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Eurobricks Archdukes
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Everything posted by THELEGOBATMAN

  1. One (1) generic Clone and one (1) brand new, specific-squadron Clone. Take it or leave it. I don't know what I'm going to do if the U-Wing doesn't include Dedra. I literally need that minifigure. After I got the Andor character pack for LEGO The Skywalker Saga, I only played with Dedra unless I needed to use another faction (which I used other Andor characters for). If she's not in this set I will have a full mental meltdown on this thread. This will be somehow even worse than not getting a Superman set, and that has already wounded my heart like a spear stabbing it (with a bonus two-sided twist, for extra pain).
  2. I need both. Dedra takes the first place of course, but she's more likely to appear in a set than Merrin, so I need to start manifesting the latter. (But if I get neither, I will become completely mad, and go on a morally-questionable rampage to LEGO HQ.)
  3. You know, I've replayed Fallen Order recently and I'm playing Survivor now—I find it extremely surprising that to this day, LEGO has barely tackled those games. They have an abundance of characters and enemy factions, along with new and returning ships and vehicles. Both of the games have proved extremely popular with fans and gamers alike. LEGO has clearly shown that they could make sets for it—the BD-1 figure and the Cow Kestis anniversary minifigure are proof of that. Why did they choose not to? Obviously, they don't have to make a whole wave for this game, but I believe just a single set would sell like hotcakes. (Also, I need a Merrin minifigure. I would kill fellow-creatures and commit tax fraud to get her as a minifigure.)
  4. I hate this theme—because what do you mean we're getting even more Clone sets in the Summer? We already had like three rumoured ones—out of ten at that, two of which are already buildable figures! Absolutely ridiculous. And it's not even the fact that they're based on the Prequels or The Clone Wars, because we barely see Jedi anymore—it's literally just Clone sets.
  5. There's nothing to buy. Renown is one of the most reliable leakers out there—he seldom posts anything, but when he does, you know it'll happen. And what's wrong with the Discord comment? It's also from a really reliable source.
  6. Then the leakers would've called it a Spider-Man CMF series, not a Spider-Verse one.
  7. Let's gooo! Getting the same feeling like when the Infinity Saga line was first rumoured. I wonder how far they'll go with those sets—the first two Raimi movies are a given, but will we get a set for the third one? Or the Amazing Spider-Man movies? Or more Spider-Verse sets? I will take all of them with open arms. (Especially Spider-Verse ones. I will buy every single one if I have to.)
  8. The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are getting ones later this year—specifically the Balrog and the Hogwarts Express scenes, respectively. We'd be missing out because book nooks aren't dioramas. They are book-shaped cuboids, which are arguably rather ugly when displayed by themselves—and I don't want to display a desirable LEGO set between some books, to be honest.
  9. No shoulder pads. 💔 I hate when that happens. That's why the new two-piece hood moulds are really cool (Season 1, Climber, and Season 3 Part 2 suits), since they have to include the whole suit.
  10. Twilight is an Ideas set. James Bond has barely anything to do with the novels at this point. Disney movies are based on fairy tales, not actual books. My point is, none of them are direct adaptations of books, like Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings movies are. These are the only active themes or subthemes LEGO has for actual book adaptations. I don't know how the merchandise for Sony work specifically, but the only sets for their Marvel movies we got before were the ones they made in collaboration with Disney. The fact that we're suddenly getting Spider-Verse (and possibly Raimi) sets at the same time means something has changed, and they can / decided to capitalise on it.
  11. I am actually quite surprised LEGO isn't actively pursuing Percy Jackson set. It's a Disney property, which they love. The books are beloved by both children and adults, and more are still coming out (especially with the new Percy Jackson trilogy). The new series has been a big success, and the second season is coming out. Not to mention it's full of interesting creatures and varied characters. This is literally perfect for LEGO. Honestly, I wouldn't count any of those. I would count Dune if it wasn't just a single set. Then you could also start counting the upcoming Twilight set. But the point is, with The Lord of the Rings, LEGO has shown that it's an ongoing subtheme of the Icons theme, so more sets are likely to come (and we know they are). With those two, it's just a single set for adult collectors. The rest aren't really adaptations of specific books, but loose interpretations of novels, fairy tales, or comicbooks. For example, Jurassic World has nothing to do with the books at this point.
  12. We've gotten our first Superman minifigure since 2021, and you're thinking about Apache Chief and Atom Smasher?
  13. Then again, if LEGO only based their book nooks on book adaptations, they'd immediately run out of properties—becomes what do they have besides The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter? I don't think there's anything more. Comicbooks are likely and make sense in the context, but I don't think they'd make the first-ever Raimi set a book nook.
  14. No way they'd make a book nook for a movie like this. Imagine the disappointment of people thinking they'd get an actual Spider-Man 2 set, only for it to be just another gimmick.
  15. Or Nueva York Train Chase—let a man dream. Still, it seems we'll at least get some interesting sets in 2HY beyond the monotonous Infinity Saga ones.
  16. Uh-huh, you can wait all the time you want to...
  17. Honestly, anytime now. CMF series are known for really early leaks—last year the D&D series got descriptions super early, and the picture leaked right after (I think it was at least half a year before their release date). Watch them do absolutely nothing interesting with Mr. Fantastic, making him just a regular minifigure without any specialised pieces or accessories.
  18. Not gonna happen. It's a D2C, those get reveals (or leaks) much later than regular retailer sets.
  19. I'm pretty sure he's the exact same as before—especially looking at the lifestyle photos. Nani doesn't use the same faceprint as Pocahontas, but honestly?—even that one would've been more fitting. I really hate how they butchered Nani as a minifigure.
  20. Right? Because no dual-moulding or dress piece are one thing, but my biggest complain for those minifigures is that they just don't look like their movie versions, at all. Lilo's hairpiece looks nothing like in the movie, and her faceprint doesn't capture her animated face at all. Looks like a generic LEGO child. (The legs also look awful in my opinion.) Nani is somehow even worse—her hair is awful, and her faceprint is just as bad; doesn't even barely resemble her animated counterpart! The torso should be orange, and it looks like she's wearing regular jeans with some weird rectangular holes for her knees. David looks better than both of them, with a good hairpiece and an acceptable faceprint (thanks to the goofy expression), but again, the legs ruin it all—they look like some punk-mechanic pants, and the feet printing is genuinely hideous. Stitch and Cobra are good, but not particularly exciting since they don't require any specialised parts, dual-mouldings, or anything.
  21. Honestly, I'm kind of underwhelmed. The house loses most of its charm when not built above the ground with the stairs—now it looks like a regular beach house. The build itself is nothing particularly special, but the interior is quite nice. Minifigures are particularly disappointing, and that's because of LEGO not being able to squeeze out any dual-moulding of a 90€ set. It's just ridiculous—David and Nani's legs look absolutely awful. Lilo also looks weird without the sleeves, and honestly I think they should've built her legs with the technique they used in the Harry Potter Yule Ball set. I will still buy it, since it's one of my favourite movies of all time, but I can't help being slightly disappointed that they couldn't do anything more with this set.
  22. I don't think it will crack if unplayed with. I heavily used those sets in my childhood, even taking their arms out multiple times.
  23. LMAO I saw this Tweet earlier today, but I didn't even notice that Scott Snyder himself posted it. Makes it twice as funny.
  24. The set has been revealed by rofu.de https://www.rofu.de/lego-disney-classic-43268-das-strandhaus-aus-lilo-und-stitch.html
  25. They actually pay an insane amount of money, they don't get anything—but it is probably the biggest event to promote a movie to the general audience, so it's understandable. We will definitely get a trailer before or during the Super Bowl, that's an obvious given. The January release date makes more sense though—movies get only short spots at Super Bowls anyway.
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