Everything posted by MaxTube55
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
With the recent Rebels "An Inside Man" we are closer than ever to getting a new TIE Defender. I believe it is a real possibility we will see a new TIE Defender, either in the spring wave (unlikely), summer wave (most likely), the fall wave (least likely as that will be for Episode VIII sets mainly), or maybe 2018 (although hype would be lower). I think the TIE Defender is not only likely but would be a great choice and I can't wait to see more than the schematics in Rebels.
All Microfighter 2017. 4 series
Why does every one say that. It isn't a new mold. It is just the Resistance helmet in a different color, it is a used mold.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
I agree, I don't understand why everyone is complaining about price, showing their opinions about the sets, and complaining about rehashed sets (although in fairness IDK why everyone complains cause they are good sets and they are all improvements over their predecessors). We should shift these discussion to be mainly about the summer and episode viii waves.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
[VIDEO REVIEW] Star Wars 75172 Y-Wing Starfighter
I don't know why but I had the urge when I saw this build to build it in in LDD. And because you did such a fantastic build in such high quality and well paced...I actually made it in LDD. I would post in the Official Sets in LDD topic, but I have to wait until the instructions come out due to the guidelines. If anyone wants the LDD file I can find some way to attach it. Great job Brick Ministry can't wait until it goes on sale in the US.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I bought the 75146 Advent Calendar. Now I must resist the urge to open everything all at once, waiting for Christmas has seriously increased my patience.
75153 AT-ST modification
I fixed them you should be able to see them now.
75153 AT-ST modification
Greetings, I now have finally modded my 75153 and like many others many design features have been used from the mods seen here. Front 3/4: Front: Side: Head: Legs: Cockpit Rear 3/4: Cockpit Front 3/4: Cockpit Top View: I hope you liked my mods and if you have any questions about the build or suggestions please do so.
- LEGO Star Wars in 100 Scenes...W/ Celebration Luke?
LEGO Star Wars in 100 Scenes...W/ Celebration Luke?
Hello, So recently I was at my school's local book fair and I saw this on the shelves: So I was wondering has anyone else seen this? Why does this book (from 2015) have the Celebration Luke minifig? And also why can't I find any indication of this book existing anywhere I look (I checked Brickset, BL, & LEGO Shop@Home)? Anyway if you can help me figure out what is going on here. But nonetheless I'm super excited to have this fig and I am going to buy the Celebration Han off a friend in a few days, now I just wish the Celebration Leia was cheaper.
[MOC] TIE/IN Interceptor
Yeah, I definitely though it would. I took inspiration from the rear of 75154, now I need to order the parts to fix my sets up cause I had to steal from a bunch . Plus I want my sets complete or it drives me crazy, probably will just buy Vader's TIE without figs or the A-wing so and order parts for the rest.
Han Solo Movie
I think the movie is kinda "iffy," and waiting until now to do it is ridiculous because you can't really replace Harrison Ford, but due to my obsession love for LEGO and Star Wars I will probably get the sets, watch it, buy it, and most likely enjoy it (couldn't be as pad as the prequels...I think). But, they will probably have to make new head prints cause they really look nothing like who they are playing.
- [MOC] TIE/IN Interceptor
[MOC] TIE/IN Interceptor
Actually I think I have thought of a good solution for the rear. I could replace the 2 Brick 1X4X1 Inv. Bow with 2 Roof Tile 1X3/25° Inv., and instead of that square brick solution for the rear window I could rearrange the connection points and use a Lamp Shade (DBG works). But I would like to get these parts separately and some to fix the sets I stole from before I do this. What should work better the lamp or what I have.
[WIP][MOC] Tie Bomber
I really like this so far, but the cockpit is a problem, I think use a 10x10 and use either just a decal or custom print directly on it, or use removable tint and cut it down then put a decal on that. Or does it come in trans-black?
[MOC] TIE/IN Interceptor
Thanks. I had a feeling it was pretty close, but didn't know quite how accurate it was. Most TIEs have similarly sized cockpits and as the cockpit for 75150 was movie scale and the wings were Rebels scale, exactly as it appears in the show. So I found a solution for the rear, albeit not the favorable choice (a 75082 cocokpit mod was), then based the wings off that. This was so I could keep it a close as possible and I'm glad you think I got it pretty close and really tried to.
[MOC] TIE/IN Interceptor
Thank you joey and Aethersprite. Yeah, that would have been nicer to have them extended to be longer. But I also thought that the wings were quite short and using this image for reference, I really needed to keep them the same length, use a steeper slope on the front edge of the upper and lower wings, and extend the flat middle section by about a stud or two to get its relatively compact appearance.
[MOC] TIE/IN Interceptor
So this basically exists because 12 hour ago (from posting) I was bored out of my mind. So I took apart 75150, and used any other parts I could find from my bin. It could technically be a MOD, but since I changed enough I believe it is considered a MOC. Anyways I ended up with what I have now and I am pretty satisfied with the results. This is also my very first attempt at a MOC...with real bricks (I've made two LDD attempts at the Yavin Base). Enjoy. More pics can be found by clicking here. I am very fond of how the wings turned out and it looks great from the front. But, I'm not very fond of the back, but due to it being done in a day and not having the right parts what I have now works. Anyways I hope you like it and please leave comments, suggestions, and thoughts. Edit: I have fixed the rear with a huge improvement. Please leave, thoughts, comments, and criticism.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I don't know if prices are bad on the secondary market, but why not buy the recent actual Anakin set.
[MOC] Rebel U-wing from Rogue One
This looks very nice. Much better than the official set in relation to pics of this ship from the trailers.
[WIP] [MOC] Harrower-class Dreadnought
This is absolutely stunning so far, I really like the way the ship looks way more menacing than an ISD, I can't wait to see it completed. Will you make an LDD when you finish this?
[WIP] [MOC] Harrower-class Dreadnought
I can't wait to see this finished.
Force Friday (30th September) promotions
I finally got Revan yesterday in the mail (nothing extra), I was so happy because the 8 day wait was killing me.
What is your FOL origin story?
My SW FOL story started in 2013. I was a LEGO fan though since 2009 when I was 6 and got my very first set 8402. But my first encounter with LEGO Star Wars was 75015 when my brother got it as a gift, but I had though Star Wars was stupid (very ironic because I am now obsessed) and I though that up until I saw Rebels (around October during Season 2) and fell in love. My first set I bough for myself was 75075 and long story in the last year I now have a total of 22 sets (11 SW, 1 Racers, 1 Cars, 1 Speed Champions, 1 Technic, 1 book, 2 polybags, and 3 collectible minifgs), one of which is a UCS set 75095, and I will continue to get more for as long as I can. Hope I will keep having room to store my future sets!
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