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Everything posted by Lucarex

  1. Never has the phrase “knocked it out of the park” been so apt. Every lacklustre mediocre touristy “architecture” set of the last few few years is now forgotten. This is a BEAUTY and everything I didn’t dare hope for
  2. All this discussion and description sounds to me like it will very similar in size, layout and scope as the Pharaoh's Quest scorpion pyramid, except "adultified".
  3. @Herky Yes that’s the one!
  4. At that price, I’m praying they go for detail AND an interior of sorts, not just scale. FWIW, the PQ pyramid was about the same price back in the day, and what a fantastic set that was.
  5. It’s a lovely set and I imagine that within the year, it’ll be sold openly in Billund. In fact, it’s basically the next LEGI House 21037 (which was sold at Billund and eventually even went online S@H in the UK and Europe for a limited time). It’s just employees get the early VIP treatment here. That’s what I’m hoping anyway - and reassured by the Architecture branding also - because if this really is a one-off exclusive for employees and Campus launch opening guests only, it’s a massive slap in the face of us Architecture fans and god knows we’ve had a good few slaps already over the past few years.
  6. Finally some promising news… 31207 Museum of Modern Art (MoMA New York) 2870 bricks £69.99/€74.99/$79.99 Released Jun 1st Hopefully they do the building and atrium with garden, justice. Also hopefully TLG don’t let today’s stabbings/attack on museum staff by a disgruntled nutcase, affect anything like it did with the sheer horror of Mandalay Bay and the LV skyline. Truly horrible thing to hear, thankfully all victims non-critical and stable it seems.
  7. I’m not so convinced TLG’s “religion avoidance” is still a thing (the reissue of the Taj Mahal for one thing) but either way, it’s still an iconic world famous statue synonymous with Brasil, on a continent long overdue representation in this theme.
  8. Knowing TLG, it’ll just be a composite skyline of Eiffel, Liberty, Big Ben etc 🙄 Seriously though, if we take that codename to be a thinly-veiled reference to the modern day wonders of the world, there’s several standouts they haven’t touched before… New Seven Wonders of the World Great Wall of China. Great Wall of China. ... Chichén Itzá, Mexico. ... Petra. the Khaznah. ... Machu Picchu, Peru. ... Christ the Redeemer. Rio de Janeiro ... Colosseum. Colosseum. ... Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal.
  9. Think you might want to check your own spelling there 😉 Insomniac - someone who regularly can’t sleep, and exhausted and desperate will usually try every remedy possible. I was obviously suggesting building this set would be a cure.
  10. Looks an insomniac’s dream build and a painfully dull aesthetic to me, even more boring than the previous 2 stadium efforts and that’s saying something. It’s not even the hugely renovated Bernabeu, a wreck that like the San Siro, had its hey day in the ‘90s. And this isn’t tribal either as I wouldn’t want to see my team’s (equally as iconic) stadium. Proof that the marketing bots have taken over at TLG. You know what would have been infinitely better? A new unlicensed football “Sports” theme or controversially, a tie in with the World Cup at the end of the year in Qatar.
  11. Entirely predictable. These stadiums’ release schedule clearly show they have been in development at the same time, just at different stages. Next up, Bayern Munich, Liverpool, Juventus etc. When you realise that these are the biggest clubs in the world, both commercially and in terms of support, with adult fans easily spending €350 for a single ticket and travel without a second’s hesitation, then the market seems obvious to LEGO. Only problem is these things are so large (and incredibly boring to build) that they are almost impossible to display as usual, unless you have a very understanding wife or a dedicated LEGO room.
  12. Like everything else in Singapore! Can see this choice being true, I have the standalone MBS set so no interest in a Skyline, but if this is all that’s on the horizon for 2022, then LEGO may as well put the theme out of its misery and retire it altogether.
  13. It’ll either be a rebuild small scale Eiffel Tower or an uninspired choice of Skyline (like Chicago) at that price.
  14. Beg to differ. The latest shrunken Taj looks meh. As for sports stadiums, they are often described as modern-day cathedrals for loyal supporters. .
  15. Promobricks confirms its not a GWP but will cost 34.99€
  16. Did the mid-hinge mod swapout last night. So elegant and simple giving the perfect seamless look. It does beg the question who signed off on the original? Bad day at the office whoever.
  17. Exactly my point! That’s what typifies Japanese architecture. Let’s be honest, Tokyo tower is just a red and white Eiffel, the Skytree another Space/Needle CN Tower. Shibuya has no architectural merit whatsoever, just a traffic crossing as “touristy” as it comes. What next, the Abbey Road zebra? I’ll give you Edo but hey, it’s a castle and we know how precious LEGO are about those. Hard to believe it’s been almost a decade since Imperial Hotel. Aware of that fact but it gives them free reign to include more traditional “religious” buildings and the like. Look at TOA, TLNM-TOUUW, NC, NG.
  18. Sure, if “interesting” is a euphemism for boring, unimaginative etc. Such as? It’s a country full of architectural wonders but unfortunately most are traditional and temples and shrines. Anyway, you can’t really beat Ninjago City & Gardens
  19. No worries, sorry to be that guy who spots the one anomaly. Thanks for the great comparison list anyway.
  20. What about Water Dragon Nya’s tailpiece recoloured from Hidden Side’s Nehmaar Reem?
  21. Petra would look amazing in sand red, it’s the perfect match in early evening to sunset. These days with commercialisation much more accessible via YT etc. I’d imagine student projects aren’t given any exemptions. But then that’s French bureaucracy for you. My advice? Easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission
  22. That’s because they wanted to use it for commercial purposes and use footage of the actual building. I seriously doubt it was be a no-go, just they probably didn’t want to or couldn’t pay the associated fee and complete the necessary permissions and wait time. There’s lots of red tape and costs involved when it comes to filming locations, not just in Paris.
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