Everything posted by hjmediastudios
Space Marines!
Steampunk? It's camo! I agree with your wave planning; the Army fig was just to stop the wild speculation. The dress Marine is also just for show- I know Lego would never, ever, produce them, since a) they're clearly like a modern-day military uniform (no points for guessing who) and b) no one wants to buy a set consisting of desk jockeys, recruiting offices, intelligence analysts, and other types of non-frontline troops, no matter how necessary those support roles are.
Space Marines!
DraikNova: Got an email I can send you an Army .blend at? For everyone: By popular request, an Army man and a Marine in his typical off-base, on-duty, out-of-combat attire: Soldier by HJ Media Studios, on Flickr SpaceMarine_DressKhaki by HJ Media Studios, on Flickr
Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
Furious by HJ Media Studios, on Flickr
Assorted Avengers designs!
I downloaded some of your designs and painstakingly recreated them in Inkscape for a couple renders: Director On Deck by HJ Media Studios, on Flickr
Space Marines!
You may just get your wish. I have Bricklink order on the way.
Space Marines!
Go for it. I would recommend using the Space Marines models I have from Blendswap and making them a different color. I think dark bley with olive-green armor would be the bomb.
Single Pane LEGO Licensed Theme Funnies
Pun intended? Seriously, though, that's my favorite scene from The Avengers and that gif just brought a smile to my face after a rough day. Thanks.
Space Marines!
Well, I've added a new header image to the Cuusoo project. No feature-length movie yet, unless you're willing to donate a render farm so my poor lil' computer doesn't explode. :)
The next space theme....
My intention has always been that Lego would just use the CMF pieces if my project gets to 10k supporters... the reason the helmet and armor don't look like that now are because I modeled them off the leaked Series 7 picture, which was too fuzzy to make out details. I do think the helmet could do with a visor, though.
lego marvel S.H.E.I.L.D helicarrier
I'm working an a UCS Death Star-scale Helicarrier, and let me tell you something- even at playset scale, it's huge. With 20 rooms and the giant rotors, it weighs several pounds. My guess is that any Helicarrier model with a complete hull, flight deck, and everything would only be a UCS set in the style of the Death Star, Millenium Falcon, and so forth.
LEGO Superheroes 2012 Rumours & Discussion
I've noticed that Target seems to be adding a lot of polybags in the impulse-buy/checkout-lane stands. I've already picked up several mini Venators and a half-dozen Batman jetskis. Which is weird, that they have the really new stuff but not any Marvel sets other than the Hulk set and the Cap set.
Space Marines!
The reason it looks slightly different is that at the time I modeled them, the Space Marines were being based off a single fuzzy leaked CMF image.
Space Marines!
Good point. I think I'll do that.
Space Marines!
I'm well aware of how it's really done. Thing is, I developed this system with my earliest minifigs- stormtroopers. At the time, they were few and far between, so my units are tiny.
Space Marines!
Squad: 4 guys + sergeant. Platoon: 3 squads + lieutenant. That's just how I've always done it.
Space Marines!
Go to File>External Data>Unpack into Files. If a menu pops up, select the first item. Restart Blender and it should render fine on any version of Blender above 2.62. (Note that I used a CUDA GPU, so in the Render Settings panel you might want to set the render device as "CPU.") If that doesn't work, send me a PM with some details of your computer and I'll send you a Space Marines .blend file specially set up for your computer. And yes, I'm currently working on some APC instructions. It's really a neat little build; my little cousins are really into it and want to keep playing with it. Other news: I just ordered $200 worth of stuff of Bricklink, including a full platoon of Series 7 Galaxy Patrol figures. Totally unrelated news: I also ordered a sheet of miscellaneous custom decals and some specially-mixed red modeling paint. No relevance to Space Marines. None at all.
Space Marines!
Are you using Cycles? You need to unpack the images before rendering. It might be that your computer is just slow- I haven't tried rendering them on another computer. Much appreciated!
Space Marines!
Maybe some sort of pirate faction wearing stolen Space Marines armor.
Space Marines!
It is? I hadn't heard that. Yeah, olive green would work too. Nice signature, by the way.
Space Marines!
They'll be sand green... if I ever make any.
Space Marines!
<br>EDIT: Hey, does anyone know where I could find the LDD or Maya model of the Galaxy Patrol helmet and armor? I'm trying to update the armor design and I can't find a 3d piece to retopo anywhere.<br><br>Some more pics of the APC: APC_Untopped by HJ Media Studios, on Flickr APC Interior by HJ Media Studios, on Flickr APC Main by HJ Media Studios, on Flickr<br><br><br>
Space Marines!
I've actually invented a new piece for the seats. It'd really help for a lot of vehicle MOCs- it's a 2x3 plate with four studs in the center on top. Basically a grippier half-stud offset brick. I'll upload some clearer pics of the APC shortly.
Space Marines!
And here's a set! High-quality, MOC-style images of the APC and drone-ship-thingies will come around tomorrow. Comments & criticism are welcome. Ugokin Ambush! by HJ Media Studios, on Flickr
Space Marines!
Actually, I like the dog design. BasOne: I'll see if I can dig up some .lxf files. I might have an .lxf of the fighter, I know I've got one somewhere for the buggy, and I know I don't have one for the APC. I do have .ldr files for all of them, though.
MOC: Space Marine Vignette
I love it! I haven't been able to get any of these where I live yet, but I know I'll probably be shelling out a whole bunch for a complete platoon on Bricklink! Thanks for plugging my idea- I confess, the first thing I thought when I saw your MOC title was "Whoah! They're making MOCs from my theme already?"
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