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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by paulsp2012

  1. Well said. I'm sure many AFOLs would agree with this sentiment. I'd like to see a castle/historical meets monster hunters theme. Make a farmhouse set with a creepy pumpkin patch and scarecrows. Or a necromancers tower with small graveyard etc
  2. That does sound impressive. Do you have a flickr or any pics of your collections up?
  3. Definitely. I think it would also help synergize the different brands. People that say only bought Ninjago before might start considering the creator and city line more seriously.
  4. I dearly hope this to be true. It would be incredible to see Lego fully embracing modulars and begin making modulars throughout their licenses. Imagine a modular Arkham Asylum or a modular Daily Planet. One can dream....
  5. probably a nanofig so rocket can hold him
  6. You still see them in stores? Here in houston if its not current don't expect to find it lol also I plan on buying all 3 new ones Its on youtube <-wait I misread what you were implying lol
  7. I would love to see that figure. They should make it a buildable fig though so they could have the flailing tentacle function like in the Doctor Strange set.
  8. You're right they have been lackluster as of late but I think they also have the potential to be the greatest and most memorable sets when lego designs them right.
  9. That actually sounds kind of cool lol
  10. Definitely. I may be stating star wars lego blasphemy by saying it but I prefer sets that are "scenes" rather than just a ton of ships/vehicles.
  11. Well I'm hoping this new phantom set will have a different looking Chopper. I'd like to see him with imperial disguise on and maybe his little arms out or something.
  12. Totally agree. I was hoping for a new big Rebels set since I'm missing Zeb as well.
  13. Very cool collection Nokturn. May I ask how much you spent to get all those figs?
  14. I cannot wait till they release the pics for the new Guardians sets. I rarely buy all sets in a line but I'll definitely be picking all of them up.
  15. They did come out with a Doctor Who set and I remember several episodes that would have been too much for children especially with the sexual innuendos.
  16. Sounds smart business wise to me. Break up the figures into different sets so people feel inclined to buy more sets to get them all & put the most sought after figures in the most expensive sets so they sell better.
  17. Agreed. Also add to that a Kilgrave fig. Make him look like David Tennant though lol
  18. lol I suppose that's fair. I do wish they would consider other markets though. I think lego could expand their profits immensely if they took a hard look at who actually buys their products.
  19. True. I think its unfortunate that Lego doesn't take into consideration the mass amount of AFOLs out there. I think if they got more mature licenses like Game of Thrones they would sell like hotcakes.
  20. Interesting to hear. I doubt there will be many this coming wave considering how many there were last wave. I would like to see some Marvel Netflix series get some sets of their own IE Daredevil and Jessica Jones. I would kill for a Killgrave minifig.
  21. my bad. Thanks for clarifying though! I'm already planning on gettin all 3 lol
  22. Hey guys any Idea what wave the Guardians of the Galaxy sets going to be released? Also hoping for some pics soon.
  23. Will the new Rebels Phantom fit with the Ghost or would it be possible that a new Ghost is going to be made as well?
  24. OK i got in thru a side door to the galleria. Nobody else standin outside lol looks like everythn is here
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