My Ideas are:
Castle theme:
A peasant's village with all ramshackle wooden buildings, chickens and rats, streams of brown 1x1 tiles running down the street to represent poo.
A more wealthier setttler's village for people who were a bit wealthier, but not aristocratic or royal. Have larger stone buildings with gothic features, but not as big as castles.
A place where Pages and squires train to be knights with the training aids they used.
Have a System circus and zoo theme.
Have a System travelling agricultural carnival theme with working rides, caravans with carnival food and drinks being served, entertainers walking on stilts, sideshow games, exhibits of farm animals and domestic animals that are judged, carvans and stands with people selling toys and novelties and a circus.
New moulds for chickens, roosters, ducks.
Have a minifigure scale VW T1 split window micro bus and a minifigure scale early 1980s VW Type 2 T3 Transporter/Vanagon.