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Professor Thaum

Pirate Moderator
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Everything posted by Professor Thaum

  1. *Your entry has earned 14 XP (S:5, T:5, A:4) + 2 bonus for a total of 16 XP Study of Imperial Moff Krakoo Kaas, Kuat Sector under imperial control. Imperial Moff Krakoo Kaas : ZZZZZ FL FL FL ZZZZZ FLL FLL ZZZ FFLLLL FLLL Noises : PIUWWWW PIUWWWW SCHLAK SCHLAK PIUWW SCHLAK PIUWWWW SCHLACK Door : GRZZZZZZ Noises : PIUUUWW SCHLACK SCHTONG... ROLROLROL IMKK : Hu ? Oh dear... Koko, could you please stop playing with the troopers ! Koko : May I respectfully point out that I didn't move from your study, master. **** Lightsaber, vibro spear : GSHHHHHT IMKK : Quiet Koko, this... figure would have to explain himself. Figure : Are you the Imperial Moff Krakoo Kaas ? IMKK : Indeed. Figure : And now you rule ? IMKK : Let's not exagerate things here. Figure : I'm the heir of Darth Venamis ! Heir of the Sith ! The rotten branch of Darth Plagueis and its cardboard emperor has failed ! Now it's time for me to carry the torch ! IMKK : We've been waiting for you, You're Imperial Majesty ! Welcome ! Figure : Imperial Majesty ? You won't resist and you will pass the throne along to me ??? IMKK : Sure ! I'm neither an emperor nor a ruler. I'm an administrator... the tool that allows you to reign ! I'd be a very bad ruler. You're name, Your Imperial Majesty ? Figure : Darth Moth. IMKK : A Sith title is a poor introducing for your future subjects, Your Imperial Majesty ! Darth Moth : Errr, sure, you're right, my name is Sonko Vangelis. IMKK : Callaghan, please, prepare for official coronation of the Emperor Vangelis. Callaghan : Aye aye ! Sonko Vangelis : You seem to be a very invaluable collaborator and administrator, Moff Krakoo Kaas. IMKK : It's a pleasure, Your Imperial Majesty. But everything was still ready for that. As already said, I'm not an emperor. ****** C&C welcome as usual.
  2. Clap clap clap ! What a speech ! Congrats comrade Max, I'm very impressed, it is very old school soviet point of view, that perfectly fits with Rax (as a politic officer ). And more, I like the touch it gave to the new empire our characters try to save/salvage/keep on track
  3. The return of Faladrin...
  4. Gorgeous one ! Your leaves have a special color, very alien !
  5. @Videomajk : seems you have some new fans asking for the instructions (Obvious, with your rocket being a masterpiece )
  6. I had a toast and a swig of Rum for the KPA and @Capt Wolf this evening !
  7. You and me both. I spent almost an hour staring at the dreamzz box today ( while picking a pile of Ninjago boxes for my sons and some Harry Potter ones for my daughter for christmas ). Some parts are killer
  8. Wonderful work Aurore. Very inspiring, some parts are crazy
  9. Yes, you're welcome mate. The game is still going on, but Keymonus is true, there was some times between the last member joining the rats and you
  10. stop bother about studs! The build is nice and we won't blame you for not having a stack of available tiles.
  11. A smell of the Stalingrad movie there. . Nice shooting range
  12. Gorgeous, man. What a render. You achieved such clever details despite of an unusual size. Hats off
  13. He just look fine I love him very much The grin is ad hoc !
  14. @Max_Lego : there is no question about quality of built here. Your MOCs are OK,and that skimmer is very cool. That was just an advise, not a criticism. The advise was available if you had enough tiles, if not, feel free to ignore it. there is no question of time, build as fast/slow as you want, and a stud is not "stupid" if you lack tiles. And I repeat, no problem of quality here !
  15. Wow ! Very nice second shot, mate ! I like your waveskimmer ! Just a hint. If you have some spare tiles, a MOC looks better if you cover the free studs with. Especially for a futuristic theme like star wars look here and here and here and here There are examples for ground and sea
  16. Very, very interesting intro... I will not develop yet... but I'm delighted ! Gorgeous microwarship !
  17. Zdorovo kompan'on You're welcome mate... I will add you to the Darksider zone as soon as you post your first build ! I really like the old school touch of your sigfig !
  18. Very nice Aurore Where is that dark grey fur collar from ?
  19. The window is really well thought !
  20. the pipe is third brand from Brickwarrior (in my memories... or is it Brickforge ? ) EDIT : Brickwarrior here it is, and so is the hat FYI
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