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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by KikoTube

  1. Looks cool! But the wheel covers are a bit crazy
  2. The body reminds me of an old Nissan Micra K10 Scale and Tires would fit perfectly... Maybe an idea for a scale model?
  3. Looks very good! I like the combination from studded beams and technic. Looks also very real!
  4. Agreed with @agrof Looks cool but look even better with an other colour as platform
  5. Thank you for all your helpful and creative comments @Beck It hurts to say but the structur that holds the links is sadly to weak as u mentioned. I will work on it to today. I have already an idea That's a cool idea. I have 4 big V1 pneumatics zylinder and 1 little. I think this could work. It has leafspringsuspended pendular axles in real life. ( just at the back ) It is written on Iveco's Webpage.
  6. Thanks That´s indeed a good question... I didn´t think about it yet. But there are many options. A few pictures cause it´s hard to describe 1: Sideloader (?) (my favorite) 2: Oil transporter 3: Containerloader (?) 4: Recoverytruck with crane: What do you like most?
  7. I really like all of your Moc´s. They are looking so good! One Question: How did you use 5.5 axles as springs in your Nissan?
  8. Thanks for the Input but i already finished the Chassis. It works very well with the Hubs i am using. Thank you for your kind words
  9. This is the first sketch for the Front: What do you think?
  10. Very smart solution at the steering Also cool look! From where does it get its power from? I can't see a BB...
  11. Im sorry but i think u made it to a U told People to shut up when they werent unfriendly at all. And you are very rude... So its sure that People will answer back in the same way you talk to them
  12. After finishing the back axles on LDD (and ordering the parts on bricklink ) i will start with the Bodywork now. Lots of DETAILS planned Here´s the back axle. These parts will be connected with 6L Steering Links. Critic and Opinions as always appreciated
  13. I already finished the front axles maybe not visisble on the picture. The rubber makes it more stiff.
  14. I like the rc buggy solution on top! How did u use the 9 volt battery?
  15. I just finished the front axles. I will let them like they are right now. BUT i will do other wheelhubs at the backaxles. So here is what i got so far. The chassis is doing pretty well. I use 2 servo motors and 2 xl motors. Both xl motors are geared down 1:6 and they are performing realy good altough i have done only the half of the chassis Front axles have also different steering angles thanks to @Beck and his comment Critic and Opinions are as always appreciated
  16. I build sheepos suspension in my scale onto my axles. This works really good. Only one problem I dont have steering so far
  17. I looked at sheepos chassis-what a masterpiece... I see what i can do with sheepos suspension type Thank you for the Input
  18. Very, very good looking and nice functions! Maybe only my opinion, but i think the tires are a bit too big no? Do you build after a scale?
  19. Hello Community Today i started a BIG Project. I´ll try to build it as near as possible to the original. Thanks to IVECO they show the details of this truck on their Webpage. (I found it only in german) Functions planned: AWD Pendular Suspension It has leafsprings in real life. I know leafsprings are possible. But not in my scale i believe... But i´ll try When i can´t reaplicate them i will use springs instead 3. Because my last big project failed because of the weight (and broken universal Joints ) i will build in only 1 BB, 2XL, 1 Servo Tires: I think these tires look great and fit the tireprofile realy well. Wheelhubs: I made some heavyduty Wheelhubs for my truck. LXF Updates coming soon. Improvements, Suggestions and Critic are welcome!
  20. Very clean build! Also like the colour sheme. :)
  21. Looks like a interesting car! I wish you fun building it
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