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The EthStu

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I don't think so. Can you show this to us? Edit: I found a video that shows Fern. Here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZXcdlFTYng
  2. Thanks, I thought he could've misunderstood Sir von Lego in his video, so I just wanted to know.
  3. Didn't just2good say that Green Arrow will be in the Justice League set?
  4. Amazon has the first 10 wide release sets at 20% off.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhJVo7ctanM&t=13s Here's the video in question.
  6. Can we get a link?
  7. FBTB's hyperbole aside, if what this guy said is true, then Lego Dimensions is neither cancelled or having a year 3 and they're just going back to the drawing board. That's what I interpret it as.
  8. More than likely cancelled.
  9. I definitely enjoyed watching the show. It's nice to hear that Gail Simone wrote the dialogue for TTG, so maybe it'll be better than the show's. And from the way they worded it, it sounds like Beetlejuice will be the villain of the episode (which is an interesting idea). Now for predictions. If there's a Year 3, then I expect a tease on the last day. If it's cancelled and get asked about it, then I can imagine them either lying about it or using a less scary word like "put on hold" or something.
  10. Turns out that they'll actually be covering Teen Titans Go today. I'm intrigued by the fact that they got comic book writer Gail Simone to be on the livestream.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTsvwTIroyQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-JIDOLzYDw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3U4ufm2Mkw Lego Dimensions has posted links of their E3 livestreams to their YouTube channel (sorry that they're backwards).
  12. 6/13 to 6/15. So we won't have to wait very long.
  13. You just love beating dead horses.
  14. All right, I'll start. The cynical and more realistic side of me says that's all they'll show us. If Lego Dimensions is cancelled, then I can imagine them stretching out the gameplay sessions to only cover wave 9.
  15. The snark is strong with you, isn't it?
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