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Professor Thaum

Pirate Moderator
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Everything posted by Professor Thaum

  1. So, after many hesitations/questions I finally decided to join. Here comes the Laeknir Thaum Guðisson, great clairvoyant medium of the northern wilderness, his men at arms and bodyguard Callaghan Heimskurson, and a young forester Iauln Odauðlegurson, the laeknir took in as an orphan about fifteen years ago. All three proud Mitagardians !
  2. Just with the name of the link I will obviously not click it. Could you explain what this kind of... link has to do there ? And I advise you not to post such link anymore on EB. Regards
  3. Rhaaa lovely, that's a wonderful MOC mate ! A master piece. A pity it is digitally builded. I hope it will suit for a true Official Lego Set in real bricks !
  4. memories, memories... thanks for this MOC and the wonderful fabuland parts it contains ( the mower the green roof, the letter box, and those wondeerful figs ! )
  5. Nice one ! Noticed, the brickbuild sheeps and swans ! I will tag @Ayrlego here ! Get a beakful of this ! Of course I will not comment on those... fleshy figs
  6. Lovely build. Like @Kai NRG I wonder about those stranges black and blue tiles or is it 3 separate tiles ? In this case the black one is puzzling. But the front is gorgeous btw. Nice and well furnished interior too (the baby bed and the attics )
  7. Rhaaaa lovely ! Any chance to have it in real bricks ? I love that double canopy tie !
  8. Do you ask for the game : Mysteries or the ship, the Arc "Krayt" ?
  9. Some pics more : underview with guns and landing gear of right side. you may also see a trap door for a probe droid. Trap door opened, with the atmo probe droid. Left side trap door opened with space tie probe droid. Solar panel.
  10. The FAT Tie landed then on Rhommamool, a barren world along the Corellian Run Koko, Raint and Igor are out for a brief inspection of the engines, while Callaghan is making a quick inventory. We do not know what's going on with the monk and the Gungan. Imperial Moff K. Kaas is sending the atmospheric probe for a quick area scanning. ***** Some times after ; Raint : Master, why did you swap the previous body for this one ? Supreme Imperial Moff Krakoo Kaas : The Dark Side power is very harsh for any body, the previous needs to rest a bit. Raint : And this new one is a ? K. Kaas : An old version of the Quarren my boy, I always liked the amphibian species. Raint : That's why this... Dudu Park is here ? I'm not confortable with him, It would end badly I'm afraid. K. Kaas : Your feelings are absolutely normal my boy, I teached Dudu many things about the Dark Side, he is well trained in many dark arts. You have a lot to learn from him. Raint : But ??? And the Rule of Two ? K. Kaas : I think no Sith did ever apply this Rule, Raint, and to be honest, I'm not a Sith. The Rule of Two was established for a Master having all the power and a student to desire it. Anyway every Sith Master always had a plan B in case the student don't serve the purpose. So this rule is just smoke and mirrors.
  11. *Your entry has earned 13 XP (S:5, T:4.5, A:3.5) Here is the crew of the FAT Tie : Igor, Krakoo Kaases protocol droid and a B'omarr Monk Koko, ever ready for the battle Imperial councellor Dudu Park, and Callaghan, Imperial secretary Raint and Supreme Imperial Moff K. Kaas
  12. *Your entry has earned 20 XP (S:7, T:6, A:7) Especially developped for long space travel with all commodity, here come the Fully Advanced Traveller Tie, or FAT Tie, here flying along the Corellian Run after a visit on Arkanis at the Imperial Academy. over view cockpit with Raint and Koko Rear view with the left engine. Zoom on the right one With raised access hood The crew Couchettes on the two sides. weapons for self defense. Without the crew The crew quarter are fully equiped with couchettes and holds. 2 pilots cockpit equiped with sensors for scouting. Twin Ion Engine hyperspace capable, 2 twin guns and 2 launchables probe droids ( 1 atmospheric probe and 1 space probe ) I will add some pics of the launchable probes and of the FAT Tie landed, and some of under the Tie C&C welcome as usual
  13. Mine are ready, pictures taken. I just lack the time to post it correctly. Perhaps this evening.
  14. Try to MOC something on your own, mate and don't be afraid to submit it in lego ideas to renew the Sta Wars theme ! For example this scimitar is iconic and a master piece
  15. Very nice crew. The color scheme is very rebel and light side. The custom driller
  16. Gorgeous entry The engines are killer and what a job on the S-Foils !
  17. Very nice corvette, mate ! And always happy to see the adventures of Oilskin Johnny.
  18. Please if you may avoid advertising for chinese 3rd brand stuff here. They are obvious copy and of poor quality
  19. As the Darkside leader I'm pretty sure you aren"t. Your pseudo is Darkside attuned, no doubt. I have a special subforum for all enlisted Darksiders... Never saw you there. However, I'm not all-knowing, so @MKJoshA will rule supreme for this case.
  20. Scarif is not in the episode Area if I'm correct.
  21. a bad copy pasted part of the text. A seed part is a lego part randomly chosen which MUST be in the build, and often must be of significant amount/importance in the build.
  22. Great, welcome to the dark side comrade !
  23. Congratulations to the winners ! Great job everyone !
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