Everything posted by Invincible_LEGOMAN
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
To anyone who has gotten the sets in the US can you please post the DCPI codes?
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Does anyone have the DCPI’s for the new Spider-Man sets? I see people are starting to get them early. Just2Good found them at Target already.
- DC Superheroes 2018 - Set Discussion
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Is the Captain Marvel set a January 1st release?
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I think actually the goblin head piece from the hobbit line would be better here. I don’t mind the color but the lack of printing makes the head piece look so disconnected.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Do we know if these are a December 2018 release or January 2019?
DC Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I was too but honestly this figure has enough detail to go with the movie figures in my opinion. Exact same colors, but only missing the red eyes.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
That info did sound too good to be true. It’s unfortunate this happens a lot but hopefully when we get the A4 details it will be along those lines. I really want a Thanos with no helmet! Also I hope we get a Skrull in the Captain Marvel set!
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I hope the Kree minifigure turns out to be a Skrull minifigure because I’d be very disappointed if we didn’t get a Skrull minifigure at all.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Love the spider-buggy! So glad we are finally getting it but I hope they do it in s regular set one day. It will be the only reason I buy this juniors set. Green Goblin fig doesn’t come anywhere close to the bridge battle one.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I really hope this means a separate line but I really don’t want to get my hopes up. Just because it’s a Spider-Man line doesn’t mean other heroes can’t pop up. Ghost Rider was first introduced in a Spider-Man set. I can see Daredevil as an easy inclusion in a Spider-Man set down the line.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
How many times do we have to say it but add spoiler tags! People including myself don’t want to spoiled by potential villians in the movie that’s over 6 months away in a LEGO set discussion thread.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Because the sources just informed us they are apart of the A4 sets.
DC Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Very happy Ocean Master is in a set since he was absent from the Aquaman movie set. Hopefully an updated comic Aquaman to go with it.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Who else is in the carnage set?
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Agreed. Pretty pathetic only two new characters for an entire wave. Granted I love the new Spider-Man design but the villians aren’t grabbing me.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I couldn’t find the pic of Doc Ock but just hearing about it is disappointing enough. Another variant...I really thought we had 1 or 2 slots left for new characters to appear but I think this is it.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
He’s rumored for set 76128 for a FFH wave.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Darn. 2099 Goblin would have been awesome.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
That’s really surprising if that turns out to be true! I really don’t know what villians they would use in the sets that are comic based from Avengers Assemble.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I really hope Miles and Vulture are in the Juniors set. Both are unnecessary variants and that would leave some potential minifigure slots left open.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I think you’re right. Pretty disappointing no new villians figs but at least we got 2099.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Sorry I must have mixed it up with 76132. I could see that. Possibly with some small symbiote builds.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I agree about 76123-76126. But I honestly still think 76131-76133 are Mighty Micros. With no confusion on any of those being Spider-Man FFH, I think it’s the return of Mighty Micros. 76131 is even rumored to be a $10 Spider-Man mini vehicle.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
You shouldn’t call him out on that. If he answers your DM’s personally it’s very thoughtful of him but it can get him into trouble if you say his name on the forum for giving you information. Next just say “a leaker”.
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