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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by dognosh

  1. Good news, they are now processing it :) That's why I never order out of stock stuff from LEGO themselves. I hear it will be mid July,though they never say so in the shop(they are LEGO,they would know when next batch is out). If they do say so elsewhere, it should also be next to the out of stock item's "Out of stock" message. p.s. John Lewis is also out of stock today
  2. Well, though I ordered a while ago(an hour or 2), still no confirmation from JS,only from paypal that there will be one. I hope it is in stock and JS didn't jump the gun.(because I will cancel,and never buy a thing from them)
  3. There is support for Sweden, maybe this will help?(scroll down) https://www.johnlewis.com/customer-services/information-about-international-delivery
  4. By chance(as I had practically given up till JULY),checking every other day, I found that John Lewis(UK) have them in stock today, ordered one :) https://www.johnlewis.com/lego-ideas-21309-nasa-apollo-saturn-v/p3240185
  5. Sorry, only just saw this :) You guys are all brilliant, thanks for all the help !!!!!!
  6. All done ! :) Thanks to the designers & Instruction manual makers, this is a fab MOC ! I modded it slightly, added rear lights, added lights to the 2 orange lights on top of cab, covered engine bay, made rear box(totally covered) for counterweight & beefed up lego actuator as it would skip teeth when horizontal.
  7. 3 for 2 at Argos for another 36 hours
  8. If you have an extended MOC planned for this model then you have 1.5 days to get 3 for 2 from Argos http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5578458.htm
  9. All done! Ok, i lie, nearly all done. One question. I have all 3 sections of the boom, and can see the mechanism by which the middle boom extends. How does the inner boom extend? For the life of me I can't remember how the original 42009 did it! Edit: I see it is in the cabling
  10. I too was 1cm short, and after 3 hours of messing I took one of the 20cm extensions off (not needed), used it and another 20cm ext to extend to 2 outer IR receiver cables. I am currently putting all the wire jumble under the engine, neatly. If I fail, I will go back to vanilla wiring and take carrier apart and try again. Also, I am mulling putting on rear red lights.
  11. Wow ! I am loving making this I have nearly finished the platform/cab/running gear/electrics/outriggers. Soon to start on the superstructure and boom, built the lego actuator :) To those who helped in this MOC design, wow you guys are stars !!! To the Instruction maker, superb job. Back to work !
  12. Motomatt, thanks a bunch :) afol1969, and you too :) I came to forums because I was mistakenly using the 1.2 files and I found I needed 14 shocks I didn't have So I looked at the 1.1 and worked it out. But I still came here to check ! Thanks both of you, I have examined all 3 files,so : 1. Build using Grove6400-MKIII_1.1-test.compressed.pdf 2. use afol1969's link to build actuator (http://www.bricksafe.com/files/afol1969/Instructions/actuator.pdf) 3. go to page 16 in GMK6400_linear_actuator.pdf and continue from there 4. Build RC unit either from afol1969's bricksafe, or my own design :) I already ordered one, but it is 1.2mm(like in Crawler set) , lets see if it is suitable and if not I go for yours.
  13. I am looking at a 1.2mm string(my crawler set,42042) and it looks good. Of course the 42042 isn't 5M, shall search the net. TY for your reply :)
  14. I now have about a dozen sets under my belt including one minor mod of a Lego set. I would like to build the GMK6400 (MOC 5509) , http://rebrickable.c...00-mobile-crane , but not with the Firgelli Actuators, but with the modded lego linear actuator boom , http://rebrickable.c...00-mobile-crane . I have downloaded the GMK6400 ver. 1.2 Instructions, and the Linear Actuator PDF too. I have most of the parts(including a 42009) and the rest will be here in a few days. My question : I read both the 6400 instructions and the Actuator instructions. Would you fully build the 6400 , then modify the boom ? Or run both instructions at the same time, swapping between them as needed ? (I could build the 6400 without the firegelli then mod it, but am thinking of modding as i go along) ty :) p.s. Can anyone link me to a decent boom string, as I don't even know what to search for or the thickness that is best ? It needs to be about 5m, ty
  15. Armatron : It is too complicated as there are no suitable gears for it, alas it is on the backburner for now, until in the future I get a 3D printer and learn to design the weird gears plus adding the Lego sized holes to it :)
  16. I have been reading through the hall of fame thread and wanted to see if I can build the excellent V8 there http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=91953&st=25#entry1908793 . There is a link there to the instructions on brickshelf, but when I get there the MPD opens up as another web page and lots of data in text. I do have an MPD viewer, so I copy and pasted the data in to a file I named V8.mpd . No joy, my viewer didn't recognise the file format ! Anyone here can help ? ty all :)
  17. I'm back My next 2 deliveries from the Lego shop were spot on I bought bits here and there, the eBay ones were good, the 8 from Brick Owl, 2 had missing parts but sorted. So currently I am using Lego shop, Brick Owl & eBay. I have now got over 12 kits(including a few older ones not available now), lots of spare parts and am now deciding what to make with my first MOC. I do know it will be 100% Lego(not going to dark side yet). I wanted to make the Armatron but inside it there are weird & "special" cogs/gears that makes it all work, so for now that is out of the question(unless I use the Armatrons own gear some how). Here is the link to an article about how it works http://www.starborneworks.com/?p=22
  18. haha DON'T GIVE UP !!! Love this thread
  19. I got this for £139 , my 2nd one because after pricing the power components(cheapest ones I could find in brick owl and Lego shop) I realised the motors/IR/servo etc. alone came to about £90. So I got the rest of the parts,as spares, for about £50(1625 parts) :)
  20. Thank you all for the replies :) My only LEGO buy on eBay was the 42009 discontinued crane, and it was sealed and in perfect (mint) condition. Well it was for all of 5 mins, after which I opened it and constructed it. I will try Brickowl and Bricklink. I believe LEGO in the UK is shipped from the UK (LEGO imports it to their own facility here) so no customs involved. I have had items shipped in to the UK before(for motorbikes) and after opening them the customs taped it up. This box was unsealed and no sign of any tape. Got the excavator coming tomorrow from them , will let you know how it turns up...
  21. 1)will check out brickowl ty :) my 42009 was from eBay and it was sealed and all parts there. 4) yes I did do rebrickable, and it told me what extra pieces I needed. Any thoughts on SBrick ? will look up LEGO shop locations but I think nearest is miles away(Cardiff) ty :) I got my sealed 42009 for £230 (ouch!)
  22. thanks for the prompt reply ! :)
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