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Delta Customs

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Delta Customs

  1. I'm not in any trouble, nor have I been in any real trouble from leaks. I posted leaks because I enjoyed having heads up on what was coming out. Others in the community did too, so I posted them to get the word around to those who cared. I didn't ask for anyone to talk about it or post about. I stopped posting leaks because I simply don't share as much interest in Lego anymore, combined with the fact that the account I had built up for 3 years had been taken down, it seemed as good as anytime to stop posting. Captain Unicorn is doing fine and dandy, still doing what he does and has had no problems on his end. To sum it all up, it's nice to sit on the sidelines and watch what happens here in the community instead of actually taking part. You guys probably won't be hearing from me on the leaking end again. Sorry to disappoint anyone and I say thanks to those who believed in me and stuck by my side when I did post something absurd. I'm not expecting many people, but if anyone cares to keep up to date with me and what I'm up to, you can follow me @delta.png on Instagram. I can't promise Lego posts that often if at all, so don't follow me if you're expecting Lego leaks. Thanks again
  2. So some BTS or something pics leaked out, and guess what? Lego's Snoke figure is accurate after all in his blue eyed fleshy glory.
  3. Has no one considered that his skintone is maybe accurate? We haven't seen actual pictures of Snoke from TLJ, and who knows, maybe the hologram projection we see of him in TFA disrupts the color and just makes him look white instead of flesh.
  4. Just gonna leave these here.
  5. No, he was not the original leaker of the pics for the TLJ sets. Those leaked pictures originated from Twitter user Filip Krupička, who Mike Zeroh, the one who brought light to these leaks, got them from.
  6. Looks more like Iron Patriot. https://www.comicbookmovie.com/spider-man/homecoming/spider-man-homecoming-the-vulture-looms-and-spideys-suit-shines-in-new-concept-art-a151742
  7. And Chef Joker. Even if he wasn't in the movie.
  8. Lemme clarify, in no where did I ever claim the pictures were mine, unless that's what you get from "Swipe Left. " I never did post a source because of CM4Sci leading me to believe it was someone else and would not specify. I do suppose you are in fact agitated towards me for not mentioning you for showing me the watermarked pictures. Lemme get this straight too, I credit the people who take the pictures when I know who they are/when they ask me to. I appreciate you showing them to me but that's not how I work.
  9. That's not what I said.
  10. I hope me not saying anything doesn't count as a confirmation. After all, this is the first I've heard of it!
  11. and alas the lego batman movie theme continues to thrive in winter 2018 for its third wave.
  12. Just tying up a loose end here, Logan Marshall-Green (the other guy) was confirmed to be playing the Shocker at an open house at Marvel yesterday. So there are at least two Shockers in the MCU as of now.
  13. Ok, be it that, Shocker still doesn't have a mask which is my main point. Lego did a fine job.
  14. Bokeem Woodbine was listed as "Shocker #2" in a leaked cast list. Also, just look at the other guy's costume, yellow sleeves and brown body, that is very distinguishably a Shocker outfit. Marvel wouldn't just happen to make a chracter dress like someone so distinct. And in response to the colors, that's just all nitpicking at this point. Chop it up to be concept art conflicts or like I said earlier, a update in the costume later in the film.
  15. I don't understand this constant asking and complaining about Shocker not having a mask. From what we've seen of this movie, there have been two Shockers, NEITHER of which sport a mask. As we see in the set, Lego decided to go with the Shocker played by Bokeem Woodbine. In the linked picture, you can see the costume Lego based the figure off of. I personally think they did a good job, only giving him a zipped up jacket with a red scarf/shirt instead of an open jacket, probably a concept art change or a look he has at a later point.
  16. Just because it has a stand doesn't mean it's UCS. What I've heard is in line with what Stash2Sixx said, so I don't think it is a UCS set. I think it's a part of the The Last Jedi wave, but don't quote me on that. Just a thought, but if what I've heard is true shouldn't that make it a September 1st release and not an October release?
  17. Just my luck... I was sent a low quality version picture of the Shocker a week or two ago. I figured it was a photoshop of a custom Negan torso onto the Toyfair picture. whoops
  18. We got comic Magneto and Wolverine in that set. Companies like Hasbro and Lego don't have the rights to Fox movie characters, only their comic counterparts, so that's what they usually what we get. This is getting really off topic so I suggest we leave it here or take it to a PM.
  19. The reason we don't get anything movie Deadpool if because he's a Fox property, not because he's too "violent". If you're talking about comic Deadpool, that just doesn't make sense because we've gotten one. Also, the ship in the bigger set is in fact the circular ship seen in the trailer. More specifically:
  20. The reveal for this might be closer than we think, Celebration is now less than a week away.
  21. Seriously? This is at least his third time fabricating lies and spreading false rumors.
  22. That's really dumb. I'm calling complete BS. >why would superman need a vehicle >why would lego design the Flash's art and give him a printed head >and arent those prices wrong if the toyfair people are to be believed
  23. Can't show pics yet, but the Wonder Woman from the new set IS exclusive. New prints baby!
  24. Dual molded legs seem even unlikelier. Both dual molded legs and printing are just wishful thinking. Don't get your hopes up.
  25. I wouldnt say that. It's very likely it'll only be head, torso, and arms.
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