AoM: Store Phase 3: Sigurd's General Goods
Wow... the texturing of the stone walls and the roof are simply amazing... And the fully decorated interior definitely takes the cake
- Book II Chal V Cat A: Summons for the Loyal
Book ll Challenge V Category A: War already started
I love all the little details and spines on that skeleton dragon (worm?) thing.
Leopold of Norvica
That hair part is awesome, where is it from? Overall, a very nice figure :)
Book II Challenge V Category A: The Winged Serpent - Spire
Thanks for the advice, I'll try to keep it in mind and apply it in the future. The swamp water is sand green, by the way.
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
My entry for category a in Challenge V:
Book II Challenge V Category A: The Winged Serpent - Spire
Thanks! Does anyone have advice on photographing builds in black because they always come out a bit hard to see for me.
**Book II Challenge V Official Announcment**
My entry for category A: Can entries be edited after they have been submitted?
Book II Challenge V Category A: The Winged Serpent - Spire
Mounted atop a small but fearsome winged serpent, the courier for the Black Spire is charged with the transport of top secret blueprints for a fearsome war machine... The Winged Serpent by tilenull, on Flickr My apologies for my terrible photography skills; C/C is appreciated.
Kartoffel Keep
I couldn't think of a good name so I threw a bunch of random words into Google translate (I'm American) Potatoes are one of my favorite foods :)
- Bálkr Fort
Kartoffel Keep
Atop Kartoffel Keep, the sorceror Azareth summons dragons to aid the Nocturnian resistance in their civil war... http://Kartoffel Keep by tilenull, on Flickr Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated.
Forgotten Shrine
Thanks for the feedback and the help with the photo! Thank you for the feedback and the help with the photo as well. I agree, the base is in desperate need of shaping but I had a lack of dark tan pieces and I kinda threw it together as an afterthought. Thanks! I originally intended to add tiles but I wasn't sure if I could dig enough of them out of my tiny collection (which is in desperate need of resorting). I'm okay with the final result since I feel the studs contrast nicely with the smooth shrine. Thanks! Thanks for the advice, I'll try to redo the base and keep that in mind for future builds.
Forgotten Shrine
A shrine to a forgotten deity, hidden away in the Rakath mountains of Nocturnus. Carved directly into the mountain itself, it remains perfectly preserved thanks to the ley lines that run beneath it. Forgotten Shrine by tilenull, on Flickr Still new to castle building and my photography skills are sketchy; C/C is welcome. Edit: Thanks @Legofin2012 and @Henjin_Quilones for the help with the picture :)
Tilenull changed their profile photo
Book II - Nocturnus: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Tyle of Nol pledges his allegience to Lord Ssilyrith and the resistance, the rightful rulers of Nocturnus.
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