Classic town building vs. the new Cafe Corner style
Room in my heart for both, bot only room in my wallet for old style really :( No way could I afford to create a whole town in the cafe corner style..however beautiful it looks.
Norrington's town MOCs
Luv the streaker! Nice car too :) Pink seats = cool. Like guys who wear pink; 'in touch with your femine side' :-P
Spring Valley Ranch
I didn't notice the symetry at all until I read Brickminer's post. Now I really notice it >_< Overall i greeeet MOC, but for it to be a true ranch, as you say you want a barn, and I think just more baseplates with fence around them to act as 'fields' to keep the cows/horses in. Atm it feels too cramped for a ranch, kinda like its just the front of a ranch, with the house imposing and the yard in front. Hmm that sounds really critical, but I really like it!
Garbage Truck (7991) Pic Review
You sure that isn't just snow covering over the grime ;-P
Garbage Truck (7991) Pic Review
That truck is AWSOME! Nice to see a european fire truck MOC here ;-) Our fire engines always look so much more solid that those yanks :-P And don't get into driving on the wrong side of the road :P, The wikipedia article on this is very interesting if ye want to hava look :-) As for the garbage truck / review, looks awsome! I agree I'd have prefered green as our used to be so it seems the classic colour for me. Recently they changed them to white...i mean WHITE..for a GARBAGE TRUCK... :-/ So they are usualy a shade of brown :-D
- Look what I just got - Report your latest Pirate LEGO acquisitions
4 or 6 stud wide cars, which do you prefer ???
The six-wides in the car competion did look mighty sweet, and I think 6 wide and 4 wide cars can definately co-exist, because cars are different shapes and sizes. My only problem is the old 4 wide trucks. Some of them look really nice on thier own, but put them next to the new trucks and they look AWFUL :( Those with trailers are also pretty hard to convert while still looking good.
Would you like electric lighting in your Town sets?
I like the idea, but definately as separate sets. Brings back memories of the UFO mothership that had fibre optic. A lot of the set's cost went on that, so on the rest of the craft they skimped. I'd rather they built solid sets full of things, then have electric lights as serparate add-ons.
A bit more from me
Great colour scheme on the maverick, with the black and grey underneath so the red really stands out. I also love that head, with the menacing green eyes *sweet* Nice millionaire boardgame too :-P
A little extra
The whole Exo-force theme reminds me of that, and the new supreme commander. Stuff like the monster tank are so like the tanks in that game, and the idea of massive 'exo skeletons' fighting. Nice mod, gives it a more chinese its a remote outpost on the edge of a wood. Although it seems overgrown, theres great power within :-)
All I can is, he must have good eyesight, that far away from the screen :-P Poor guy really... No clothes fit him :-(..or perhaps he's just a naturist.... :-X
Nah, it was 1.40PM, I'm in the UK :-)
eBay madness
Just found a seller on eBay in the usa, with $60 postage on a ~700 peice set!! He says "Please Note: Shipping and handling fees may seem higher than usual. This is because a large portion of the fee (handling) is attributed to the time I have taken to examine all my kits and make sure all the pieces are included. Because of this, the auction will start at a very low price. Please consider the total price when buying the items (I am sure you will find them very reasonable)." Err, doesn't everyone do this before selling a set on eBay, and not charge about $40 for it? Hava look yourself:
I think the only 'good behaviour bribe' I ever got was some securtiy building and van after my SATs at the end of primary school. *Shudders* ah what a lame, <insert that tiresome argument> set. Well the building was quite nice, but not that van >_< Anyway enough of my digression, welcome!
Exclusive EB Review: 7093 - Skeleton Tower
Ooo the moment i saw this set i thought :-D The wizard looks MINT! Although I'm not a fan of the huge dragon (I guess more to scale than the old ones, like the new aeroplane hmm), I do like the skellies. The old arms always hung too limply so you couldn't properly position them. Could've done with more at the back, but I could eailly add my own there. 'Room for customization' lol New castle on! *knight* *n* *skull* *y*
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