizing the nearby atmosphere and generating many magnetic arcs around the speeder. That's why it has almost no attack, the magnetic gap allowing a only firing line in the front axe of the speeder. But the strong magnetic field around prevent any direct shot with anything metallic or energetic. Only a tractor beam could harm the vehicle... but no pod is as large as a star destroyer, so... The Klystron Pulsar is piloted by Koko, but was designed by Raint. Here the 2 rear Klystron Magnetic Relays in parallel connection (with the communication device which make a use of the rear magnetic gap to operate ): and then the 2 front Klystron Magnetic Relays, serial mounted (with the 2 guns and the navigation device using the front magnetic gap ). Speed : 5 Defense : 5 Attack : 2 C&C welcome as usual
  22. You will need to sell your own mother ! How many dollars is she worth ?
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