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  1. Anyone tried making deleted scene Biggs using Rowan Freemaker's series 2 torso? Seems like a pretty close match in terms of what official prints are on offer.
  2. Really interesting to get a look at how you went about tackling this model, from looking at the instructions alone its tough to imagine how you found so many clever connections with minimal 'filler' bricks. But on top of that is the speed you produced it AND the instructions too! The fact you start builds from the outside in is really quite impressive, especially as the larger a model gets, the more structure you'd expect, I wonder how well that approach would work for something as complex as the Falcon though? (just thinking aloud ;P). I can't wait to build (at least) the nose of yours if only to compare it to my own hehe! Oh and just a super quick clarification since you brought it up, the elastic bands on my model are purely cosmetic, not structural purpose what so ever ;)
  3. Quite a few people have recreated it on Meca Bricks, all of them should have a parts list (under the inventory tab) that can be put right into bricklink if needed :) Hope you enjoy the build! https://www.mecabricks.com/en/library/search?q=inthert
  4. Thanks! Yeah I know what you mean, it was surprisingly difficult to get it to look beaten up to the degree they appear in the movie.. I guess mine could always be a better maintained one haha! :D Thanks! that was a totally alien technique for me so I'm glad you like the effect. Haha! Yep, I finial got around to editing the photos. I'd agree there, making that gun pod was my favourite part of the build. No worries (sorry for not replying until now :), a few people have mentioned my stuff isn't showing up and I have no idea why that's happed, I doubt that problem is unique to me though. Hehe thanks! Thanks man! Yeah I was quite pleased with the way the wings came together, only problem is that they can droop a little. But its not really a huge problem especially as most other techniques would droop too.. Ether way I'm pleased you like it :D
  5. Finally got around to uploading this here, my Resistance Ski Speeder. Inspired by the micorfighter set, I decided to go for a blue colour scheme as I kinda prefer it to the reddish orange colour seen on most of the craft. It was certainly interesting to build as I've never made a real-world aircraft before (or rather, anything so close to one) so it was strange to find myself building corsair-like wings and a tubular fuselage with a tail/rudder. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out in the end though A big thanks to majortom on Flickr whose Ski speeder inspired quite a few bits and pieces of my own including: fence pieces on the engine section, technic wheel rim for the tail and of course the outline of his cockpit area which was the basis of my design. And thanks to my buddy Kit Bricksto (active here and on Flickr) who kindly gave his opinion on the model during its construction :) A few more images are up on Flickr for those interested Resistance Ski Speeder (1) by Inthert, on Flickr Resistance Ski Speeder (2) by Inthert, on Flickr
  6. A UCS dreadnaught would definitely be a sight to behold. I'm planning to do a Resistance Bomber, haven't made a physical start as of yet though :)
  7. Very impressive so far! This one of those ships I don't really have any interest in building but still love the design, and with the quality of your build so far I have a feeling I'm going to like it even more! Can't wait to see how you tackle those wing cannons!
  8. I was going back and forth about using a sand blue alternative, in the end I opted for LBG just so I could use those duel moulded arms :D Speaking of arms, anyone tried using Deadshot's arms on a red B-wing pilots torso?
  9. Thanks so much! Means a lot to know you like these enough to create an account! The ring is quite simple really, basically lots and lots of 1x2 black plates that can be flexed into a curve and if you have enough of them: a circle :) I'm not sure how successful they'd be on ideas, I believe Lego won't produce an ideas set if its under an existing theme. That said its a very high compliment that you think these could be sets :D Ooh doing the Lars homestead would be cool, haven't attempted something on more than one level yet! I'm planning on doing the second death star's surface, only because its a bit more interesting with the red as well as all the grey :) Thanks! (yet again :P) Often with these Ringwrolds I try to avoid purchasing any new parts, purely because they're so short lived, right after photographing them I tear them apart. Occasionally though a part is too good not to order :) Thanks! Thank you! I must admit I find the empire-era more interesting than the Clone Wars but some of the worlds/location from the show are cool. Thanks! I can do a breakdown or two, lucky you asked when you did as I'm part way through dismantling it!
  10. Another instalment, again from the animated TV show department: Escape from Kadavo. More information and pictures can be found on Flickr Star Wars Ring-worlds: Escape From Kadavo (1) by Inthert, on Flickr
  11. Thanks! Interesting idea, never considered something ship-side
  12. Thanks! Hehe yeah, glad people are noticing them! Some great suggestions, I like the sound of Bespin, hmmmm. Thanks! That's a neat idea, haven't considered anything of an interior space yet! Thank you so much! A micro Kashyyk would be cool, I'd like to do another tree haha! a few people have suggested Courscant so that's a good contender...
  13. For the next instalment its back to Rebels, this time we're on Atollon and Kanan has just discovered the Bendu.. Star Wars Ring-worlds: In The Wilderness of Atollon by Inthert, on Flickr As ever, more information is available on my Flickr, enjoy!
  14. Thanks!
  15. Wow! That means a lot coming from someone who doesn't much like the original design, thanks so much!
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