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BrickBob Studpants

Eurobricks Archdukes
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Everything posted by BrickBob Studpants

  1. Awesome Though I wonder if they‘re really going to use it on other characters, the distorting magnifying effect may look weird on other heads
  2. With that set size, that‘s probably all we can expect Hopefully it‘ll look more organic than that one, but a new head mould in combination with one of the existing wing moulds might just do the trick
  3. The character with the yellow dress that has shown up on IG and confused everyone is from Toy Story 4: https://mobile.twitter.com/SophieAthawes/status/1093130360135794688 The minifig matches the silhouette in the bottom right perfectly
  4. So the freckled face head belongs neither to Anna nor to Pepper, but instead a girl with red pigtails and a yellow polka-dot dress Who‘s that supposed to be?
  5. I‘ve just looked at pictures of the costume used in the scene and I think it looks different enough to warrant a new minifig variant Not a bad idea at all, but like @Accio Lego, I‘d prefer them to spend their budget on more interesting parts Speaking of which: I‘m excited to see how many new moulds we can expect for this year. It surely will be less than last year‘s sets which introduced a ton of new moulds, even without the CMF series. The main source of new moulds will probably be hair pieces and animal parts rather than accessories, can‘t think of any that would require (and justify) new moulds...
  6. The lack of Weasleys so far is really peculiar, that’s the one thing the 2010/2011 iteration has over the recent one The advent calendar would be a good way to remedy that. Too soon
  7. It happened before, but only rarely luckily They could easily omit his hat or use a different facial expression (an angry DIDYAHPUTYAHNAMEINDAGOBLETOFFIYAH version, anyone? )
  8. I do believe you, your information checks out so far
  9. @Digger of Bricks @Otherworld: You're both right, that head doesn't resemble Jafar at all I haven't looked at the pictures in a while and must've misremembered it. Any ideas who it might be? We've ruled out CMF characters before, but now that option's back on the table
  10. Personally, I'm fine with the Watch Tower being GoF-themed rather than being based on PoA since we already have a couple of PoA-based sets (Knight Bus, Hagrid's Hut, Expecto Patronum and don't forget last year's Hogwarts Express!). Besides, GoF is my favourite HP movie, so the more from that movie the better
  11. Agreed We initially ruled that out since CMF rarely get leaked, but now that Hades' head has leaked we have to reconsider our guesses. Maybe the other two heads were Jafar and Moana after all...
  12. Which would be cool as well since that part doesn't exist in pearl gold yet It could even be printed, even though it's not all that likely since it's not absolutely necessary in order to make it recognizable. At least printed eggs are in the realm of possibility as one of last year's Easter sets has proven...
  13. I'm not on IG and thus can't see his story, so I have to wait for someone to repost it first
  14. You mean the freckled one that leaked a couple of weeks ago? That can‘t be it since Fleur doesn‘t have freckles either
  15. Maybe I'm wrong and they've seriously changed how things work behind the scenes, but there's usually a one-year gap between the start of the design process of sets and their eventual release, so the Jan 2020 sets should be firmly in the design stage right now. Unless it's one of the designers who leaks that stuff, there's no way that intel would find its way online. With all the precautions they've started taking, going so far as to not show sets at Toy Fairs any more and generally keeping things as close to their chests as they can, would they really hand out information to retailers or whatever this far in advance?
  16. I think it's too early for the Episode IX set names to drop, let alone the first 2020 wave's Does anyone remember when we first heard about the TLJ set names? I think it was after that year's SW Celebration but before May when the first box art leaked
  17. I take back what I said about this thread being deserted till April, now that's what I call a welcomed surprise Can't wait to see what else gets leaked
  18. ... are they serious? 2020 leaks in February of 2019?? That doesn't sound believable in the slightest We don't even have proper information on many 2019 sets
  19. Nothing is sacred to them I guess Did they really think that you, the original creator who‘s ON THE SAME PLATFORM, wouldn’t eventually find out? On the bright side, you got a bit of exposure, and deservedly so, your models look friggin‘ awesome
  20. A list of Disney CMF series 2 has "leaked" Back to topic: Of course Stranger Things would be awesome, but the brand fit isn't there (wasn't an Ideas set shot down because of that? I might misremember things though). It also makes no sense for a previously unknown D2C set to appear out of thin air, I mean we've been aware of this year's D2C list for quite some time now.
  21. Which is ironically also what gives them away
  22. ... The obviously fake rumors won't end today, will they? They're on a roll
  23. Man, after all these years on this forum (14 years!) I still don't get why people take that much pleasure in making up fake rumors. What is there to gain? Are the two minutes of internet fame really worth it? Aren't they aware of the immediate backlash once their treachery is unveiled? Do they have some sort of magic thinking where they believe their wishlists have a higher chance of becoming true if they succeed in convincing not only themselves but others too? And the worst thing: this sort of rumor only disappears once pictures surface. Prepare to see that very list getting posted here at least three more times in the coming months Edit: And the person that posted it is backpedalling so hard the pedals are about to shatter They most likely just noticed their little counting error, whoops
  24. This "rumored" list implies that Pluto is Goofy's accessory, which makes it even more unrealistic
  25. 1) Sounds way too good to be true and 2) @Falconfan1414 is right, it's two minifigs too many
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