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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Banana92

  1. I'm big enough to admit I was wrong about the color ?
  2. Honestly I'm not sure it's take much. Leave off the race themed sticked, change out the gray and some black for blue, and I think you could keep the spoiler, it is a super car after all ;)
  3. I'm sticking to my guns and saying bright light orange :P :P
  4. I don't think those are Bushings but rather the 4x1 thin lift arm with that little protrusion (idk the actual part number) I'm calling it now, bright light orange, not yellow :P Several of those pieces wouldn't be new in that color actually since we got the off roader a while back in that color and the new small buggy Keetongu from bionicle back in 2005 also featured several liftarms in that color, though between then and until recently it's obviously been retired in technic
  5. But like.. a different yellow right? That bushing looks like standard Lego yellow, the Liftarms look more yellowish-orange to me, the color of last years 42101 buggy
  6. Well this is much less impressive now, I like the dark Azure a lot but am a sucker for the Dark Turquoise (As a 90s kid when the color was prevalent) I'm not certain the technic 2x1bricks are what is used but the B-model has what looks like technic bricks in the back
  7. I think this might be the Bright light orange color and not yellow, it's hard to tell, but the bushings on the roof look slightly brighter If that's the case then I'll probably pick this up, the Claas-lite tires are just a bonus
  8. There's no way I have this right, but I'm doing what I do best and reverse engineering the sets for 2021 For what it's worth I like this MUCH better then the Corvette we got, it just looks so much more like the source material, and also the price to parts, I'll def be picking this up
  9. Well, Enjoy my take on Max D This was *before* I found good quality photos so I'm glad to see them here, the back isn't 100%, But I'm happy with it Also, is that the "bright light orange, school bus yellow, keetorange" or whatever used down the middle?
  10. Brickshelf comes through again, Anyway, Can't promise the B-model is 100% right, but I'm pretty sure the A model is
  11. Compressed to fit, I can't promise the B-model is 100% right, but I'm pretty sure the main model is! Well I can't delete my last post, it failed to upload the pic, and now I can't upload any more pictures...
  12. It looks like the major new piece is the 2x3 curved panel extension in black used on the arm (pictured), which I guess you can consider either a panel or a liftarm Still I'm really excited for this set. Sure it's not pneumatic as the name implies, but the coverage and parts usage is nice, and it looks like it will have the 3 functions we would expect with slewing, lowering the arm, and extending the bucket. It would be good to get that wind screen/seat piece in a non-frosted clear but I understand the cost limitations of making a new mold just for the different texture I guess we can pretend it's clear like we pretend other sets lacking a windscreen even have a windscreen to begin with Also I hope the #22 panel in yellow has it's companion #21 in the set, but judging from past history I don't expect it to. I might throw this together in studio like I've done for some of the other 2021 sets before it's released, always a fun challenge :)
  13. 2020H1 depresses me The Buggy, Mini Claas are easily the best sets, with the yellowish orange parts alongside the functions of the buggy, and the lime mini panels on a cheap set featuring 3 functions and looking like what it is supposed to represent, they do an excellent job introducing someone who has never built Technic to what it's about Even the two pullbacks offer a decent structure and interesting idea for what pullback sets have offered in the past, and I am all for them being 2 in 1 out of the box The catamaran isn't terrible but I hope the floating gimmick is limited to this set or better implimented in the future, instead of getting large, unwieldy pontoons good for one use It's everything that comes after that leaves so much to be desired The mobile crane *looks* okay, but looks are not all a technic set should offer, a lack of a B model, practically no functions I would call complex, and even some we would come to expect lacking, it's the first disappointment, even having built most of the 2020 sets in Stud.io long before we got videos, I already figured out the lack of geared slewing, the function of the 4 outriggers being directly driven, the dead simple steering, none of these are deal killers but for 1300 pieces... As a parts pack at around $100 USD I would call it a fine set, anything more expensive though... My biggest gripe is with the Rally car, and more prevelent in the Stunt Show While I actually like the idea of a stunt based set for pullbacks, the way it is handled here is poor, the colors are all over the place and it can be said that in both sets, it is obvious the budget wasn't allowing for the same piece in multiple colors (something obvious in the rally car when you notice the mini panels are navy blue only, the small and medium length panels are only black, and with the stunt show where azure parts show up or red parts are lacking. It is particularly jarring I the latter set as it is composed of 3 separate builds yet all using the same colors, something that does not make sense realistically 2020 just feels cheap, like something got pushed back, if it is to put more focus into H2, okay but that doesn't excuse what we're getting, and how much it leaves to be desired when compared to other years H1... Ramble over
  14. Right, they could have at least done like a hook/tow truck or some kind of wheeled dozer or something, there's a lot of panels and gears to shape up whatever, the parts are there
  15. Ahhh I said raises instead of extends, I meant extends... Still though, that's not saying much
  16. Though it is lacking geared slewing, rather that is manual in 42108 Still, the set looks fine, but looks aren't everything which is why this set is such a disappointment to me, after modding, I'm sure I could come up with something I am happy with, if it is released for around $100 USD then I think it's still a good deal, any more though... I'm glad the boom raises and extends reasonably fast, I'll give it a point there Also I have a Studio build avail. For the Mini Claas as well if anyone wants to check it out
  17. I'm from the US and got the Claas on sale the January after it was released for $100 from Amazon, also preordered the Corvette zr1 from Amazon for $30 (though I had to cancel my order and buy it later for reasons)
  18. Bricksafe? I'll try that, never used it before https://bricksafe.com/pages/Banana92/ Downloads for incomplete 42108, complete 42101 & 42102, and the shell for 42109
  19. I think smooth, it is on the front trim that borders where a windshield would be, as well as the extensions for the axle powering the boom extension Also how do I upload a Stud.io file? The .1mb size limit is killing me, simple printscreen jpegs are larger
  20. Reply is still bugging out for me Won't argue with it being an excellent parts pack and we'll priced, it has many redeeming qualities, I would never say any one quality will over shine another though, since to me that's the equivalent of just having a box with 1300 random Technic parts, coveted or not, and saying it builds something. It's still a mobile Crane and through that lens to me it falls short, it's not a complete failure, if I got the set I'm sure I'd be just fine with it, but I'd be more then happy with the parts it comes with!! I can confirm (unless I am missing something) there is NO drivetrain, no fake engine, no differentials nothing of that sort, let me boot the computer and upload the stud.io file brb
  21. For some reason my reply is bugging out, I wasn't aware of a red gear in 42109 unless you're specifically talking about the differential, which I believe sariel has covered the newer gears in one of his YouTube vids
  22. I can def see what you mean, I'm on board to say I've felt similarly to this before I opened my mind to ideas and creations outside what my tastes normally prefer I wouldn't say (yet anyway) that Technic is going in a new direction because I've said that to myself for years and it's never been the obvious case That said, this year disappoints me a little so far, mostly in terms of this set being what I would consider our 20h1 flagship I guess, and it's just not great outside of asthetics (proportions seem fine to me, as I have seen some pretty short mobile cranes) It's just that our two big sets coming soon are the Top Gear RC car, which is fine I guess, but overpriced, messy, and lacking any function besides being able to drive, and this set, which lacks slewing, synced outriggers, or really anything remotely complex All I'm saying is we go one or two years then see another mobile crane, and for this to offer nothing new, and no new parts is a real shame Looking at things like the Defender and Libermann, I def would not say we're going a direction we shouldn't but rather it seems the year H1 is getting less focus as H2 gets more focus on larger sets And if that is the trend TLG has chosen, I am fine with it, so long as we are made aware and it doesn't completely compromise H1 Anyway, computer troubles last night meant I couldn't upload the 42108 stud.io file, I will try and get to it today, and I can upload the 2020 Buggy and Mini Class as well, as I have Stud.io files for both, where would be a good place to upload them?
  23. Having built a number of Technic sets in the last few years, I would have to cast my vote for most enjoyable set as the Mercedes Arocs, the set is solid as heck A number of functions, clever building techniques, asthetically pleasing, large Overall it is my favorite set to date, and the bar it set in expectations for future sets was high, the Claas is similarly close, though it's obvious some corners were cut in it's attachments, I have yet to buy the Defender or Bugatti, but appreciate the looks of both But a set with a pneumatic boom claw, engine tied to two live axles, full pendular front, and leaf spring-esque rear suspension, duel front axle steering, powered tipping bed, outriggers, and slewing claw arm is impressive while still looking very good The only critiques ai have of the set are three, the amount of pneumatic hoses going through the turntable of the claw can be a burden on the motor when slewing the claw, the 2nd - 4th set of wheel arches seem a bit high, and the the lack of powered control in the outriggers is the only flaws, all of which are minor, especially considering at the time of release, it was the largest Technic set released. I'll post the Stud.io file soon for my 42108 build, note that it is not 100% complete yet, I cannot guarantee that all parts used are accurate, I refered to the pictures for hours, and did my best with what I had, it's at just over 1000 pieces so far
  24. So far what I've figured out.
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