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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. LegoModularFan started following CarsonBrick
  2. CarsonBrick posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Here's my entry for the Winter Village contest! I hope you guys like it! Happy Holidays!!!! (Also, just as a little comment: I'm from Southern California where there is no snow. This is my depiction of a not so white Christmas!) Winter Village: Corner Store by Carson Hart, on Flickr
  3. I think this is a real fantastic contest and fun to enter in. I look forward to participating, however, I'm really not a big fan of the voting. I just feel like certain entries can easily get overlooked and others get voted for more because they see other people voting for that person. I generally think it's best when there is a group of judges who all give their vote non-subjectively. Otherwise I think this is a great contest and look forward to the next one!
  4. CarsonBrick replied to CarsonBrick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Ohhhhhhhhh, that makes sense. Thank you
  5. CarsonBrick replied to CarsonBrick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    But other people have replied to their own topics and there is no technic hole?
  6. CarsonBrick replied to CarsonBrick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Just wondering, does my (1x1 blue brick) mean anything if it has a technic hole in it? I haven't used Eurobricks in a while and completely forgot if it means anything. Sorry I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong
  7. CarsonBrick replied to CarsonBrick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Thank you guys!
  8. CarsonBrick posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Here's my last minute entry! I hope you guys like it, and Happy Holidays! Winter Village Gazebo by Carson Hart, on Flickr Here's a pic of the violin player at sunset, just for fun. Violin at Sunset by Carson Hart, on Flickr
  9. Great entry as always!
  10. Sorry, I've never posted a photo on here without taking it from Flickr. I need to figure this out :P
  11. CarsonBrick replied to Rick's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I already commented on the Brothers Brick but I'm curious on your thoughts: "I noticed how similar this building is to my “French Cafe” that was featured on here in the past. The restaurant/ bakery on the bottom floor, a bedroom in the middle floor, and a studio on the top, with a fold down roof. Also little details like the dumpster and rat in the back. I don’t mind it at all, but it’s interesting on how their models sometimes appear to be inspired by those in the community."
  12. CarsonBrick posted a post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    [ Missed the Train! by Carson Hart, on Flickr] For the "No Gravity" category on MOCpages. By the way, some of the background is edited in Photoshop to give it a cooler, more realistic feel. It feels good to finally build some Harry Potter again :) [ IMG_9208 by Carson Hart, on Flickr] Here's the original photo.
  13. 4. Kristel -1 point 5. dr_spock -1 point 7. toutouille -1 point 20. Mark of Falworth -1 point 22. Oky -1 point
  14. CarsonBrick posted a post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    My second entry for the sic-fi contest over at Eurobricks! This was really fun to make, and it was cool to finally make something Steampunk... Plus Momo is awesome. Momo's Machine by Carson Hart, on Flickr
  15. I wasn't sure what to title this, but I found out that "alaula" means dawn in Hawaiian, so I thought it would work. Anyways, here's my entry for the sic-fi contest over at Eurobricks. I sort of imagined the bridge as a futuristic style version of the classic bridges that trains cross over. The build is also inspired by Dr. Seuss. PS: I started building another microscale scene that was underground, but it just didn't really work for me. I also really wanted to use some of my Scala pieces and this was much more fun. I'll post my other entry in a little bit! The Land of the Alaula by Carson Hart, on Flickr
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