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Everything posted by KikoTube

  1. What is CV-Project? The CV-Project (Construction Vehicles Project) is a project i started. It is featuring a Tractor Unit, a lowloader (this topic) and a excavator or some other Construction Vehicles Introduction: My Name is Christopher and i am 14 years old. You are asking yourself, why i am telling you this? Because i maybe wont understand every word you will say Dimensions: Height: 19 cm Length: 72 cm Width: 15 cm Features: • Self locking shores • Sturdy design (It can carry lots of weight) Pictures: Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading
  2. Thank you very much! This is where the springs are located. I used 16 Springs Suspension at the Back: Youtube Video which shows the Suspension: The full video will be added if the trailer is finished (tomorrow)
  3. Okay :) I will do a video I have a geared down servo because it is connected to the steering rack with 6l Steering Links. Thanks It´s hard to show suspension etc. But i will build a little example and post the pics.
  4. What is CV-Project? The CV-Project (Construction Vehicles Project) is a project i started. It will be featuring a Tractor Unit (this Topic), a lowloader and a excavator. And maybe some other Vehicles. Introduction: My Name is Christopher and i am 14 years old. You are asking yourself, why i am telling you this? Because i maybe wont understand every word you will say Dimensions: Height: 24 cm Length: 42 cm Width: 15 cm Features: • Drive: 2XL Motors • Steering: Servo Motor geared down 1:3 • Live Axle Suspension on all axles • Detailed Cab and Interior Pictures: Tell me what you think. Thanks for reading
  5. Hello. I like the new Forum design. Looks better now. Altough i would also say that the bright gray is a bit too bright. And another question. Why can u only search for Things after 30 seconds ?. It´s pretty irritating (I know it was on the old Forum aswell but why?)
  6. Looks better now. But when will you start with the tubes?
  7. it has to be steered and should be a live axle
  8. Simply Amazing :wub: I would like to see a Video about the functions
  9. Hello Guys. I need a 17 (with 62,4 x 20 wheels) wide front axle it should be only 3 studs in height... Hope u guys can help Kiko
  10. Amazing! Thank you for sharing this with us :)
  11. Thank you. I read the topic and found some interesting axles. I will build my own today with the ideas i got now :) Pictures coming soon
  12. The new plan is a 4x4 with a trailer. Since i have just 6 of the unimog tires but want doubles tires at back. The suspension Problem is also solved. The new chassis has Independent front suspension and at the back im still thinking... Pictures coming when home again
  13. I vote for the Frontloader :)
  14. Hey :) I already posted a few pictures of the 6x6 on the first topic side. (brickshelf link) It is hard to post many photos due to my Illness. Many times in Hospital... I hope you will be satisfied if i post today the photos ! ;)
  15. I think you have to build that much more stable...
  16. So guys.. Here´s the solution. Ill build a 4x4 Truck and put the crane on the Trailer :)
  17. You understood me wrong. Maybe its my fault. :) With Ind. Suspension i mean Independent
  18. Okay. I could contact Efferman through a german forum and i also got a few other tips. Solution: Front Independen Suspension cause i think the front is the biggest problem. at back i will see what i can do. Since i want that double tires on there, Ind. Suspension is no option. Some tipps for the back axle?
  19. I have a "little" Problem... The truck has with the crane above 5 Kilos. If i only put something in front of the axle and try to drive over it, the U-Joints break at the back and in front... Some tips to prevent this? P.s: Pictures to Crane coming soon!
  20. First question here. This will be one of my first build cranes. Since i wan´t to have a lot of power i Need some tipps from you guys. What is more effective? Linear Actuators or Pneumatic?
  21. Wow! I am in love with this crane. I´ll build it. I would also like doubletires on the rear... But i dont have them IF i have good idea for the back axle with double tires i´ll buy them.
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