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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by KikoTube

  1. Don´t get me wrong. I realy like that u comment what u think. Just try to say it a bit nicer :D Like: I think u lost a lot of Details. It is very angular. It would be the best to rebuilt it. Instead of: Box on Wheels You know what I mean?
  2. @M_longer "Box on wheels" I read a few of your comments that you wrote in other Topics. I think that you realy can "hurt" other People with your comments who are working on their Projects for e.g a half year. Im just trying to say that u should be maybe a bit friendlier...
  3. What i till have to do: Interior and the roof Opinions?
  4. Thats good to know. Thank you @M_longer Meanwhile i found some blueprints of the normal Version But the Military Version is a bit longer at the back i believe
  5. There are no blueprints for this truck sadly. But i found a 3d model of it with 360° look. @M_longer
  6. Ok... I know what you mean though... the cutout on the bumper would be no Problem to build. Ill improve it. The mudguards can also be improved. Ill work on it @M_longer
  7. It ´s been a while since i last made a update... I had not the time to build Many Things have been changed. Thanks to @agrof and his comment i made the front of the cab new. But i had to make some compromisses to make the overhang shorter. The headlights are without the grid but with leds at top and bottom. I alsomade the bumper more sturdy Tell me what you think! (battery box is just for the photo)
  8. Great Performance! But is the gear ratio on the front and back axle not different? Chris
  9. Yea, ur right. I will improve it Here´s a Picture of a modelled Iveco Trakker
  10. I almost finished the Cab. I still have to make the top and the interior It is more than 80cm Long and has already a weight of 3,5 kg Suggestions and Critic are welcome !
  11. The Chassis Looks very promising. Aren´t the soft springs too soft?
  12. On my german forum people told me that the door is too narrow. I checked the blueprints and realized that they were right. So i made the doors 2 studs wider and added Led's. Sadly these are all Led's i have. I also made some custom stickers.
  13. Thank you! LED´s will be added!@Kmuffin The doors are finished:
  14. It steers with a rack and pinion. The frame is not bending but it has some rotational flexing. But thats actually not bad. A am at the front axles or at the back?
  15. It´s done! The solution for breaking universal Joints = Motors directly at the axles. Offroading works really well with this Setup. Ill upload a Video tomorrow
  16. Hello Guys. Sadly im not happy with the Chassis. I will redo it and post some pics when im ready.
  17. Great Progress! Looking forward to the finished Uni-Moc. Why did you change the tipping bed to 5L liftarms? Would panels not be better?
  18. How are the Wheelhubs used as Steering Did you use 1 1/2 Pins to connect them? Kiko
  19. Thank you! I decided to build this: But not as planned with Pneumatics. I will use LAs. Why: Because both arms need to be moving perfectly synchronous. Some more Progress on the cab: (Dark Grey Parts and doors will be changed)
  20. Scale Looks great! Green would be cool. Orange is used so often at unimocs
  21. I present you the finished Chassis with the improved back axles: (click for full size) And i did some Progress at the cab: Tell me what you think!
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