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  1. There's an example of this for Barracuda Bay on rebrickable called "MOC - Exposition base for Pirates of Barracuda Bay" Also, the one I built by Robin_IV in this thread: https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/176598-modding-the-barracuda-thread/ These would give you an idea of how it might look. I will modify my Eldorado in this fashion, though first I want to build the expansion.
  2. I love it. Now I want a second set. My plan was to change the base to allow a sewer view for TMNT too.
  3. Nearly all of the larger sets I order on Lego S@H home arrive with damaged boxes. Recents (off the top of my head): Ninjago City gardens, Sesame St., Winnie the Pooh, HP Diagon Alley, and Daily Bugle. Only Winnie arrived without a damaged box. The damage is probably enough to make box collectors furious. I don't save them anymore due to lack of space.
  4. Do you recall what set the 2x2 tile with elephant pattern is from? Thanks.
  5. My last two small orders (from USA): Feb 2 --- Shipped March 1 (the bigger of the two orders) March 8 --- Shipped March 19 Neither have arrived yet.
  6. Among my favorite MOC modulars to date. Great job!
  7. They cost $4.99 (USD), if you can even find them. Walmart has been known to sell collectible minifigures for $3.44, so time will tell.
  8. I have tried doing a quick feel, as to not cause concern. Unfortunately, this method isn't quite so easy and I ended up guess wrong for 3 figures. I've managed 12 different characters, but there are no more figures for sale to even search. It seems like 3 small cities totaling about 100k people received a whopping 2 boxes.
  9. Thanks for posting this image. I like this layout much more than how Lego is advertising the set (all side-by-side). Now to find $400...
  10. In that respect, DA could be confusing too, as it more commonly stands for Dumbledore's Army in the HP universe.
  11. I had Target's self-checkout block the purchase of the small Overwatch set that was shelved before the release date. Maybe it just depends on how thorough the store is with maintaining/enforcing street dates.
  12. I read some weeks (months?) ago that there was a UCS Imperial Shuttle coming soon. Has there been any news on this set? Thanks!
  13. Just like Disney Series 2, I find Lego's choice of HP figures to be lackluster. Of course, there are some nice ones, but it does little to fill in the important gaps.
  14. Highlighting this review on the main page is rather tactless.
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