Hi @msx80,
This is truly amazing and looks so good. Thank you so much!
I have only noticed that in the part list in the end the axle/beam numbers are not included. Not a big deal but would be nice if they were included.
Also the text and arrow functions are great and really usefull now.
Only one problem I noticed before is that when you click "(re)generate from steps" button (or update you model ldd file and than click the regenerate button) that all the allignment settings,, postion, text, arrows etc I made are deleted. I regenerate because sometimes I make a mistake in the ldd and have to update the ldd file.
I can imagine that this is hard to solve as you completely regenerate all pages. Or would it be possible to attach and save the settings to certain steps?
This request is not priority but would be really nice and usefull to have in the future.
Again thank you for your fast service!
Cheers, Carl