- Join the Blockheads :D
- REVIEW: 71001 LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10
Best modular to buy
I wish, as soon as I get my tax refund I'm going shopping for a CC. Not sure if I'm going to go original or build it from pieces on Brick Link yet. I paid 1200 last year for my Green Grocer and Market Square which I thought was a good deal (loose, complete with all original parts). Just be careful with the lot number of the Fire Brigades. There was a bad batch about 2 years ago which is why it's still around. Lego had to ship out so many replacement parts that they ended up doing another entire run. So a lot of folks may not even know they are sitting on a FB set that's missing an entire bag or two of parts.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 Discussion
I'm just speculating. The Comic Con ones are Super Hero based, which is a line with a more limited appeal than the CMF line (at least in my humble opinion). The 2011 CC Lego's are selling (actually selling) for $1200 for a set of 3. Now imagine that the entire world is trying to get their hands on 1 of 5k gold mini's that will be packed. Packed is the key word, who knows how long it will take for all 5k of them to be found. If I see one going for under a grand I'll jump on it as soon as it posts :D
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 10 Discussion
Ugh, the Golden Mini is going to kill me. I have a "complete" set of the CMF figures so far (including the team GB ones, and I don't even like the Olympics...). I can see these easily being scalped for a few thousand dollars on eBay already. It's a super smart move from Lego sales wise. As someone like me, I usually go out and buy 20 bags once they are out, figure out which ones I need and then buy the remainder from Bricklink. The question is, do you spend a ton of cash on mini's and end up with a few hundred extra, or just budget a grand or two aside for a single figure.
Best modular to buy
I own them all (well, I'm still missing CC :\ which I will own one day!) and I would say that if I wanted to start somewhere it would be the Green Grocer :D If I have to choose from the current offerings I would say the Pet Store. I'm a sucker for the apartment looking type sets, and both of those scratch that itch. Out of all Market Square (which I over paid for) is the weakest offering.
- LEGO Castle 2013
- Special VIP Minifig Keychain?
- REVIEW: 70003 Eris' Eagle Interceptor
10232 Palace Cinema
Ugh, was psyched for this hoping it would be an old style Cinema like you would see in small town America. Instead we get something that looks like a renovation of a 40's Hollywood building. Maybe I need to see it in person to appreciate it, but the image so far is leaving me very underwhelmed. We didn't need a car, that's just wasted bricks that could have gone to another part of the set. I sincerely hope those are NOT stickers for the movie posters The sign seems way out of place as well, maybe its the colors? I like the roof, but why do all of the sets have to have towers now? Town hall, Fire Brigade and now this.
VIP Exclusive 850458 LEGO® Minifigures set
Oops, didn't see this thread or I wouldn't have started a new one (and I even searched too!). Still, and I can logistics, but wow lack of Zombies and Spartans make for one sad llama :\
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Our Wal Mart has the QAR on sale for 69.99. Sadly the Black Pearl has not gone on clearance yet. I already have my QAR but I'm hoping to get a Pearl for 49$ The store only has about 15 of them sitting on the shelf......
LEGO Team GB Minifigures Discussion
As a die hard Mini fan I *need* to get a set of these. If anyone wants to do an exchange please let me know :D
VIP Exclusive 850458 LEGO® Minifigures set
It's not often that I'm disappointed with Lego's ideas, but this one is really a kick in the pants :\ Honestly, Lego is going to come out and say that the 5 most popular Mini's from series 1 to 3 are the Mummy and the Fisherman? How is the Zombie not on this list? Or the Clown for that matter. It should have been (at least in my thoughts) Zombie Elf Cyborg Spartan Clown The selection on this one is terrible Lego... boo!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I wonder if Lego offers a payroll deduction plan? You know, so I can just send them 10% of my check each year pre-tax and save me the hassle of having to order these online or in the store. These all look great and "dead" Frodo from the Shelob set is my new favorite mini-face.
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