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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by t12ung

  1. @Didumos69 That did indeed fix my issue. Looks like I'll be able to make some good progress on it for the weekend. Thanks again for all your great work on this model. I look forward to any future mods you might have planned for it
  2. Thank you for the spotting the issue! Indeed, that is most likely to be the issue. I'll confirm it later tonight when I get home to check it. As for the errata, step 100 emphasizes the correct orientation of the orange (+0)-liftarms in relation to each other that the orientation for the dbg one is easily missed! Perhaps, it's worth highlighting the orientation of the dbg one as well ( as it's obviously important )
  3. I've been reading Jim's review thread and also following discussions in the MOs and Improvements thread as well as Utlimately Playable, for about a week before I received my own set. As I've only recently come out of a dark age and have limited spares/sets, I decided to start building as per original instructions and only applying bare minimum MODs that wouldn't require extra pieces. So I did the 180° changeover catch (Attika) and the gear sequence fix (Paul Boratko) as described in Jim's original review. After finishing Box1, I tested the gear changes, but even with Attika's mod, it kept getting stuck quite often and catching on the square end of the changeover catch on release of a gear change. While building, I did try to ensure everything had a little play to reduce friction. Not giving up and throwing the set at the wall, I pulled out my 8070 set, which I already dismantled and put in storage for the time being, to use for parts and attempted to rebuild using the Minimal version BI errata. Thank you so much Didumos69 for putting this together! The gear changes are a lot smoother now and practically solved the issue. However... I'm still reluctant to move onto Box 2 as I have an issue with the 4th-1st gear block. I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly and have checked and rechecked. I didn't have a grey 2x4 L Beam so I used a black one instead. With the block in place, I was getting a gear sequence of 4-1-2-3 (blocking 3-4) However, if I placed the block on the other side of the 5x11 Open Center Frame, I would get the correct block (4-1). I also had so switch around the axles connecting the differential and D-N-R shifter. I've tried to demonstrate this with a motor in the following video... Here's a photo of my set up as per following the original BI with errata... Have I done something backwards? (click for full size) @Didumos69 On a side note, original BI step 74 uses 2 blue long pins to secure the 5x11 Open Center Frame to the bottom part of the chassis. These are not omitted in the errata as a step, but they do not appear in the renders from step 75 onwards. As these seem to make the whole structure more rigid, I'm guessing that they were forgotten in the renders?
  4. Thank you for the replies. The feature works well sometimes. It would be nice to have more control over the list of Sets To Consider, like sorting functions, as the list might only show sets that are quite hard to obtain (expensive). A date order could be useful in this case to show recent sets that are available in retail shops.
  5. Awesome MOC madoca, can't wait to build this! @Jim Great to see this in the Hall of Fame thread, but the spelling needs to be corrected (ICAUS, and side note... internal links are not working, I guess as a result of the forum upgrade and you probably already know this issue...)
  6. Hi All, I've recently just come out of a "dark-age", and am only looking to acquire my 4th set now. I'm quite keen to build 2 MOCs that I've taken a liking to, Brunojj1's F458 and Madoca 1977's Icarus Supercars. I know I can add the bricklist for both models and try to find where I can buy in lots on sites like brickowl and bricklink. Now what would be helpful is an alternative way to collect by buying other complete sets. So some smart way of showing % of your bricklist can be obtained by acquiring LEGO set # (sets listed and ordered by % complete of bricklist). Then I could hunt down a good deal on these sets and enjoy expanding my collection, building bought complete sets, and re-using the parts to build an awesome MOC. I don't suppose there are any tools currently available to do this?
  7. Thank you :) Currently, I've put mine back in it's box in storage while waiting a buy a house where I can have my own space to display my collection. I've seen some cool MODs to add RC control to the 8070 which I think is a great reason to play with this model again, hehe.
  8. Hello everyone. I'm from the UK and I'm a total newbie here and IRL to 'Lego Mania', I guess which is the term to describe die-hard fans. I suppose I'm AFOL who has fun building things, and intrigued by how things come together and work as a hole, but I'm no engineer! Whilst I did study mechanics and whatnot in Physics classes, that was a long time ago and not exactly a favourite subject of mine. I'm more of a computer geek and an online programmer. I suppose I first picked up interest in Lego Technic when I got my first model, 8070 Supercar for free (as the company I worked for had a bunch of prizes leftover in storage room that could be won from old competitions). The box immediately caught my eye and I could tell it was worth a fair bit of money in comparison to the other junk in there! I suppose I was of the mindset that I would be prepared to pay £200 for this model in the shops, thinking it was way overpriced for some bits of Lego (don't bash me for this!) Having built it and enjoying rebuilding, I now have a new-found appreciation of the amazing detail and functionality that can go into a technic model. However, that still wasn't enough to bring me into the fold... It was only until recently that I was looking for a 'cool' gift that I somehow came across MOCs. I've always been a fan of Ferrari cars and when I first saw Brunojj1's convertible MOC, I knew I just had to have one! Since the kid I was buying a gift for likes planes, I bought him the set 9394 from ebay and got myself one while I was at it :D In my searching of cool technic sets, I've come across the flagship 42056 and saw recently that it was on sale £50 off the retail price from lego.com so I went ahead a bought it to learn more about the mechanics and power functions that go into car sets. It's going to take a while for me to collect all the pieces necessary to build the MOC by Brunojj1 so the Porsche set shall help me learn more and give me a good base before taking on the MOC project. I'll be picking up the 42056 later today and have been reading up on it lately and it certainly looks challenging to build due to inadequacy of some of the mechanic functions :) Models owned:
  9. Thank you for your reply brunojj1. Your MOC is indeed very excellent and the very reason why I've decided to pick up 'Lego Mania' as a hobby. As I'm quite new to it all, it surely will be a challenge to gather the necessary pieces in order to be able to complete this MOC. Although this is an old topic, I'm surprised there isn't more discussion about it. I'm sure this will be a classic for among MOCs for a long time! If I ever managed to make a start on this, I hope I'll be able to share my experience with using SBrick on this project :) About the pictures not showing up anymore... this can simply be fixed by changing the host of the image links in the OP from to http://bricksafe.com/ (it's very back to link to an IP address)
  10. Anyone know if there would be any issues replacing the IR receivers with SBrick? Has anyone tried doing this yet?
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