Everything posted by legofives
- The Best 2015 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Round 1.19
- The Best 2015 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Round 1.19
- Favorite MicroFighters
- [MOC] [MOD] First Order Transporter
- The Best 2015 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Round 1.19
Future Star Wars Sets
That's just a prequel era based set. The yoda starfigher is directly from the last episodes of the clone wars tv show.
Future Star Wars Sets
Unfortunately, they're probably making one clone wars set per year at this rate. The first clone wars set that has been made in a long time is Yoda's starfighter.
- The Best 2015 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Round 1.19
- The Best 2015 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Round 1.19
- The Best 2015 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure Round 1.19
- Favorite MicroFighters
The Best 2016 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure -- Game Ended, Thanks for Playing! :)
Maybe do best minifigure for another year(s)?
The Best 2016 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure -- Game Ended, Thanks for Playing! :)
is it too late ? #TEAMAHSOKA
[MOC] Clone Wars Pelta-Class Frigate
Lookin' good
- [MOC] Medical Corps
The Best 2016 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure -- Game Ended, Thanks for Playing! :)
[ALTERNATE BUILD] Clone Turbo Tank Challenge
I like the concept of this contest, but I can't contribute because I don't have the set :/ Wait my bad there is an LDD choice, but building's no fun that way IMO
The Best 2016 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure -- Game Ended, Thanks for Playing! :)
Shoretrooper Captain (should be all time winner IMO)
[MOC] Argus III: CR90 Corvette
looks great!
The Best 2016 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure -- Game Ended, Thanks for Playing! :)
Everyone get your votes for the U-Wing pilot lol!
[MOC] Jedi Council
Not even close, lots of ones like Yaddle, Yarael Poof, Oppo Rancisis have never been seen
[MOC] Jedi Council
This might not count as a face, but I think Plo Koon only ever came out in Clone Wars sets and he looks perfectly fine and would blend in.
The Best 2016 LEGO Star Wars Minifigure -- Game Ended, Thanks for Playing! :)
U-Wing Pilot.. this was really hard and I would have voted for Ahsoka if she came with white lightsabers
Favorite Versions of the Millennium Falcon
I feel like this thread is going to almost always lean on the UCS version of a model or the most modern adaptation of a model.
- Review: 1999 LEGO Star Wars Speeder Bikes (7128)
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