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  1. PF was around for many years. A proportional joystick controller for it would have been easy to make and would have greatly improved the playing experience. But Lego never bothered to make one. Building a proportional joystick for C+ is a lot more complex because of the various considerations involved. I fear there is little hope of Lego making one. A simple on-off physical remote would not be worth it for C+.
  2. Wow, that is some serious speed! I find such hybrid creations really cool. Thanks for posting and sharing. It will be nice if you can provide some more details of the model for the rest of us who have no clue how to do such things.
  3. Nice van. Had a question. How does the black pin-with-pinhole connect at an angle?
  4. This part breaks easily when children put weight on the vehicle while playing.
  5. Wow, this is really good !! The range of motion and the fact that it looks so natural ... this is a truly special MOC !!
  6. Wow, this is really quite something !!! Planetary gear motion is hard to even visualise for me, so I am amazed at how you managed to create nice coherent motion out of it. Thanks for sharing this cool creation !
  7. Absolutely loved it !! It's full of gem ideas. I especially liked the off-center disk brake to carry and then drop off the ball. Very inspiring !
  8. Looks cool and has character. Nice alternate !
  9. Final model is really nice !! Elegant with just the right parts usage. I dare say you have achieved perfection on this one!
  10. This is an astounding MOC !! Very cool indeed.
  11. Thank you for sharing the cool Walker. And thank you especially for this very succinct and clear explanation of how it's working !!
  12. Looks really nice now. Your progress of successive refinement is inspirational !! Thank you for sharing with us. I would love to have this as a lego set.
  13. There is something about its shape ... from a distance, it looks absolutely fantastic !! Closeup is a bit lacking. It is difficult to get more refinement at this scale. Really cool model. Thanks for sharing it.
  14. Wonderful idea !! I haven't seen this anywhere else, so perhaps you have invented a new GBC mechanism !
  15. Never imagined this kind of setup will provide so much propulsion. Thanks for sharing.
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