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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by luukietechnic

  1. I feel the same. Everyone should see this from the perspective of lego and the designers. This is basically the UCS of lego technic. It is meant for display in the first place, then its look over functions. Besides, this is still lego, it's made out of a range of plastic parts that make a structure. It's been improved, and for people that want a perfectly closed model, go buy 75878.
  2. I know this sounds complicated and probably not real, but how crazy would a brake with the spoiler brake be! Like this:
  3. Well, we have only seen the model from one angle. We don't know any of the functions, and there are roughly 900 pieces left to make some nice features and details. For example, the C in the middle of the car is also there. Looking to the back of the car there are two body pieces making a line from the roof to the side. It's in may ways improved upon the porsche, and tI have high hopes for the rest of the car.
  4. I love it! colours are good, and I like the use of the technic and system pieces, its perfect. The only place of the model that is not placed right for me is the hood with the flexible parts. I think they are a bit to high, and in comparisson with all the other very nice bodyparts it feels a bit to much gap, although I'm happy with the improvement over the porsche regarding the gaps in the body.
  5. It was hard to select some entries out of my favorites list. This is what I could make of it! Thanks for this great contest. I've really enjoyed it! 15:10 20:6 7:4 23:3 13:2 3:1
  6. Thanks! I almost forgot that! I think this will be enough. Thanks for letting me know!
  7. I love this one! It is not big and very realistic!
  8. 16. The Mammoth Cat A Signature Move: The Ancient Spear The Mammoth drives with two xl motors. Beside that there are two functions: The spear and the tusks. The tusks can hold the opponent in place, while the spear destroys the armor. The Mammoth is very stable cause of his low center of gravity, and the 8 wheels makes it very hard to push away. This monster weighs around 1800 gram, so flipping is quite hard. Link to the discussion topic: Photos Video I hope you like my creation. For more information you can see the discussion topic! (Link is above the photos)
  9. Hello everybody! I'm finally back after a busy period of building and filming. You always need more time for the final touches then you thought you would need. But here he is: The final version of The Mammoth! I have solved the problems with turning, although it is not as maneuverable as I would like it to have. For the video I used a more workshop background, because I thought that it would suit in the theme of battlebots. Here are some photos: Now I have some more time to look around and see what you have made! Let me know what you think!
  10. I made some changes to the photos. I hope you can see them now.
  11. Thanks! Indeed it looks like a crab too. And when you are pulling the tusks in the air it is also looking like a bunny. I will try these solutions when I have time to work on it. A friend of mine had the same problem. I don't know why you can't see them. Maybe you should try another browser.
  12. [TC11] CAT A The Mammoth Hello! I'm back with an entry for this contest. I have created something that should like a sort of mammoth. I have still some problems to solve (more on that later) but it is almost finished. Here are some pics: The bot contains 1 sbrick, drives with two xl motors, and there are two functions: - The spear, wich is pulled back with help of a string, and a rubber band that keeps the spear on tension. I will show you some close-ups in the final video. - The tusks. These maybe look flimsy (actually they are), but the flexibility comes in very handy, because it closes around a opponent perfectly. Here is a pic of the inside: The gears under the actuator are part of the spear system. When the spear is full back, it pushes against a lever, that set the gearbox in release, and the spear can fire perfectly. When the spear is full in front, the gearbox is in pulling mode. I have made this so I can use one motor for the function. Here is another picture of the belly: Now I still have one problem. The model doesn't turn quit well. Now the model is around 1.8 kilos, it isn't easy to turn, but without the black covers it works just fine for my needs. When the covers are on, the model doesn't turn (the wheels aren't touching the covers). I'm still looking for a solution, but maybe someone does know what I have done wrong. This is it for now, I you have any questions let my know.
  13. Maybe you could use the power function switch. When the lift is up to the top, the switch changes the direction of the motor. When it is down, it will again change the direction, and this can be repeated for ever. In this case, you will have to make a system that turns the switch when the lift is up to the top, and the other way around.
  14. Amazing! This is so awesome! Everything is so nice detailled!
  15. Here is the video. The quality of the video is not very good, because I was very busy and I had to make time for some other stuff, but I think that is shows all the functions properly. Please give me some tips so I can improve the quality of my videos.
  16. 33. Heavy Lift Telehandler Functions: Mechanical functions: - Extending the boom - Steering Pneumatic functions: - Raising the arm - Cabin lift - Attachment leveling - Extra function (Claws) Images Video: Link to the discussion topic:
  17. Hello again. In this post I will show you the attachment for the heavy lift telehandler. As you can see it is a bucket with pneumatic claws. It is very simple but works great. This is how it looks on the model. I will post a video as soon as possible.
  18. Thank you all for your kind comments! Thanks! This was the last update on the model. The attachment is not included in the model. It has to look like you can use more attachments then only one. Thank you! As there is described, this is a heavy lift telehandler, and these has sometimes very big tires, like this one below. I used some photo's to build with the right proportions, but I used dimensions from all photo's to make my own telehandler that it would look good to me. Thanks! Sharp eye! I didn't noticed that. Thanks! To be honest it isn't a claas telehandler. The sticker is there because I have to reassamble this part later on my Claas. Thanks! Thanks! I will post the model with the attachment this evening. That is awesome!! Thanks for letting my now! Now I am curious who suggested my creation! And one mistake: The attachment is not self-leveling.
  19. Hello again, Here is the last update on the model. This part contains the finishing of the model. As you can see on the photo, there are mudgards, wheels and a detailled front plate. The front plate is made of some orange panels and the new black panel. There is still a sticker of the Claas on it, because I have to reassamble that piece. That is how it is looking on the model. This is the whole model with the wheels and the mudgards. I made some minor changes to the back of the boom, so the pneumatic tubing can fit properly. I will now make a video of the model, and in some time I will show you the attachment I made for this model. Thanks! I think this colorscheme is one of the easiest for me because I have a lot of parts of these colours.
  20. Thank you! I think so, because these parts are really finishing the model! Thank you! First I wanted to use red and black, but not all of the parts are available in red.
  21. And here is the fourth update of the Telehandler. As you see this part is the cabin. It's very simple and has a widely used design. There are some details like the lights, the flashlight, the steering wheel and the seat with armrests. The door can also be opened. The pneumatic function of the cabin is the tilting function. It is very simple but it works great. And this is how it is looking on the model. It is attached in the same way as the controlpanel. More photos of the working functions will come when the whole model is finished. Tomorrow I want to show you the finishing of the model.
  22. I think I have a solution for the problem, but keep in mind that there are four tubes that came from the 42043 model. These are very rigid. Beside that the hoses cause a lot of resistance in the boom.
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