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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by mrjensmeister

  1. Since I've been staying with family these last two weeks, I only have access to my desk bricks. IMG_E0202 by mrjensmeister, on Flickr
  2. Yes, from the same set as the torso. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?S=col04-10
  3. My papa his uniform is dirty... not good
  4. I don't remember getting my prize last year*... I'll have to check.
  5. Points to 16. Games Booth by wonderpuddle - 1 Point 20. Ice Sculpting Competition by gazumpty - 1 Point 24. Snowy Owl Beer by SpacySmoke - 1 Point 48. Village Square Clock Tower (and Candy Dispenser!) by rodiziorobs - 1 Point 53. Test of Strength, Shooting Gallery & Roasted Chest by Cara - 1 Point Props to 25. by crayonboi 30. by Emma 50. by Hen Peril
  6. Merry Christmas!
  7. Wish I had 3x the points. VAN-VAN 15-2 points TMNT Party Wagon 56-1 point Vammoth 99-2 points ADU Headquarters 119-1 point Pick Up 125-1 point Steam Wagon 174-2 points
  8. 1 vote for Derlin's Home by Legonardo 1 vote for The Magic Fountain of Waldurk Forest by vecchiasignoraceppo I was left wishing I had 4 or 5 votes to give to Etzel, Tazmaniac and Scubacarrot
  9. 2. Brig. Brick Story of Two Coats - 1 Point 7. MstrOfPppts Jackie the Legend - 2 Points 9. Sebeus I Once and For All - 1 Point 10. Skalldyr Everyone in his own Way - 1 Point
  10. 14. Lobot - The Resurrection of the Emperor - 3 points 17. Naugem - A Moment In Coruscant - 2 points
  11. 12. pedro - Escape from Nar Shaddaa - 2 points 13. ACPin - Yoda's Legacy - 3 points
  12. 1. Yawgmoth - 1 Point 2. Sebeus I - 1 Point 6. Frank Brick Wright - 1 Point 8. Ecclesiastes - 1 Point 9. Deathdog - 1 Point
  13. 5. Efullner - 1 Point 6. Kurigan - 1 Point 8. MstrOfPppts - 1 Point 14. ZCerberus - 2 Points
  14. mrjensmeister replied to Si-MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    5. Duh-Nuh - madLEGOman - 1 Point 14. The Boundless - Lego Junkie- 1 Point 26. Deep Space Recon Raptor - Rook - 1 Point 27. Run Woody, Run! - gilcelio - 1 Point 30. Triceratron - Steebles1908 - 1 Point
  15. mrjensmeister replied to Si-MOCs's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    5. Freighter over Ice Planet Biodome - Lt. de Martinet - 1 Point 15. Landing on Xurus - K.Kreations - 1 Point 32. Survivors - Teazza - 1 Point 54. Floating Rocks of Algastarr - Guy smiley - 1 Point 68. Alien Autopsy - legolegolegolego - 1 Point Honorable Mention 1, 3, 13, and 27
  16. 11. Eric Su - 1 Point 15.NuffSaid1996 - 1 Point 22. Oky - 1 Point 43. Hammerstein NWC - 1 Point 49. Masked Builder - 1 Point Could have really used about 16 votes.
  17. 1. Winter Village: Winter Village Church by stebai - 1 Point 18. Winter Village: Mountain Lodge by Priovit70 - 1 Point 23. Winter Village: Lumber Yard by oo7 - 1 Point 29. Winter Village: Firehouse by Mrcool1804 - 1 Point 31. Winter Village: First Aid / Search & Rescue Cabin by soundwave_sw - 1 Point Honorable Mention 21. Winter Village: Cafe by Kristel
  18. There exists a Dark Red version in reality and so I made 2 in red using mostly parts from the hogwarts express. Made them 3rd class and crammed 2 more seat in there.
  19. 10 Practice Makes Perfect by DarthNick - 3 points
  20. Great stuff! If I may, how do you come into these minifigs possession?
  21. Since my original idea was taken, this'll have to do. It's a family heirloom!
  22. The Cage!! Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! Come see the epic battle between the champs; EmmaCop versus the Olive Heron! Tune in as the final match goes down, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! And as always, remember the colors for this match are pink and red so be sure to mix and match. Be there Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! or be caged!! ... more photos here.
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