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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. That looks like a good stand in until a better one gets printed if ever. Funny story, I use the lego electro as a stand in for iceman. I like the transluceant parts. Ps that mean grey is amazing and I wish I was able to get a hold of that copy.
  2. Do you have any pics?
  3. Omg yeah, iceman isn't even niche and there isn't a good one of him. I find your conspiracy funny, but it might be true because some of these figures have amazing prints while other figures are straight cheap. Like we don't give a shit people will buy it anyways level. Then the randomness, I know some little Chinese kids aren't waiting at the edge of their seat for exodus. So I don't know who is advising them, but that dude is not really about the fans or making money.
  4. It is but it's too random. It's making collecting so hard when combined with the quality aspect. Like I don't know if I should buy this meteorite so I can make the thundebolts or maybe I should wait for another company to print her. Then her and fixers prints will be off because fixers print is decent and clean. Also should I even get her because maybe they won't release the other thunderbolt? It's a hobby that's not too expensive, but the way they release these figs makes it a little more difficult. Another thing, who wanted exodus when we still need improvements on many of the x men. Gambit, archangel, Angel, and beast. They all need reworks.
  5. I don't like the bad printing either but I guess it doesn't matter right now because the figure selection isn't that amazing. I'm tires of all the nightwing, publishers, batman, iron man, and captain America. Give us crimson dynamo, huntress, or something. Lego even has parts to make a mach 5 figure now.
  6. It's one store put real photos up. Pogo is pushing figs with this printing now for some reason
  7. I haven't had mine for nearly as long, but my legs seem fine even with kids playing with it safely every now and again. For me it's the dang neck. It always tilts down so easily, I wish that part was a bit stronger.
  8. What store do you order from? Because some I have no problem with, it's the newer ones.
  9. I find that kind of wild because I have been buying for atleast a year and have always had issues here and there. Maybe 2/5 orders I get are perfect.
  10. I do ask for refunds, but it seems like aliexpress is starting to care less and less. For my last order I marked the minifig as not received and wrong address just because the options are so limited.
  11. What do you guys do in your aliexpress order disputes if they fail to ship say 1/8 minifigs you order. Lately I have been getting orders where the sellers will leave one minifigure out and propose that they send it to you in the next order. It feels like a scam because they just want you to order more.
  12. Or you can make a white jacket and give it to the lbm killer croc
  13. Saw the Instagram ones but apparently I missed the mech and Aarons ship on pg 27. Thanks I scanned right over that link.
  14. I have looked everywhere. Can't find them as well.
  15. I don't mind the gold armor but the trans orange facemasks are terrible. If they were gold they would be very solid minifigures.
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