Everything posted by Teddy
Blue Coats, Red Coats, or Green Coats
bleu coats.. Remind me of the wonder i felt viewing the first lego pirate sets back in 1989.... Especially Eldorado Fortress 6276 here, which i got for my birthday that year... Spend hours in the shop just looking at the box art... Must have driven my parents nuts.
Presenting my current WIP: HMS Victory
Hi Captain green hair! Thanks for your reply. i visited the ship last year with my girlfriend. Unfortunately the aftsection wasn't part of the tour then. Maybe i can revisit and beg them to let me into the aft section... dear Mister Phes, after your interview here I'm starting to understand your humour a bit
EB News Pesents: Mister Phes!
haha thats a funny interview! Good to know a little bit more about mister phes!
Presenting my current WIP: HMS Victory
Update 1: Dear all, hereby i would like to show you my current update. Any comments are welcome! i have added the enterior of the main hold and started putting some stuff in: Ofcourse i need some extra stones for weight trimming and some additional barrels to fill up the space. I've also worked on the forward section making the grand magazine. here's a picture taken from the magazine to the filling room which is lit by the lighting room: here is an overview of the forward section: you see the lightroom the fillingroom with the magazine and a minifig in the coal room which stored the coal for the galley. No coal is in there yet just a minifig. next to the coalroom there are two store rooms one for the boatswain (larboard) and one for the carpenter (starboard). The aftsection is still under review: the aft section should hold: a spirits room, fish room, bread room, light room and the lady's hole. Unfortunately my sources (some books, a cd from the museum in portsmouth, and detailed plans) all seem to contradict each other on the devision of thse rooms in the aft section. several plans show different sizes and shapes and color information is not present. So if any of you has knowledge on the aft sections current devision please let me know. Any comments and suggestions on the hold are very welcome! kind regards, Teddy
NEW Official Pirate Minifigure Pictures?
Yes it is! :) I think i can do a litlle calculation on that one too: Considering the minifig "packs" of the 1989 catalog to the current ones i would say minifigs have become slighlty more expensive. In the 1989 "minifig-packs" one minifig was priced at around 1 euro. Adjusted to inflation that would amount to 1,60 Euro in current money. The minifigs in the current packages are more around 1,80 Euros. So minifig prices have actually gone up 12% since the 1980s! Oposed to regular bricks which have gone down 40%! So minifigs have become a relatively greater part of the pricing the last 20 years. kind regards, Teddy
NEW Official Pirate Minifigure Pictures?
Dear ImperialShadows, I did the math like you suggested with a Dutch 1989 lego catalog and selected a basket of larger sets spread over several themes. What i found out was that the average price for a single brick in such a set is roughly simular to todays average price for a single brick in a larger set. But if you correct for inflation ( using Dutch figures of an average anual inflation of 2,4% a year for the last 20 years) the average lego brick in a larger set has actually become 40% cheaper. So this leads me to conclude that lego actually has become 40% cheaper than 20 years ago! I'm curous what would happen if one would do an analysis on 1960s data. Kind regards, Teddy
Frigate, a WIP
Looks like a good idea! :) Allows for a lot of playability and showing of entirior detailing. Are you planning to do some work below the waterline? Maybe as part of a scenerie? -> rough sea of blue bricks Kind regards, Teddy
The frigate L'Orient - Back in the dock
Dear Bonaparte, really like your ship and the updates you are making. It has a real lego pirate feel to it. Also the tumbling home with the larger slopes will surely improve upon the smoothness of the ship. Also fitting her with coffee staint cloth sails. Curious how that will impact the overall look of the ship! Do you have any updated pictures yet? Kind regards, Teddy
Dutch VOC ship the Prins Willim, minifig scale!
Dear Captain green hair, that looks amazing! Good to see the tiled hull is catching on! ;-) also interesting to see you solved the hull problem i had with a slightly different approach then i did with my SNOT solution fot the mini-fig scale HMS Victory. here Also love the detailing you are making for the ship interior! curious to see how your ship will end up! :) Maybe one day we will be able to display our mini-fig scale vessals toghether in a special lego sailing event?
Presenting my current WIP: HMS Victory
Hi Captain green hair, thank you for your remark and concern! :) you are right about the 177 centimeters including bowsprit. However, the jibboom is not included in this length measurement. The jibboom is a kind of mast attacheted to the bowsprit. the jibboom extends the overall length an additional 53 cm. i am very sure about this since i am in the lucky possesion of the plans of, and of several books on, the HMS Victory. But good to know there are people keeping a critical eye on peoples work! :) so thanks again for your remark, but lucky for me i dont have to demolish the hull just yet. ;) Kind regards, Teddy
Frigate, a WIP
really like this ship! especially the modular design and camboose! :) any suggestions, tips, thoughts, on how your going to fix the rigging on this beauty while maintaining the modular structure? kind regards, Teddy
Presenting my current WIP: HMS Victory
hi Mr Tiber, sorry for the late reply, i have been on holliday. the current hull is aprox. 1.5 meters from head to toe, which would amount to approximately 194 feet in my scale. the entire lenght of the original ship is 227 ft 6 in from bowsprit to taffrail (notice only the black and yellow part are counted as bowsprit, the rest is a so called jibboom), this will amount to a total length of approx 1,77. The length of the bowsprit including jibboom beyond the ships head will be approx. 85 cm. making the total length somewhere around 2,30 meters (because the bowsprit is tilted). Kind regards, Teddy
Presenting my current WIP: HMS Victory
Thanks for all the positive responses! this is the striping of the vessel. Currently the striping is on as a measurement for deck height and to verify the drawings i made. Hope these photos explain the striping a bit: an opened up drawing and one of a model maker i found via google
LEGO Pirates Movie!
Thats a really good movie!! Thoroughly enjoyed watching it. Good characters. have to say well done! hope to see some more movies in the future. :)
Presenting my current WIP: HMS Victory
<Edit 27 Oktober 2008: I've put the recent photos in the first post:> <February 2009: A History from 2006 till now of the building process is in post 91:> Dear all, after presenting myself to you a few days ago and after starting a brickshelf folder, i would like to show you all the latest photos of the scale model of the HMS Victory i am building. The scale is minifigure scale 1:39. I would apriciate any comments and suggestions. Hopefully you like the SNOT hull i designed which is entirely covered with tiles. The tiles are ment to represent the copper plating. <November 2009: Update on the orlop> <February 2009: CGH inspired me to show the sturdiness:> <February 2009: the orlop as it was then:> General overview: The commander stands on the spot were Nelson died: <24 December 2008: started on the orlop:> close up of first part of the orlop: <7 Oktober 2008: Stern update:> <21 August 2008: interior update:> <21 August 2008: gun port design:> Version1: Version2: <10 August 2008: new gun design:> link to topic: here <28 July 2008: hull interior:> Main hold: Here's a picture taken from the magazine to the filling room which is lit by the lighting room: Overview of the forward section: <Original photos > a photo from the bow more zoomed out one from the stern another one a close up and another close up hopefully you like my design. Kind regards, Teddy
Hello my name is teddy
Judging from your brickshelf folder, you already build some beautiful ships! And in the 104 gun ship you already nearly have an all brick hull. :) For me collecting the bricks was a real problem. I was unaware of any color change so i was unplesently surprised when a lot in new brown was delivered. i read somewhere about bley, but it never crossed my mind they changed brown as well. I guess i was somewhat naieve in that respect. i managed to use the new brown mostly on the inside while keeping the outside in old brown as best i could. Kind regards, Teddy
Hello my name is teddy
Yes, i have chosen a scale of roughly 1:39 which amounts more or less to one stud a foot Additional benefit of using one stud a foot is that old drawings are easier to read and translate into lego. :) btw. to create this hull, which is only half done, i used original plans of the HMS Victory, the brown part used to be completely submerged and is supposed to represend copper plating. Kind regards, Teddy
Hello my name is teddy
Thanks for all the friendly replies! :) I'm not sure if i should have set the "hello my name is" theme in another forum and my ship in the pirate forum? Dont know, hopefully i didnt mess up the organisation of the site... Thanks again for the replies! Kind regard, Teddy
Hello my name is teddy
Dear all, since i've been reading eurobricks more often lately i would like to introduce myself. I'm an AFOL living in the Netherlands who has returned to the hobby two years ago. I realy enjoy the hobby right now and find it is very relaxing. Luckely my girlfriend is very supportive an allows me to put mocs and sets almost everywhere in our appartement. :) My friends call me teddy (it is not my real name ;) ) since they think i look like a teddy-bear. Well i wanted to show you my current work in progress. and another picture and a bit closer to the SNOT work of the bow section hopefully you like it. Kind regards, Teddy
The Vasa
Hi Jos, your ship looks really great! :) Johan
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