Part of the problem with starting with your favorite locomotive (or, more accurately, what became my favorite locomotive) is that, when you move on to other projects that you don't like quite as much and - in the process - improve your technique, the original starts to hover over you like a dark cloud, groaning and bellowing "fixxxxxx meeeeee" and "stop wasting time playing The Lonnngggg Daaarrrkkkk."
In fact, it was my reluctance to tackle this project again that brought a halt to all my building efforts earlier this spring - I just couldn't bring myself to engage all the problems associated with it.
And there were a lot of problems. In no particular order:
Only one axle of the original was powered.
The locomotive was driven by a single, smaller power functions motor. I wanted it to be capable of performing in a drag freight role like the real thing, so that obviously wasn't going to do.
I had originally designed this engine as a 4-8-2, then redone it as a 2-10-2. Before you gasp and clutch some pearls, the real locomotives were also 4-8-2s before being reconstructed. Still, the transition wasn't quite as smooth as I would have liked.
My first crack at the engine, I had accidentally constructed a Q-1 instead of a Q-2. The differences aren't enormous, but they are noticeable. While I had cleaned up this issue to an extent later-on, it really ransacked the model to do so. Essentially, we're now on the fourth iteration of this engine.
The front end of the boiler was a mess.
I didn't like the cow-catcher (note: what you see in the photos isn't quite finished; I want to use a part that I can't do in LDD to extend the prongs).
The entire tender needed to be replaced - like, everything was wrong: proportions, trucks, details, etc.
The interior was a complete mess. It wasn't held together as well as I would have wanted, and there was a significant unnecessary part glut that needed to be redressed.
Some of this I was aware of heading in... some of it I wasn't. I did know, however, that trying to cram a large motor into the rear, SNOTed portion of the boiler was going to be an utter nightmare... and, perhaps unsurprisingly, it was. I planned this morning to upsize the boiler by a plate in each direction in order to make accommodating the motor easier, but half way into it, I realized that the scaling was starting to come apart (plus, if you look at photos of the real thing, the Q-2s really didn't have large-circumference boilers when compared to something like an ATSF 2-10-4; they were kind of antiquated in this regard [which, again, had a lot to do with them being retooled 4-8-2s]) . So, I retreated back to the old boiler and completely gutted it end-to-end, then had to come up with some very creative work-arounds in order to sheath that friggin' motor (it actually is only concealed by a tile's thickness in places).
The tender wasn't difficult once I settled on a design, but it is radically different from the original. Plus, it also contains a SECOND large motor, thus doubling my tractive effort. Even if I ever have the money build this, I don't know if I'll get the opportunity to see it run... but I'd like to think that it would be a beast (albeit one that is limited to insanely generous curves).
I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out - after about 8 hours of fresh work, I now believe that this is up to par with most of my other engines (there are a couple of others I have to revisit after this - I really want to do large motors across the board for all standard gauge locomotives).