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Eurobricks Vassals
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About mattthewise

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  1. I've been trying to add motors to the Perseverance rover. The goal for this stage is to control the steering, adjusting between straight and 360° circle, and the driving, one motor per side. I've gotten the motors in the chassis and I'm using the method from the 8043 to run the movement through the turntables on each side; using an axle to provide the steering control like in the set and a gear driving ring around it to pass wheel movement through the turntable. I'm having problems coming up with how to take the movement off that gear and pass it down to the wheels though. I've also had to extend the three-long beams that mount the rockers to the turntables to make room, though I'll have to change that all together to make space for the gear to rotate and deliver wheel power. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Oh, you have a Bricklink account with everything? Got it.
  3. Sorry if I've missed this, but is there a list of what official sets you still have, or did you include them when you just said "everything else is still available"? Also, does this mean that you're not going to be updating your Technicopedia anymore?
  4. It's very nicely done! I'd love to try building this myself, do you think you might publish build photos/instructions sometime?
  5. I'm assuming official sets are being sold for prices comparable to their original price.
  6. So are you just selling the MOCs listed on the first page or the official models you've collected too?
  7. Thanks! I'll have to build this, once I find the time that is.
  8. I'm looking forward to instructions! I've been looking for custom models from this set to build, and this one is great.
  9. Are there any official pictures of these sets yet? I don't really have time just yet to read or even skim through the whole topic.
  10. Does that mean you won't be making a C-model, or only that it'll take longer than you thought?
  11. That's too bad, and a little odd. I'm assuming you've checked all other possibilities? Walmarts, Targets, Toysrus's? The rep said that it wasn't an exclusive set and could appear in many stores. Hopefully they'll be able to produce more and in larger amounts. I won't be able to get one until next year, so I'm really hoping that'll happen.
  12. @J_C I've actually contacted Lego about the Saturn V myself, being in the same situation. They said they'll be doing production runs at least up until the end of the year, probably longer. You'll get your chance yet.
  13. Very nice looking. I admire the creativity you had to build a good MOC like this from such a small set. I can't even do much from large sets, though that's partially because of my difficulty in free-building with Technic. It's also neat that you modeled it (somewhat) after real vehicles you're around currently. Good job!
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