Everything posted by Lucarex
Latest news about Lego animal moulds
OMG. Well, I was excited about the Arctic Explorer ship before I knew the orca was being resurrected. I mean it's only taken 5 years since it was cancelled (2018 TRU collapse) but boy is it worth the wait. Even the goofy little face. And better yet, we get a small set with seals. Time to reenact those brutal scenes from David Attenborough's Wild Isles methinks
Lego Architecture - rumors and discussion
I’m afraid that ship has long sailed when ART left the company in 2019.
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
So, less than 12 hours after release, S@H has the two smaller sets (fighter plane and Egyptian tomb) on back order until… ….26 JUNE!!! WTF? However you explain it, that’s a massive ball dropped by TLG. Either marketing/production got their figures ridiculously wrong or the scalpers were allowed carte blanche to buy for resale. Do back order dates ever come down?
Unpopular Opinions about LEGO
Personally (and I know many will disagree) I'm not a fan of the boring as hell black background boxes that seem to be ubiquitous these days, even on the IDEAS range. I miss the gorgeous artwork on stuff like the Old Fishing Store, Ship in Bottle etc, hell, even the retinal haemorrhage-inducing Hidden Side sets had some creative originality.
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lego Architecture - rumors and discussion
This really grinds my gears. How can you "not be a fan of this" before we've even seen images? Because it's "massive" (you can only assume from piece count only) and more expensive than the boring and ubiquitous "Skylines"? This line is called "Architecture" for a reason not "Tourist Attractions" as it's sadly become over the last few years, and this is the first example of a return to those golden days when the theme put out some really great sets under Adam Reed Tucker. Many of us thought those days were long over.
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
At this point, the most likely scenario IMO is that the 77014 TOD has failed final stage QC on build stability, and remains internally delayed albeit subject to cancellation if priorities shift. If these initial sets do well (and they will clearly) and the DOD sets get the green light, then this will hit the shelves eventually, assuming they fix the technical issues. If either or both of those don't happen, then well they don't have to change from their deliberately vague statement about "optimising the launch". It's really the only explanation that makes sense and fits with the complete lack of transparency (as they could never openly admit to that reason out of embarrassment). p.s. Goes without saying but I'm counting down the days, no hours....until I can get my hands on 77015. Not insanely priced and an iconic diorama with play features, what more can you want? I know some will recoil in horror, but I've just sold the 2008 version (bagged up and unloved for many a year) to fund the new.
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
- Indiana Jones 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
Lego Architecture - rumors and discussion
Confirmed 21060 Himeji Castle Price: 159.99$/€ Release: August 1st 2125 pieces
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
That TV series 1 finished a good 4 months ago now and yet it's still being discussed here? I'd be surprised if LEGO make any sets based on it anytime soon, especially before S2 is done, given the negative tsunami the show (rightfully) received. I'm very far from a Tolkien/LOTR fanboy (indifferent at best) but painful price aside, there's no doubting that Rivendell set is a thing of beauty. The Brickheadz trio is also a fun introduction to the theme.
Licensed Lego Ideas - Support & Discussion
Doesn't translate automatically into sales. Especially when they see what an expensive empty void of creativity it actually is. I get that it's aimed at pre-teen girls (and their mums probably) but that's no excuse for it to look like it was designed by one. The Spice Girls BH set also got a lot of attention at launch, but sold very poorly and heavily discounted (40-50%) at S@H before long, lined up for an early EOL fate thereafter.
Licensed Lego Ideas - Support & Discussion
Let's be honest, from concept to execution, it's a embarrassing entry in the history of IDEAS that'll deservedly gather dust in bargain bins before long. WTF were they thinking? Cringeworthy. That minigolf set that lost out in the vote (Target?) to the Viking village, needs an invite to the BDP party.
Icons Landmark Buildings - Rumours and Discussion
And that right there - literally - is the elephant in the room. Aside from obsessed Francophiles with space to fill, sales of this will be very very limited. Too big, too expensive and lacking the subject interest of the Titanic. To paraphrase Jeff Goldblum’s dinosaur scientist “those LEGO marketeers were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should”.
- Latest news about Lego animal moulds
LEGO Hidden Side 2020
Discontinued? Why the 3.5.4 update released only a week ago (including new ghosts) then? Just a final last Halloween season hurrah?
LEGO Ideas Discussion
If that’s 300 euro, it can be powered by a micro cold fusion cell and I’ll still pass. Insane price. The OFS in my house is sat alongside the HS lighthouse (which this just looks like a bigger more boring version of). Sure at almost equal heights, it’s out of scale but still looks great, especially adorned with various suitable minifigs. Honestly I’ve better uses (Knights’ Castle) for 300+ notes than this IDEAS set, motorised or not. Oh and just as a comparison, this new lighthouse if the price rumour is true, works out at almost double the OFS price for an almost identical part number. Just let that sink in…
LEGO IDEAS - Vincent van Gogh: The Starry Night
Ah, so it’s an inside reference. Lost on me haha
LEGO IDEAS - Vincent van Gogh: The Starry Night
Err, in what way exactly??? I’ll be modding that ridiculously clunky and long sticky out strut and place Vincent more flush within his own painting First the Giza pyramid and now this, never mind this year, how about this month! 😆
Lego Architecture - rumors and discussion
That’s an embarrassing post tbh. The price isn’t “totally out of touch” and your comparison is ludicrous. Sorry to be harsh.
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