Thanks for all the positivity guys! I really appreciate the kind words. It doesn't surprise me that you like Downforce, bacem, since I'm pretty sure his head is the same on as your avatar haha. In all seriousness though, I agree. He has very cool super-robot proportions about him. His transformation is also simple enough that someone besides me could pretrty easily learn to convert him back and forth, which is more than I can say for all of my designs. I'll try to take some more photos in the coming days to show all of you. I want to put up a video for Crimson Claw in the next few days too.
Oh boy do I hear you on the color schemes. That's something I've become a bit better equipped to handle as of late as I acquire more hand-picked pieces for MOCs. Keep checking in, though, because some of my other models have much more cohesive color schemes. In particular, though, I wish there was something more I could do with Crimson Claw. I like having the red, white, and dark blue, I just wish I had the parts to move the colors around a bit (The white on the shoulders bothers me, personally). I appreciate the feedback! If you've seen any other really cool "TransforMOCs", feel free to share them with me. I didn't even know there was a term like that already Especially if they are CCBS built. I see lots of traditional system-built transformers out there, but I'm always looking for especially well-done TransforMOCs built with the flexibility of Bionicle and CCBS
Hello all, just thought I'd share some of my Transformers characters built using primarily Bionicle, Technic, and CCBS pieces. Each of my Transformers follows what I would call the typical "rules" of a transformers toy, being that they can each transform completely without removing any pieces - except for weapons. I have many of these already built, but I have yet to take good photos of them. In the meanwhile, here are pictures of two of my favorites, Crimson Claw and Downforce Crimson Claw: A fierce hunter and always loyal to his fellow Autobots and Maximals, Crimson Claw is a natural leader and warrior. He uses his energon saber to slice through enemy Decepticons and Predacons with ease as he calls out commands to his allies. In his Lion-Mode, he can deploy two wing-blades from his thighs to further slash his opponents as he runs through battle. More photos in spoiler below: Downforce: The fastest bot around, Downforce uses his immense speed to scout ahead and inform his fellow Autobots of any Decepticon activity surrounding them. Armed with a wide array of weapons in Robot-Mode, Downforce is equipped for most any situation, should he be intercepted alone while on a scouting mission. His chainsword can rip through heavy armor, while his giant boomerang-shield can be effective at short or long ranges. His dual pistols are there just in case he needs to hold out behind cover or provide supporting fire for his teammates. In his Racecar-Mode, Downforce can achieve speeds greater than mach-3. When traveling this quickly, his tires actually lift off the ground and he hovers, using his massive rear-spoiler to stop him from completely taking off. More photos in spoiler below: I also have a detailed video overview of Downforce here on my Youtube Channel I encourage everyone to check out the other two videos I've posted. They go over two of my other Transformers that I have not taken pictures of yet. I hope everyone enjoys these "MOCformers" of mine. As always, I welcome constructive criticism and feedback. Please consider, though, that these are built mostly out of the pieces I had as a kid and any others I've acquired through my adulthood. I do not, unfortunately, have the budget to custom order every piece I need off of Bricklink and as such, I may not always have the best pieces to accomplish a job, etc. If any of you have ideas for cool future MOCformers builds, please feel free to share! I am always looking for inspiration for the next build. (Also, I hope it's glaringly obvious that CrimsonClaw's lion mode was heavily inspired by Liger Zero from the Zoids cartoon.)
Hello Fellow LEGO Fanatics!
Greetings everyone! I'm Eyckzim (pronounce Ike-zim), and I live in the Pacific Northwestern United States. I stumbled upon eurobricks while looking for cool LEGO forums to share MOCs on. I've built with LEGO my whole life (seriously, I had duplo bricks when i was an infant and started using normal system parts wayyy before the recommended age, aha), but I prefer to build with Bionicle, Hero Factory, Technic and other CCBS parts. I specialize in building working transformers inspired by characters I grew up with and also just completely original designs. I've recently created a youtube page to show these models off in detail, and will be posting some still photos in the action figure area shortly. It's been a long time since I have frequented any forums (I used to spend a lot of time on pixel-art forums), almost 10 years! But I hope that I can make some cool connections with other AFOLs out there and get good constructive feedback on my builds from all you awesome builders out there. If anybody has any questions or would like to just chat about LEGO, Transformers, pixel art, superheroes and comics books, or anything else, feel free to send me a PM! I am a very friendly person and am always willing to offer constructive criticism or just debate and discuss all these fun things we enjoy. Looking forward to getting to know you all around her, cheers!
[MOC][WIP] Lockdown
Really love the detail you've put into getting the articulation right on this figure! Too often I see complex designs that sacrifice stability for aesthetics, so it is refreshing to see you doing the opposite. As for the question of scale, I'd say you've got something really good in the works here and I don't know that it'd be worth the time to redesign the entirety of theMOC at this point. The proportions look great, and it appears as though your techniques to keep the joints stiff will work at this scale. I can certainly tell what character it's supposed to be, even without armor and detailing on it. Now I did have an idea for the feet though. Looking at the source material, Lockdown's toes are pretty skinny. Could you possibly put the exo-force arms to good use as toes too? With some armor detailing above them (maybe the smallest basic HF armor?), I think it'd achieve the look of the source material. Just be sure the base of the foot bears all the weight, since you certainly won't be able to trust the stability of a bar connection in the toes to do much. Overall, an extremely impressive MOC, especially from someone who's been taking a break from LEGO recently. I look forward to seeing more progress in the future!
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