Here is my take on it - and don't ask: I replaced soooo many parts, I have no idea which/what/where :-).
Thanks to this post for ideas - and to Brickowl for the parts.
Changed: all black parts (well, mostly, some grey left on bottom), windows red/shaped (and go through to inside - something I'm keen on, as I did the same to my Sandcrawler 75059), cockpit lid is +2 wider (I hate silly gaps - again, something I fixed on the Sandcrawler), front gear, wing gear, wings fold at body via hinges (very hard to source in black! - 44254/44255) and hinge point is higher, and it's all pretty stable. I added a few other little bits to my liking.
I saw another post about using these "clicking" hinges, but the posting member didn't point out that they stuck out the other side of the wing. So I just built that area up a little bit, around them, but tried to make it looks the same.
I didn't resort to painting, but, I will admit to one sin: I used a chemical to 'glue' the new wing landing gear in position, as they kept rotating, when I put it down with the wings out.
I am quite pleased with the result... but I now have to pay attention to my 10221 Super Star Destroyer, as I moved a nearby lamp, and... uh...