The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Can we get that Bat-pirateship already!? That is the thing which has peaked my interest the most so far. Hopefully a summer set. Depends which version they will go for. However based on the tone so far the clock head makes the much sense since it is over the top silly and campy like the movie. So hopefully. I think two bigwigs in one set is a bit too much. However they are doing it for Huld versus Red hulk. However the mutant leader is not as big as Killer croc nor Bane a regular minifig would be a better fit. I sure hope we get the Bat zeppelin much rather that than the Batmobile which granted is unique but is just another Batmobile (I would rather have a more classic and nostalgic Batmobile like the one from TAS).
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
According to brickset 70910 will cost 10$ not saying they have the correct price just wanted to throw it in there. I agree the set looks more like a 20$ set than 30$. Happy Clayface is down to 35$ very good price for all of those pieces.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
You have to go and see. Sets has been seen in Germany as well so you could be lucky. There is no guarantee the shop will sell it before hand since they are not allowed. If you can then great if not you will have the opportunity to get your hands on them pretty soon.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Scarecrow's Special Pizza delivery and Batman in the Phantom Zone has not official been shown. We will also get 4 summer sets.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
I didn't say you were against nor I'm - why should I be?. My point was mainly it is normal for Lego to news new pieces and not have them exclusive for one series (unless it is printed licensed or mini figures. I'm not against your postI mainly saying it is no surprise lego uses a new pieces in various sets. It is a pieces you could easily use for boat or plane (the tail) mocs. Now I haven't seen the Mr. freeze figures in really life however I like this one better than the one in the TLBM set.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Why shouldn't Lego use a piece from a set in another series? It is expensive to get new moulds (development, producing and so on). When Lego is making new pieces the generally want to use them as in many sets as possible so when made they can use them in various sets. it is simply cost effective to do use a new piece. Just like the boat in this set is used in another Juniors set. The pieces will like be used in the future as well for instance in the summer wave of the TLBM or maybe in a themed outside lego for being creative and use the new piece.
DC Super Heroes Wishlists
The difference is Star wars movies 4-5-6 are what people know Star Wars is. You have to get rather nerdy if you have been dealing with the Expanded Universe (besides Clone Wars which was aimed at younger audience). DC characters on the other hand has many different versions and Batman 66 is one which polarise the fanbase. I think LEGo will continue to do rather generic sets which everybody can use. I think we will se a TAS Batmobile before anything else.. Since the series has quite a fanbase and the Batmobile is viewed as one of the best.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
I haven't seen any RRP for Britain. Where do you got the RRP for Lowrider and Batmobile from? The pund has devalued since the voting which make imported more expensive to buy and import and thus making the price higher since. It is also beneficial if your value decrease since it makes it cheaper for people from other countries to import that contras goods. It has been used several times in history in effort to get an economy better. However this has not really been possible in the EU because of the Euro and members who aren't part of the EU has been force to steady exchange rate to the Euro. I understand sources need to be anonymous however people need to address according to pictures/catalog I have seen or according to my sources instead of just people are claiming prices, sets and what not.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
They are doing what they are told by the company. If they don't it could have the consequences they won't get the Lego in the future or get them after the release. Some have gotten them early because either the place didn't care or the staffer did something they weren't suppose to do. It is not like you got screwed from something you were entitled to.
- DC Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
DC Superheroes 2017 - Set Discussion
The set is is most likely not part of the winter wave but summer wave. LEGO released the Batman/Superman versus Lex Luthor this summer. The previous Batman Juniors set was out for over a year. If it is not part of the winter lineup then you won't see pictures in the forthcoming future.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Based on what RRP? The only RRP given so far is 40$. There is no RRP for the sets in EU/England. The exchange rate for 40$ is £31,92. Many sets have the same price in USD and pund. It should also be noted that the price in Euros and Punds includes sales taxes which it doesn't do in the US do to regional sale tax. So the price for Lego is only comparable if you are from Delaware. I will be very surprised if the set turns out to cost £30. England is still part of the EU and the full effect hasn't shown yet at all. the only thing the voting has effect is a drop in exchange rate. However the price wouldn't have been £30 if the UK had voted remain.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
It wasn't my point to bog-down the the thread. My point was simply that it was a great first Batman story to get if you anybody was interested in learning more about the Calendar man. besides it is a great comic for new readers.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Calendar Man got his make over as a Hannibal Lector kind of character (Batman interviews him on several occasions to get ideas on who the killer is) in The Long halloween from the mid 90s written by Jeph Loeb and Dran by Tim sale. Great stort which has a lot of Batman's rogues in the stor. Worth reading. Shouldn't be hard to track down as TPB (trade paperback). Hard to do with out any info on the summersets. If the all have a regular Batman as the winter wave then it will be around 14-18. We got 4 in the sets and IIRC there would be 10-14 Batman in the CMF 5 non Batman heroes and 5-7 villains. That is of cause if the list is correct. Some have speculated that te CMF will all have exclusive figures and Batsuits appearing other places like Excalibur Batman won't be in the CMF line.
The LEGO Batman Movie Set/CMF Rumors & Discussion
Some 27th of November some 1st of January.
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