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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Lucarex

  1. It’s technically owned by the city and they can only effectively enforce copyright when it’s lit up as that’s considered an art installation. It was a very prominent part of the 2019 Skyline so it’s extremely unlikely there’s any ongoing license issues.
  2. Exactly, that fundamentally underlines the massive shift from education to populism in this theme. When I first bought the Trevi Fountain, my 4 year old was fascinated (not just with the build) and it instilled his interest in the subject and then location. It’s still the top of his list to see when we visit, hopefully next spring. Same with several other sets, the NY Guggenheim reissue for example.
  3. Huh? It’s already been in 3 sets so far.
  4. The third option. Shake our heads with despair, instantly pull the release for the stage trapdoor beneath the dog, and shout “next please!” But I think this it for me, the onset of my “dark ages” if you like with this once-great but now-unrecognisable theme. It’s fair enough if you’re no longer the target demographic, but the sad and frustrating thing is, between the tourist tat, the unwanted reissues, and ridiculous piece count obsession that gave birth to the Colosseum, I don’t think LEGO even has the slightest clue what that is anymore. I guess ART sat in those meetings, heard the new opinions in the room, and saw the writing on the wall a couple of years ago.
  5. Meanwhile, Adam Reed Tucker’s Atom Bricks have (finally) just released three new models… - SC Johnson Global Headquarters - The Alamo (History subtheme) - Niagara Falls (Nature subtheme). Now I know a lot of people (myself included) had issues with the Atom brick itself but at least there’s some creativity here that’s sorely lacking at TLG. https://theatombrick.com/collections/all
  6. Ah ok thanks I misunderstood, thought they’d just lifted from official description.
  7. Thanks but as I said those specs are on S@H except with the word “over” included, so I wanted a real life check.
  8. Ok so whatever became of this absolutely gorgeous MOC ? If it lies bagged up, protected from the sands of time (ok well 10 years) in a dark tomb-like drawer somewhere, drop me a PM
  9. Anyone?
  10. Now my disgust and apathy have settled down, I’ve tried to look at this scaled down Taj with a critical eye… …and been left seriously unimpressed. At least the Creator Expert model (y’know the one they only reissued like a year or so ago ) allowed for finer details alongside the grandeur of the building itself. This set has neither and the compromises are many. It’s not like it’s a cheap impulse buy either at close to 100 notes, and at 32 studs deep (like the similarly dimensioned and awkward Trafalgar Square) isn’t going to play nicely on a shelf with skylines for example. No, it’ll need it’s own bespoke space (like behind the counter of a local Indian restaurant) and to be brutally honest, I don’t think it deserves such special treatment. As for building, the symmetry and all those 1x1 tiles and ingots are going to make the build as fun and stimulating as a post-COVID trip to the dentist.
  11. Can someone who has built FFM do me a quick favour and confirm exact vs official dimensions for shelf? LEGO uses that unhelpful phrase “measuring at over…”. Width and depth the only measurements that matter as working up custom shelf. Thanks!
  12. Calling it now, next year we’ll see a scaled down Colosseum
  13. I couldn’t be more underwhelmed or disappointed. Talk about phoning it in. This theme is done as far as I’m concerned.
  14. Just caught up with the season and sets. Feels churlish to complain about either, both the creativity and drama are top notch. Not going to repeat what many have commented on, only to add just the following: - Kalmaar’s chariot (with HB set) and that recoloured/printed stingray - No Ripper sharks booo...
  15. Not an obvious or easy mod to retrofit into the undercarriage from what I can see. Would require drilling out two studs on the bottom plate to attach that 5-wide Technic piece externally via pins. The Batwing had it built internally under the cockpit and is of course a much flatter and symmetrical design, so easier to hang.
  16. Where are those watermelon heads from?
  17. Las Vegas was a poor choice IMO and for me, the epitome of “LEGO Tourist Traps” theme that Architecture has become. It should have been canned after the Mandalay Bay delay.
  18. St Mark’s basilica in the Venice Skyline set. As for large sets, the reissued Taj Mahal may have been Creator Expert themed but it’s an Architecture set in all but name.
  19. They’ve crossed it before and recently too.
  20. Two S15 sets leaked accidentally on Amazon, decent if not hi-res pics... 71750 Lloyd’s Hydro Mech 71752 Ninja Sub Speeder
  21. Excitement really building for the Temple set now. Only 7 weeks to go!
  22. Only wanted RR and WEC, but the former is completely ruined. I may get anyway and see if I can surgically modify those ridiculous legs. Agree, I’d probably sell the fig itself just to get the cheese.
  23. Risky. By the time the (seriously meh) probe is ready, the Shuttle might be backordered for a while. That’s annoying 😒. Didn’t show up in Europe S@Hs and I really wanted to pick up the Rocket Ride last year. The space coin sold out in less than an hour.
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