Everything posted by seba
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I bought palpatines arrest and the malevolance.
Dino 2012
Just wondering why there isn't their favorite dino in the profiles.
Ninjago 2012
Ninjago 2012
I think it looks like there is book in front him,or there is something in his suit.
Ninjago 2012
Thanks!Too bad i have to watch the episodes in english since they dont air in finland.
Davy Jones' locker by /TheBricks\
I think it would need Captain Jack Sparrow there.
Ninjago 2012
Mine does .Its from the rattlecopter set,which is really nice i must add .
Ninjago 2012
The nrg ninjas look like zombies .
Ninjago 2012
I just bought my two first sets of the new ninjago line .I got the rattlecopter and spinner battle arena.I got the arena on special offer on br,it was ten euros cheapper than legos price and also got small polybag set number 30085 for free.
Tragedy has befallen my fleet once again
Thats sad,both were beautiful ships .I think you should make new ship since you have more bricks and exprience . I find it fun that the sailor is pretty much in the center and there's no bricks near it,and that the captain did go down with his ship still attached to it.
Ninjago 2012
Thanks.Hope it comes to finland soon.
Ninjago 2012
Please do.
Eruption at Volcano Island
I like it,especially the volcano.The sea monster thingy looks like its bored.
Ninjago 2012
I think my wallet needs
Ninjago 2012
My favorite snake tribe is hypnobrai.I like how they can hypnotise people.
The Future of Ninjago
I would like if the nijas would somehow time travel to different times like wild west,india or something else.
MOC: Who's Hunting Who
Lego says they are coelophysis but they look raptors.
MOC: Who's Hunting Who
Legos raptor could be a deinonychus.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I bought the lego star wars visual dictionary.Now waiting for it to come in mail.
Dino 2012
I cant wait for this to come into finland.If they wont come soon i'l start hate lego for bringing these to america 2 months before they bring them to finland!
Dino 2012
Too bad that these will probaply hit finland at january.I really like dinosaurs but i haven't bought sets from the older themes expect small set from dino attack.Maybe i should buy them from bricklink.
[UCS MOC] Escape from Docking Bay 327
This is awesome!The wet floor thing is really funny. .I find it odd that Luke is smiling.I am starting a mini version of this same scene.
MOC: Alavator MBT mkII
That is both cool and far better than i could ever do. .
Dino 2012
Hope the dinos look real.In dino attack they did not look real at all .
Disney 2012 Discussion Thread
Are you sure that it is not only in australan shops?
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